Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2949: Despicable and vicious


Liang Xi laughed, and said, "Mu Yun, even if Liang Mou secretly counted on you, what? Do you think you care about Liang Mou, giving Liang Mou a favor, it is your kindness? You are just showing off yourself. I'm proud of it..."

   "You, you~~"

   Mu Yun was so angry that Qi Qiao smoked, he couldn't imagine that a junior he took care of so much thought of himself.

   "What am I?"

   Liang Xi sneered, "Do you remember that I was beside you carefully complimenting you and telling you some news about the college? Do you remember the disdain and neglect on your face when you listened to these words?"

   "I know you don't want to listen, but I can't help but say it. If I don't say it, you won't remember me at all, and I have no value in front of you..."

   "You don't need to care about the news, but I can't. I have worked so hard to find out the news, just to sell it to you such a respectable elders!"


   Mu Yun roared, "If you don't want to compliment, don't say anything, the old man has never forced you, you say so much..."

Just now, Mu Yun was shocked again. He looked around with the light of his eyes, and sure enough, there were no other disciples in the academy around, but Liang Xi and Li Zhanyong stood in front of him, not in a hurry to besiege, Mu Yunxin It's cold, he didn't even think about it, he ignored Liang Xi, and flew upside down!


   Even Li Zhanyong was surprised at this time, and shouted, "Mu Yun, how do you know that I am still waiting?"

   "Mu is not talented, he is also the strongest person in Baicheng Academy at this time~"

   Mu Yun sneered, "If you wait for a big rebellion, the first person to be cut is naturally Mu..."

   However, while speaking, Mu Yun suddenly felt faint in front of him, and the surrounding area shook as if it was dark. Mu Yun suddenly realized that he was still in Li Zhanyong's calculations, and he was poisoned!

   Then, Mu Yun didn't dare to say a word anymore, and urged his figure to escape!


   "He still escaped!"

Just as Mu Yun flew away, a thin human figure flew out from another place. He looked at Mu Yun's back, cursed in a low voice, raised his hand and grabbed, strands of black energy flew out of the surrounding void and fell on him. In the hand, a shape that looks like an ancient wood condenses, isn't it the ancient wood in the "Inscription on the King of Quality and Rotten Cor"?


   Li Zhanyong laughed and said, "Mu Yun has been poisoned, it makes no sense to kill him or not!"

   "Master Li~"

   Liang Xi laughed and said, "What Mu Yun said is the strongest person in my Baicheng Academy today. If I keep him, Baicheng will always take advantage of the Five Cities War!"

   "You know what a fart~"

   Li Zhanyong yelled, "Now it's a five-cities battle. There are hundreds of millions of students in each big city, and each student is similar in strength. He is only slightly stronger, and he can't play any role at all!"

   "Hundreds of millions?"

   Liang Xi was a little surprised and said, "I have already reached the level of Xianxuan, how can there be so many students? The first 36 levels, haven't many students been eliminated?"

   "You think about it~"

   The thin Confucian looked at Liang Xi and said with disdain, "Even you have reached the 37th pass. At this time, there are only a few hundreds of millions of students in the five cities. It can't be more than one billion or several billion!"

   Liang Xi knew that his biggest role was to lure Mu Yun. Now Mu Yun has been poisoned, his role has been greatly reduced, and he has to deal with it more carefully, so he nodded repeatedly and said: "Master Cheng is right."

   "Xianxuan Tiandi Tower gathers all the students who participated in the Xianxuan~"

   Li Zhanyong also said, "Furthermore, if you count the losses of the twenty-four rounds of the Five-City War, and then calculate the final quota, you will naturally know the number of people in the Five Cities at this time!"

After speaking, Li Zhanyong looked around and said: "Mu Yun has escaped, and the biggest threat that affected my control of Baicheng Academy has disappeared. I will have to discuss how to unite with other academies, Baiyong Tower, Baiyu Tower, etc., for a thousand years. End the war within!"

   "Yes, yes~"

   Liang Xi hurriedly bowed, raised his hand and motioned, "Two masters please~"

   Li Zhanyong and the other Master Cheng looked at each other, smiling at the corners of their mouths, urging them to fly into the gate of Baicheng Academy.


Liang Xi breathed a long sigh of relief, but just when he was about to fly, blood was flowing from his eyes, and then he couldn't tolerate one more word, and his figure fell to the ground with a "poof" .

   The ground was like a swamp. When Liangxi’s body fell, weird ripples immediately appeared. There was a lot of time and space in the ripples. These ripples swallowed Liangxi’s body. After Liangxi’s body disappeared, the ripples disappeared again.

   After only half a cup of tea, dozens of scholars ran from a distance quickly, looked at the gate of Baicheng Academy, and said excitedly: "I'm finally at the Academy, go in..."

   These books have walked through the place where Liang Xi's body just disappeared. The earth is hard, and nothing unusual appears!

   Mu Yun naturally did not know that Liang Xi, whom he hated to the bone, had been killed by the cruel Li Zhanyong. He is now staggering across the streets of Baicheng.

Mu Yun never thought that one day he would still run on the ground; he also never thought that one day he would lose his sight; he never thought that Baicheng is so big that there is something similar to the ordinary world between the pavilions. street!

   Mu Yun's eyes were already dim, there was only a faint ray of light, which supported him to see the outline around him clearly, he wanted to soar into the sky, but he did not dare, because his heart was powerless to resist the strange poison that was rushing into his eyes!

The poisonous fog that was not normally placed in Mu Yun’s eyes has now become the biggest obstacle to Mu Yun’s life. He felt cold and cold flowing out of his eyes. He knew it was dirty blood, but he did not dare to wipe it. He was afraid of it. The blood corroded his hands. U U Reading www.uukā

   There were some screams of killing from time to time, and some screams. This was the movement that the real Bai Yujing couldn't make. These sounds made Mu Yun's hatred heart more and more fueled.

   Mu Yun didn't know how long he had escaped. In the end, it was dark and Mu Yun couldn't see anything. After hitting an unknown object several times, he finally stopped.

   Mu Yun's heart gradually calmed down, because he knew that even if Li Zhanyong and Liang Xi came again, they would not be able to take action against him. He is now a blind man and there is no threat to them at all.

   "Huh? You..."

   Just when Mu Yun was curled up in one place, with his hands on his shoulders and preparing to take a break, a familiar voice sounded, "Are you Mu Yun?"

   "Si Qi??"

   Mu Yun heard Si Qi's voice, first he was happy, and then panic. He knew that he didn't meet Si Qi by chance, but that he had escaped according to his heart's path.

   But at this time, Mu Yun didn't dare to agree at all. He felt that he was really ashamed, so he didn't even want to raise his hand to hit his top door...

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