Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2821: Beloved


Li Mengyang's face changed drastically when he heard the familiar voice.

She knew that this was an illusion, and she knew it was what she thought, but she really wanted to see if the parents in the hut were the same, or if the hut had changed after she left!

Li Mengyang gritted his teeth and raised his left foot.

At the foot is the mountain trail in the dream, but Li Mengyang knows that this foot may be the abyss, and he might be dead forever!

Li Mengyang hesitated for a while, silently controlling his mind, but it was a pity that his mind could not be moved. Then Li Mengyang patted his brow again, but it was obvious that the immortal mark between his brows was long gone.

Li Mengyang knew that he had fallen into the Wen Family Immortal Array, and he couldn't get out of it at all by his own strength.

Li Mengyang looked up again at the hut, turned his head and knelt on the ground, and kowtow to the moon in the darkness, "Master, I forgive my disciple's incompetence. After all, I can't get rid of the demon! The disciple is unwilling. Even if the disciple sinks forever, he wants to see it again. Look at your parents!"

"Little Flute~"

"The concubine body has also broken his promise, and the concubine body can't accompany her husband to laugh at the fairy world. I hope that the husband can escape this illusion safely..."

After speaking, Li Mengyang stood up resolutely and strode towards the hut, even with a sense of relief and excitement in his eyes.

When Li Mengyang fell, he was not as good as the golden hairpin. Before he walked to the hut, he was already a yellow-mouthed child. Looking at the bamboo door that was a bit higher than herself, Li Mengyang raised her arm. Unfortunately, her strength was too weak to push. Open the bamboo door!


Li Mengyang cried, she abandoned her status as an immortal, gave up struggling, and she never expected such an ending!


While weeping, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves came out around the hut, but under the moonlight, in the shadows around the hut, all the weird elves in their childhood dreams floated out!

Unspeakable horror came from the bottom of Li Mengyang's heart. She really could not think that the ancient immortal clan's methods were so powerful. She did not know how many times she had practiced this Daoji, and even the nightmare she had forgotten was actually inspired by the ancient immortal formation.

Li Mengyang's figure trembled in fear, her small hands were clenched tightly, and the palms of her hands were full of sweat.

"Master, master~"

At this time, Li Mengyang felt extremely helpless. The dark condensed ghost seemed to be able to devour herself in one bite. Looking at the dark figure close at hand, she muttered silently in her heart, "The disciple pleads with the master. It is a self-willed disciple. The lord saves the disciples, saves Xiaodi, saves the good luck disciples who fell into the fairy formation..."


Just as Li Mengyang prayed, the bamboo door opened, and the candlelight in the hut rushed out, and the dark ghosts surrounding Li Mengyang suddenly shattered.

In the light, two pleasantly surprised voices rang, "Yadan, yadan,'re back..."

After that, Li Mengyang was hugged by four warm hands in a hurry...

The door of the hut was closed, the warmth and light were locked in the house, and the coldness and darkness were blocked outside, but in the darkness, Zhang Qingxiao slowly showed his figure, he looked at the hut faintly, and whispered "Li Mengyang, there is only this I can do for your master. I hope you can get out of the demon. Of course, you can choose to continue to enter the hut. It should be the same as your master thought. With this heart, I believe you can also get out of the hut. ..."

After speaking, Zhang Qingxiao's figure disappeared, the wind remained, and the darkness remained.

Since it is an illusion, naturally there will be no moon setting and sun rising.

I don't know how long it took, a "boom" of the sun rising from behind the hut, Li Mengyang's figure slowly grew taller in the sun.

Inside the hut, two rickety figures walked out shaking hands. They waved at Li Mengyang, and as they walked out, the hut began to fade in the sun!

"Boom boom boom~"

When the hut was about to disappear, there was another roar above the sky, and the bright moon in the dark once again flared up, and the moonlight like water hit the sun. Similarly, Li Mengyang's body, the light golden chain came out again, restricting Li Mengyang's growth.


Li Mengyang laughed. She didn't care about the chains on her body. She only looked at the two bleak figures before the hut and said, "Daddy, you can go with ease. The child is no longer the same child, and the child has something you can't imagine. The power of this is just a trivial way. It’s a pity that Xiaodi can’t come over right now, and I can’t let him visit you..."


Li Mengyang's words never landed. Behind her, a man dressed in sunshine flew in with a smile and said, "Mengyang, don't be afraid, I'm here!"


Li Mengyang hurriedly shouted, "Look, your son-in-law Song Xiaodi is here!"

The two bleak figures seemed to see Song Xiaodi. They shook hands and nodded with a smile before turning into darkness and disappearing.



Although Li Mengyang knew the ending, she still shouted heartbreakingly and burst into tears.


Song Xiaodi's nose is sour, he stretched out his hand to hold Li Mengyang's hand, and whispered, "Although my parents are gone, there is still me!"

I didn't know that Li Mengyang turned his head to look at Song Xiaodi, his face changed, and he waved his hand and cursed, "Get out!"


Song Xiaodi was stunned, wondering, "Mengyang, what are you doing?"

"Don't think the old lady doesn't know you are the demon~"

Li Mengyang opened his apricot eyes and raised his hand, and struck Song Xiaodi with thunder in his right hand.

Li Mengyang is now bound by light gold chains, where is there any immortal power in his hands?


Song Xiaodi laughed, grabbed Li Mengyang's hand, and exclaimed, "Since I am your demon, where can you go?"

Li Mengyang's face changed again, but when Song Xiaodi held Li Mengyang's hand, a hot celestial power rushed from her palm. It was exactly what the two of them felt when they practiced as a double. Although Li Mengyang was puzzled in his heart, the celestial power in his body was very high. Honestly, immediately follow Song Xiaodi's immortal power!

"Boom boom boom~"

As Song Xiaodi’s celestial power and Li Mengyang’s celestial power merged together, the pale golden chains that bound Li Mengyang’s body broke every inch. Similarly, the sun behind Li Mengyang and Song Xiaodi was like a sword, bringing the darkness around Li Mengyang into a sword. Split!

When the cold full moon in the sky shattered, everything disappeared.

In front of Li Mengyang's eyes, there was another bright moon hanging high.

However, beside the bright moon at this time, a huge and incredible platform emerged from the void like a giant beast.

Under the platform, there are countless immortals fighting in the countless shattered space!

Look at the beloved who holds his own catkin, isn't it the husband Song Xiaodi?

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