Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2824: Siege of Bimutian (3)


Mortal Thunder roared again, and his entire figure turned into a thunder, rushing straight to the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm!


Li Mengyang is in a hurry, and the real person Lei Ting is not afraid of death, which does not mean that other good luck disciples are not afraid of death!

The explosion of the immortal body is nothing, but if the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm are really smashed down, how many good luck disciples will still be alive in the broken space?

Unfortunately, with the presence of real Thunder, Li Mengyang couldn't issue orders at all!

"Second Uncle, Second Uncle~~"

Song Xiaodi looked at the miserable situation around him, and was also anxious, but his thoughts turned sharply, and he shouted, "Quick, quick, it's time for you to take action!"

"Second Uncle?"

Li Mengyang is stupid, she has never heard Song Xiaodi talk about it, what else do they have a second uncle!

"Don't worry~"

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Zhang Qingxiao's voice sounded unhurriedly, "My old man, please go to Domo Yuanjun~"

"Yes, yes~"

Although I don't know who this second uncle is, Li Mengyang knows in his heart that the real person Lei Ting is absolutely afraid of Domo Yuanjun!


Sure enough, within a moment, a woman snorted and appeared on the immortal boat.


Li Mengyang was stupid again, looking at the sudden appearance of Qingqing, he muttered in his heart, "This...Where is Yuanjun Dou Mu?"


At this time, the real person of Thunder thunder once again hit the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm. Although the fragments shook slightly, and even one of the fragments also dissipated, the fragments of the Primordial Realm were too large, and the real person of Thunder was like a praying mantis blocking the car. It looked extremely funny.


Qingqing watched the real Lei Ting roll in the air, her heart twisted like a knife, and immediately flew up and said, "You want to die, okay, my concubine is with you!"

After speaking, Qingqing rushed up and went straight behind the real Thunder.

It's a pity that Qingqing's strength is inferior to the real Thunder, how could she catch up with Thunder, she didn't wait for how far she flew, "Puff puff~" The shards of the ancient immortal world were weighed down, and the silver light of the protective body was shattered!


Qingqing screamed and fell from mid-air!

"Qing Qing~"

The real person Lei Ting was shocked. He didn't care about showing off, and he didn't care about the face, and hurriedly urged his figure to rush down, and directly tore a dozen of layers of space to catch Qing Qing.

"Aren't you going to die?"

Qingqing didn't give a good face to Real Lei Ting at all, and exclaimed, "My concubine is with you!"

"Who said I'm going to die?"

Master Lei Ting held Qing Qing with one hand, and pointed at the disciples around him with one hand.


Looking at the people around, sadness appeared on their faces and said, "There is no general who wins in this world. What if you lose?"


Not to mention Li Mengyang's bewilderment, but Song Xiaodi and others were surprised that his jaw dropped. This woman named Qingqing is actually her own teacher?

The real person Lei Ting woke up and was about to speak again.

Qingqing also said, "If the husband feels that he must fight to the end at this time, his concubine will definitely accompany you; but these disciples are obviously weak, why can't they find another way?"

"This one?"

Real Thunder's eyes swept away, and he naturally saw the situation of the civil war in various dimensions. He hesitated for a moment, and asked, "What is the solution?"

Real Thunder is not comparable to Xiao Hua, but he is a brave and brave man. When he is hit head-on, he really doesn't know what to do!

Not to mention that Wen's Bimutian's defense was basically aimed at Tianzun Mansion and Dao Lord Tiangong. How could it be possible for the real person Lei Ting to bring people over to attack?

"Strike up the army, then cut down the hand, then cut down the army, and then siege the city!"

Qingqing smiled, pointed to Wen Qing on the distant immortal boat, and said softly, "There are ready-made chess pieces here, why not use it?"

After speaking, Qingqing looked at Li Mengyang and waved to her, "Mengyang, come here!"


Li Mengyang didn't know why Qingqing knew her name, and hurriedly flew over.

After Qingqing said a few words, Li Mengyang's face was filled with joy, and he nodded and said, "Yes, Madam, my disciple knows!"

Afterwards, Li Mengyang signaled to Song Xiaodi that the two flew onto the Xianzhou and ordered the Xianzhou to fly directly to the sky.

From the moment Qingqing appeared to the time when the Immortal Boat flew up, the huge fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm had grown in size, and the speed of their falling began to accelerate.

At this time, the surrounding space has been shrouded by fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm, the unparalleled power of space suppression, and the space storm has taken shape.

At this time, the Xianzhou rushed up again, no more than hitting the rock with an egg.

However, Li Mengyang didn't have any fear. She raised her hand and patted on the immortal boat. "Om", a beam of light would rush out. Within the beam of light, Wen Qing stood on it angrily. He looked at the shattered sky, high. He shouted, "Old thief Wen Quan, I am Wen Qing, a disciple of the Wenquan Family in the Heavenly Court. I risked my death and returned to Bimu Tian from the Palace of Heaven. I just wanted to ask you, what did the disciple of the Wenquan Family in the Heavenly Court make? Up and down tens of thousands of Wen family disciples killed?"

"Old thief Wenquan, if there is a mistake in my waiting, if you issue a paternal order and order us to judge ourselves, I will certainly follow the order. After all, we are disciples of the Wen family, but you should not collude with Qunyulou or the Ji family. , Give them the list of our Wen family disciples, and let them kill my Wen family disciples!"

"One hundred and thirty thousand Wen family disciples, how much did they contribute to our Wen family during their lifetime! They did not stay in the Bimu Heaven. They walked far away from the heaven, knowing that they were Wen family disciples, so they should be Wen family students and Wen The family died, but they didn’t expect that they didn’t die in the hands of the enemy, they died in your hands, you colluded with the enemy so much, and you’ve eaten away so much. What qualifications do you have to be the head of the Wen family?


Subsequently, Wen Qing said with tears about the tragic murder of Wen's disciple, and even more about Wen Quan's deeds in order to seek the owner of the family back then.


While Wen Qing was talking, the fragment of the Primordial Immortal Realm finally fell, and the immortal boat did not hit the fragment's body at all, and was torn apart by the force of the surrounding space.


Seeing that the time came, Li Mengyang yelled to Song Xiaodi. They took Wen Qing and the disciple of Good Fortune Sect who was driving a boat, and hurriedly escaped under the shroud of fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm.

However, just as they were about to leave, the streamer quietly flew out of the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm "swish".

A touch of horror appeared in Li Mengyang's eyes, and she hurriedly raised her hand and grabbed it. As expected, there was a Moxian pupil within the streamer.

"God, God~"

Li Mengyang carefully closed Mo Xiantong, and she screamed in her heart, "This teacher is so amazing, how does she know that when the Xianzhou smashes, someone will send Wenqing a message?"

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