Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2816: Barefoot

  Chapter 2836 Showing off his feet

   Not to mention that the real Thunder person strays into the waves, clinks glasses with Zhaoju from time to time, and occasionally winks at Yuan Xifei, just talk about Xiao Hua, he has just started to practice the secret technique of lingering for more than a thousand years, and time has helplessly escaped from the ink landscape.

  There is a problem with the repair of the flesh.

  After the body of time returned, Xiao Hua took a closer look at the body. Although he had been repaired for 20,000 years, Xiao Hua's body and the immortal mark were seriously injured, and at this time it was only a small part of the repair.

But now, no matter whether it is the flesh or the immortal mark, there is no way to repair it. Among the 133,200 light spots of the flesh, there is a layer of pale black outline covering the scar. This outline seems to be engraved on the scar. The power of law Very strong, Xiao Hua can't get rid of it.

  As for immortal marks, demon marks, and witch marks, the pale black outline is even worse, almost becoming a net, covering the scars heavily. With Xiao Hua's current strength and repairing secrets, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

  "Damn Emperor Zitong~"

Xiao Hua gritted his teeth and thought to himself, "The elimination of the power of this law is either stronger than Emperor Zitong, or the right medicine is prescribed. Of course, Xiao has understood the cultivation method of Emperor Zitong, but wants to cultivate a similar fire. The rules are extremely difficult, so don’t even think about prescribing the right medicine."

"Then we can only consider forced removal. In this heavenly court, the one who can help Xiao Mou, and is stronger than Emperor Zitong, is naturally the Emperor of Heaven. Unfortunately, even this old man, Xiao Mou dare not believe it too much! The time condensate, the immortal mark, the witch mark, and the demon mark, the marks of the three realms, are not ordinary secrets, and they must not be easily revealed."

   "Of course, if Xiao's physical body can enter the space, he should also be able to do meritorious work with the power of Xiao Hua, but it is a pity that this is more difficult than Xiao's cultivation to the heavenly sovereign, so don't think about it!"

  After that, Xiao Hua tried the Sanguang Divine Water again. The Sanguang Divine Water was detoxifying and not very useful for healing. When thinking of the Three Light Divine Water, Xiao Hua naturally thought of the Five Color Divine Fire, but it was a pity that the Five Color Divine Fire was also useless.


After receiving the three-light divine water, Xiao Hua suddenly patted his forehead and laughed at himself, "Why did Xiao forget to return the **** pill? Just sniffing this thing can eliminate the three turbidity and five defeats of the heavenly Confucianism, better than the holy lotus seed. It must be arrogant, maybe it can eliminate the power of this law!"

   "The Book of Materia Medica" records the efficacy of the Nine Return God Pills, but does not write specific healing, and these Nine Return God Pills are heavenly elixir. Xiao Hua is really not sure whether it can heal the power of the law of Dao Immortal Realm.

  Since there is hope, Xiao Hua naturally wants to give it a try, but Xiao Hua just took out the Nine Return Shendan, he frowned slightly, and got out of his body and entered the space.

  In the space, Yu Di Lei Ting smiled on his face, hurriedly greeted him, and asked with concern: "Friends, how is the injury?"

  Jade Diablo Xiao Hua looked at Yu Dia Ting’s smile, quite feeling cold behind her back, and asked, "What's the matter?"


  Yu Ting Lei Ting raised his hand, took out a bleak elixir, and ostentatiously said, "Pan Dao has a unique elixir in Dao immortal world, which has miraculous effects on healing. If you are seriously injured, you can try it~"

   "Is this an elixir?"

Xiao Hua glanced at the elixir in the hand of Yu Di Lei Ting, a smile appeared on her face, and she asked back.


Yu Di Lei Ting was taken aback, and hurriedly lowered his head to look again. When he could see that there was another blue crystal in the immortal pill forbidden, he suddenly exclaimed, "Damn! What is this? What does Zhaoju mean? ??"

  Speaking, the Jade Die Thunder grabbed it with a big hand, and it would destroy the elixir with the blue crystal hidden in it!


   Xiao Hua was happy when he heard it, and hurriedly stopped, "Don't worry, let me talk about what's going on first?"

  "This, this~"

   Yu Yan Lei Ting was a little bit embarrassed, and replied, "Isn’t it anxious to find Wenquan to be unlucky? Dao friends don’t allow me, I just wander around in the immortal world..."

Then Yu Di Lei Ting explained the ins and outs of the matter. Looking at the smile on Yu Di Xiao Hua's face, Yu Di Lei Ting became furious. He jumped up and cursed: "I think he is a good friend. To take this kind of thing to harm Poor Dao, fellow Daoist is waiting, Poor Dao will go and clean him up!"

  "Don't worry, don't worry~"

  Jade Diablo Xiao Hua hurriedly blocked Yu Di Lei Ting, took the so-called elixir, and said with a smile, "Let’s talk about how you treat him as a good friend..."

   Speaking of the jade slip, Xiao Hua blew a breath, trying to remove the restrictions other than the elixir, but when the jade slip, Xiao Hua looked closely, his face suddenly changed, and his smile condensed on his face.

Xiao Hua's expression changed drastically. It is said that he could see the jade thunder, but at this time the jade thunder was ashamed and embarrassed. He didn't think so much at all. He bowed his head and replied, "It's not that the poor Dao was in Huang Zengtian. After becoming famous, he was discovered by the Palace of Desire..."

  Afterwards, Yu Di Lei Ting also talked about the relationship between himself and Zhao San.

  Seeing that there is nothing to hide from Yu Di Ting, Yu Di Xiao Hua smiled and asked: "Do you think Zhao Ju is a confidant friend?"


  Yu Ting Lei Ting nodded vigorously, "If it weren't for the difference in this elixir, Pang Dao wouldn't doubt him at all!"

Xiao Hua originally wanted to use Zhaojuan as a sharpening stone, but he looked at the immortal forbidden on the elixir, he didn't dare, because he found that the origin of Zhaojuan might be more incredible than he thought, so he pointed out. : "Is it possible that you don't think that the things that are in the City of Jade Swordsman are Zhao Judged deliberately insulting them?"


  Lei Ting was taken aback for a moment, his eyes rolled, and he said in surprise, "The Daoist said so, it really means something like this kind of conspiracy!"

  Yu Yan Xiao Hua asked: "Did fellow Taoists talk to Qingqing about the sentence?"

  "She is a womanly family~"

  Yu Yan Lei Ting's expression became a little unnatural, and he waved his hand and said, "What did you tell her?"

  "Tao friends~"

  Yu Yan Xiao Hua said in a serious tone, UU reading www. uukanshu. com "Regarding the sentence, from now on, you must discuss with Qingqing..."

   "What are you doing?"

  Thunder is displeased, and frowns, "This is a poor thing!"

   "Do you know why the poor Dao gave you the Yin and Yang Illustrated Book?"

Xiao Hua said, "Because Zhaoju is the ancestor of Hongmeng!"


  Thunderbolt immediately jumped up and shouted, "Impossible! How could Zhaojuan be the ancestor of Hongmeng??"

   "I couldn't figure out this matter before..."

  Yu Yan Xiao Hua pointed to the immortal forbidden outside the green crystal and said, "Seeing these immortal forbiddens, Pang Dao seems to understand something."

   "These immortals are forbidden??"

  Yu Ting Lei Ting looked at the dense scalp of Xian Jin outside the green crystal, and he really couldn't see anything.

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  (End of this chapter)

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