Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2888: Zhanzhushan

Naturally, Nangongxun wanted to stop Xiao Hua from saving the Star Chentian team, but unfortunately, he didn't wait for Nangongxun to finish, "Boom boom boom~" The star array opened up, and Qiao Samsara waited for 17,60 Hunyuan disciples from the sky. Fly down, these disciples were in groups of forty-nine, forming the supreme escape one xuanyuan celestial formation common to good luck, a full three hundred and sixty sword shapes split into three hundred and sixty iridescent intervals!

   Three hundred and sixty Supreme Escape One Xuanyuan Immortal Formation is not too fast, but the strength is really beyond Nangongxun's expectations. Nangongxun is just like Nangong Shihao, they are stupid!

   These seven thousand celestial elements are obviously more powerful than the previous 36,000 celestial elements, how many celestial elements are there in the good luck building? ?

   At the thought of fifty-five thousand immortals, Nangongxun felt like he was stepped on by ten thousand horses! People always confessed Dao Xian Hun Yuan, Xiao Hua was good, and he directly used it as a war fighter!

   Who dares to mess with such a good fortune building!

   Nangongxun lost his mind, and three hundred and sixty supreme escape from the Xuanyuan Immortal Array almost simultaneously attacked the rainbow across the north and south.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   The whole world is shaking, countless Xia Cai bursts into the sky, and the unspeakable space Hongyun rushes out like a flash flood!

   In addition to three hundred and sixty battles, the Xingchentian team and the Nangong family team were beaten into chaos. Even if it was the star formation, there were signs of tearing at this time.

   The whole world is in chaos!


   At this moment, Xiao Hua's eyes suddenly flashed in surprise, looking at the rainbow that was torn apart by Qiao Samsara, and whispered, " is this possible???"

   Because in the torn iridescence, Xiao Hua perceives the law of the interface!

   Of course, the power of the interface law disappeared in a flash, and was soon overshadowed by the spatial hungry rhyme of the Zhushan Array. This is also within the Dutian Star Array, Xiao Hua could use the power of faith, otherwise he would have no way of discovering it!


   Xiao Hua looked at the tumbling iridescent, she was shocked in her heart, and secretly said, "This...this iridescent is a real interface? Or that the Nangong family's Zhushan itself is a thirty-six interface that contains immortals??"

   The more Xiao Hua thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible. The Wen Family of the Primordial Immortal Clan sacrificed the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm into boundary stones. Why couldn't the Nangong Clan make thirty-six interface sacrifices together? ?

   "Good, good, good~~"

   Just as Xiao Hua was thinking, Nangongxun's face showed hideous, and he snarled, "Xiao Hua, this is what you forced the old man, and the old man will let you see the real strength of my Nangong family!"

   Talking, Nangong Xun sprayed blood on the bamboo joints, and the bamboo joints gave birth to blood-colored bamboo flowers!

   "Go go go~"

   Nangong Xun shook his hand, and the blood-colored bamboo flower fell directly on the tumbling rainbow.


Three hundred and sixty iridescent colors seemed to be alive and screamed wildly. The former flame-like clouds suddenly retracted, and the interfacial laws rushed out of the iridescence, and the iridescent fragments condensed and turned into interfacial barriers, one after another. The ring-shaped interface law envelops you all around!

   "Boom boom boom~"

   At this time, Qiao Samsara did not wait for his disciples to be idle. Seeing the interface barriers were born, they immediately urged the battlefield, and rushed over again like the previous exercise!

   It’s just that, even for forty-nine immortals, their power of law falls on the interface barrier, and they can only loosen the barrier, and can’t break it!

   After these three hundred and sixty interface barriers were born, he rushed toward Qiao Samsara and waited for his disciples to run across!



   Within the sky star array, there was a roar, and more than ten thousand immortals were actually in a hurry!

   "Four big families~"

   "Sure enough!"

Looking at the arrogant power of interface laws of more than 300 interfaces, Xiao Hua felt indescribable admiration in her heart. Compared with these interfaces, what are the green lotus color flags and plain cloud border flags of the four great families in the Tibetan Immortal Continent? It's weak!

   This is the real masterpiece!

   However, this is still not Nangongxun's last resort!

   The interface is colliding with each other. Three hundred and sixty interfaces are cleverly oriented in one direction, but the direction at this time has changed, and it is the east-west direction!


The three hundred and sixty interfaces suddenly rotated at the same time. This time, all the interfaces rotated in exactly the same direction and speed. That is to say, the force of the three hundred and sixty interface laws suddenly superimposed on each other, and the two dark ring-shaped vortices immediately Born, a force that destroys the sky and the earth spirally rolls in the east and west directions!

   "Hurry up!"

  The change was too sudden, Xiao Hua just roared, raised his hand and grabbed it, trying to use the power of Hun Yuan to imprison this force.

  Who knows, with the high-level strength of Xiao Hua Dao Xian Hun Yuan, his Hun Yuan power has been strangled by this force, is there anything else?

   "Puff puff~"

   where the power of force penetrates, the flesh of all the immortals is pierced, and there are people who are involved in it before urging the power of the immortal and the power of culture, and they are strangled into fleshy flesh!

   This strangulation does not distinguish between the enemy and us, and the offerings of several Nangong families are involved.


   Within the star formation of the sky, Xiao Hua's mind can touch anywhere, so he immediately released his mind when he saw something bad, and remedied some wounded disciples into space, including Li Nianxiao whose body was cut off.

   Even the shadow figure sent earlier also started at the same time, sending some disciples back!

   Seeing that Dutian Star Array was breached, Nangongxun coldly looked at Xiao Hua who was in a hurry and said, "Xiao Hua, can you stop the old man? Can you stop my Nangong family??"

   As he said, three hundred and sixty interfaces were rotating, and they were combined together like real bamboo joints. As for the mountain peak under Nangongxun's feet, it fell into the center of the hollow bamboo joint!

And just as the mountain fell into the center of the bamboo joint, the sound of the earth-shaking dragon roar sounded around the bamboo joint. Eight blue dragons appeared from the bamboo joint. Out of the sky!

   "Zhushanju... can actually fly away?"

The Dutian Star Array showed its flaws. Han Yue, the general of Huangcheng who was guarding the south of Zhushan Mountain, had already seen the messy battlefield in the Dutian Star Array. He looked at the Eight Dragon Vessels inconceivably and exclaimed, "This …I’m afraid that even your Majesty would never think of it?


   Everyone was stunned, Xiao Hua's figure flickered, weirdly blocking the bamboo joint, coldly looked at the triumphant Nangongxun, and said: "Old Nangong thief, other people can go, only!"


   Nangongxun laughed wildly, and pointed to Xiao Hua, "I want to see the old man, how can you keep the old man!"

   After speaking, the eight dragons rushed towards Xiao Hua with the rotating bamboo mountain!

   Eight dragon veins, 360 real interfaces, even Xiao Hua, he can't stop it!

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: Return, Yunshu, Rice Grain, Sesame Seed, Singing Bird, Immortal Fist, Cang Zhan, Loritin, Sanyang, Shield Imperial, Ruthless, Floating world love, brick mover, colored glass fire, stupid Taoist.

  Thank you for your enthusiastic support. While subscribing to the starting point, don’t forget to help Tanhua publicize on WeChat, qq, Weibo, Douyin and Kuaishou channels, thank you again



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