Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2827: Spicy

  Chapter 2847 Hand Spicy


   Before Wen Zhuo finished speaking, Wen Hong jumped up and exclaimed, "Is there anything else? I... why don't I know?"

   "More than you?"

  Wenzhuo sneered, "It's me, I only found out after asking..."

   "I got it~"

Wen Hong suddenly said, "The Patriarch took the method of controlling the boundary stone from Wenxian's hands. In exchange, he gave the Tianting Wen family a branch to Wenxian. Now, he is afraid that Wenxian will leak the secret or be afraid that Wenxian will threaten him. As the head of his Patriarch, he was the first to attack him."

   "It should be like this~"

  Wen Zhuo nodded and said, "Although Wen Quan sold one of my Wen Family Heavenly Court to Ji Family, what Wen Qing said must be true!"

  Wen Hong said with disdain: "What else? It must be because he is afraid that Wen Xian threatens his position as Patriarch!"

   "No, no~"

Wen Zhuo shook his head and said, "Ji family is not very strong in Heavenly Court, and Wen Xian has always been honest in Heavenly Court. If there is no special reason, Wen Quan will not risk selling 130,000 Wen family disciples!"

  Wen Hong thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "That's why Wen Quan has to be asked!"

   "If you don't tell me about the right?"

   Wen Zhuo smiled and said.

   "How could he say?"

  Wen Hong smiled bitterly.

   "Then I have to force him to say~"

  A meaningful smile appeared on Wen Zhuo’s face, and he said, “I’ll wait to be forced to ask, plus Wen Qing, and...there are also disciples from the business alliance!!”

"what do you mean?"

  Wen Hong also asked meaningfully.

   "I have an appointment with Wen Qing~"

  Wen Zhuo said, "We can invite him and the disciples of the Shang League to confront Wen Quan in the Yingyuan Hall of Molin Mansion!"


  Wen Hong was taken aback, and asked, "Uncle, when do you always get the message? The disciples watched the battle between the two armies, but didn't see it at all!"

   "You don't have to ask more about this~"

  Wenzhuo smiled and said, "You only need to take people to see Wenqing!"

   "This is no problem~"

  Wen Hong nodded and said, "The disciple is in charge of guarding the big formation. There is some convenience. I just don't know what the uncle's request is?"

Wen Zhuo took out a Moxian pupil and handed it to Wen Hongdao: "The old man's request, as well as the time and place of meeting are all on it. This should be the old man's personal visit, but after everyone's questioning, Wen Quan must be suspicious. It is inevitable that I will find the old man trouble..."

  Just now, a boy’s voice came from outside: "Master, there is a message from the Patriarch, and the Patriarch should go to the Yingyuan Hall to discuss matters without any delay!"


  Wen Hong said in surprise, "You are always a clever trick!"


  Wen Zhuo got up and whispered, "This is nothing, you will know more when the old man sits as the head of the house!"


  Wen Hong hardly had any hesitation, nodded and replied, "The disciple will go to guard the Great Array to inspect!"

  Ying Yuandian is where the Wen family’s Patriarch convenes the elders of the clan to discuss important matters. Wen Hong has no right to enter, only Wen Zhuo can. That’s why Wen Zhuo understood what he heard from the boy.

  Sure enough, after entering the Yingyuan Hall, Wen Quan was sitting on the first bamboo chair with a solemn face on his face.

  A few more elders, as well as a few older generations in the clan, were sitting under it. Everyone was sipping tea with expressionless faces, and they had no previous discussions to deal with the enthusiasm of the business alliance.

   Seeing Wen Zhuo coming in, a young man sitting near Wen Quan put down his teacup, and said to Wen Quan: "Patriarch, Wen Zhuo is also here, you should talk about Wen Xian and even Tianting Wen's family?"

  Wen Zhuo looked at this young man named Wen Xiao, and knew that he was as suspicious as himself, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he walked to a bamboo chair and sat down.


Opposite Wen Xiao was a middle-aged man named Wen Yuan, who was like Wen Zhuo. He was a person who could not compete with Wen Quan for the position of Patriarch. He also said with a smile, "This is Yingyuan Hall, not Xuancheng Hall, Patriarch. You can tell the ins and outs of things and tell them all, don't have any scruples!"

Wen Quan was a little angry, and put down the tea cup, his voice was a little urgent, and asked: "Wen Yuan, what do you mean? What is the old man's scruples? Don't say that Ying Yuan Palace is where we are discussing secrets, about Tian Ting Regarding the Wen family's affairs, even if the old man is placed in the Xuancheng Hall, he can still tell the truth!"


Wen Yuanpi smiled and stopped smiling, and said, "What you said is meaningless. I will wait to help the Patriarch discuss countermeasures and how to cover up the incident of Tianting Wenjia... The flaws, if the Patriarch doesn’t tell the truth, what shall I do? ..."

Before Wen Yuan finished speaking, Wen Quan slapped on the armrest of the bamboo chair with a "slap" and yelled: "How come you can't hear what the old man said? You will remember the words that Luo Yi Shangmeng single-handedly instigated discord. Who do you trust?"


Wen Xiao said, "We don't believe in anyone, we don't believe in anyone, we believe in the facts! Patriarch doesn't think that your explanation in Xuancheng Hall before is too simple, and there are many loopholes in it? Earlier, I was concerned about Patriarch’s face. Many disciples have not said anything before, now that I am waiting to avenge the 130,000 Wen family disciples, and I have made concerted efforts to resist the siege of millions of comrades in the business alliance, you still don’t tell the truth?"


  Wen Zhuo took a sip of tea and smiled, “After all, it is the life of 130,000 Wen family disciples. We can’t help but be cautious!”

  Wen Quan laughed extremely angrily, his gaze swept over the seven people in the Yingyuan Hall who were in Wen’s family or were of high authority, or were respected and respected, and said loudly: "You are working together to force the palace, right?"


Seeing Wen Quan's appearance, Wen Zhuo felt very happy. UU read and he waved his hand, "What do you mean by this? What did we do, you gave us such a big hat? We are nothing but I want to know what happened to Tianting Wenjia!"


Looking at Wen Yuan again, he is not as polite as Wen Zhuo. He snorted and said, "What about the forced palace? As Wen Qing said, you and Ji family will join hands and frantically send my Wen family 130,000. Disciple sent into the tiger’s mouth, you are the sinner of my Wenjia..."

  Not waiting for Wen Yuan to finish speaking, Wen Quan, who had a pale face, suddenly opened his mouth, and a black light spurted out, hitting Wen Yuan's face door.

  Wen Yuan is very close to Wen Quan. He is arrogantly persecuting. Even though he has been alert for a long time, how could he have thought that Wen Quan would act so decisively?

   But hearing a soft "pop", Wen Yuan's head was beaten to pieces.


  Until here, there was a roar in the black light, and the cobblestone-like boundary stone has now turned into the size of a castanopsis. There was another "boom", smashing Wen Yuan's immortal body into muddy flesh!

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  (End of this chapter)

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