Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2953: Swearing

   "Thirty-six levels, you will probably condense three to five levels in each level..."

Speaking of this, Si Qi seems to have discovered the secret of the great sky, and exclaimed, "No wonder you are always the last to pass. want to condense such a complex secret realm. Of course, it is impossible to pass the first. It was the most...the most powerful person selected by the whole Xian!!"

  Actually, Xiao Hua did not expect that he had condensed so many secrets in front of him, and that the school level selected by Dexian could be used in this way, so he didn't mind waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay~"

   "Choose a practice for yourself! I have to practice it myself!"

   Si Qi is indeed ice and snow smart, she immediately asked: "Xiao Wenzong, which secret realm practice do you use now?"

   Xiao Hua pointed at a secret realm that resembled a flower. Just as he was about to speak, Si Qi immediately urged his figure to rush in, without Xiao Hua saying a word.

   "These two people..."

   Xiao Hua shook his head slightly, he was not optimistic about the relationship between Mu Yun and Si Qi.

   The ancient wood secret realm that Mu Yun entered is still a bit difficult. The secret realm Si Qi entered is nothing. After all, she is already the third rank of the Shangqing Dixian. What technique hasn't been seen?

   What Si Qi lacks is only the techniques that can be practiced in the Heaven and Earth Tower, and there is also the Hongyun that can be practiced.

   So in half a year, Si Qi escaped from the secret realm.


   Xiao Hua smiled and groaned, "Don't practice for a while?"

   "If I don't kill An Xin, I can't practice meditation~"

   Siqi gritted his teeth.


   Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Be careful yourself!"

   "Hee hee~"

   Siqi looked at Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "Didn't you still have you?"

"go Go,"

   Xiao Hua waved his hand in an angry voice, "Little girl film, don't worry about it!"


   Siqi's figure moved, just as she was about to transform her sword, "boom boom boom~" The roar of the ground shaking and the mountain swaying in the distance came.

   "Five Cities War!"

   Si Qi is very familiar with this voice, her face changed, and she said anxiously, "Akacheng is here to attack Bai Yujing!"

   "More than Akagi?"

   Xiao Hua sneered, "The four cities besieged Bai Yujing!"

"How to do?"

   Siqi was anxious and shouted, "Bai Yujing has fallen, we will all be eliminated!"

   "That can only be shot!"

   Xiao Hua raised his hand and pointed, and one of the secret realms that looked like a snow flake flew up and rushed towards the sky. He said, "I hope it will be taken by Xiao this time, and it will be handed over to you in the future!"


   The secret realm rushed up to the sky, sprinkling snow flakes while spinning, and after a while, the snow covered the Bai Yujing all over the sky.

When the snowflakes had condensed into ice and snow, the entire Baiyu Kyoto was covered by ice and snow. No matter how the students from the four cities attacked, the ice and snow could not be completely melted, and hundreds of millions of students would not be able to penetrate into Baiyujing. Seeing that the attack was fruitless for half a year, four The city student finally withdrew.

   "Master Xiao is mighty~"

   Si Qi has recovered some cultivation skills. Seeing such a defense, she gave Xiao Hua a thumbs up.


   Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry. The meaning of "mighty" was too much. He waved his hand and said, "Xiao made it clear that this time, I will not take it as an example. I will leave it to you in the future."

   "Master Xiao, don't worry!"

   Siqi gritted his teeth and said, "The disciple killed An Xin and gave the entire Bailu Academy to Master Xiao!"


   Xiao Hua snorted coldly, "Xiao will still covet your little Bailu Academy in the illusion?"

   "Master Xiao, Uncle Xiao~~"

   Siqi accompanied with a smile, "You said, what do you want?"

   "I don't know~"

   Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "See it for yourself!"

   "I will kill An Xin first!!"

   Si Qi said without saying a word, "Otherwise An Xin will appear around!"

   After speaking, Si Qi turned into a sword light.

   Xiao Hua curled his lips, his heart was comparable to Ming Jing. Although this girl didn't show weakness in her mouth, she would definitely call out her figure again as long as she encountered danger.

When it comes to shadows, Xiao Hua is also naive. Peach Blossom Spring is already weird. The illusion of the Five-City War is even more weird. I didn't sense any power of faith at all. The shadows were summoned by Si Qi, and his shadows could still Transformation!


   Xiao Hua didn't want to think too much. Just as he was about to continue his cultivation, the dark secret realm resembling ancient trees began to ripple slightly, and after a whistle, Mu Yun stepped out from within.

   "Master Xiao~"

Mu Yun had killed a faint mysterious light in his eyes, and fell in front of Xiao Hua. He immediately knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "Disciple Mu Yun, vowed here that during the virtuous election, the disciple will look forward to Master Xiao and never betrayal. …"


When Mu Yun finished talking about a Wennuo similar to "Poison Oath", a dark flame flashed between Mu Yun's eyebrows, and this flame seemed to be able to burn Mu Yun's soul. Only when Xiao Hua agreed, the flame could fly. Out.

  Unfortunately, Xiao Hua frowned, let alone Xiao Hua's dislike of Muyun's character, and just talk about his allegiance during the election of the good, what does this mean? Is this Xiao still missing?

   "No need!"

   Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "Xianxuan not only chooses good people for my human race, what is the point of your allegiance to Xiao?"

   "Master Xiao~"

Mu Yun's eyes were deep, and the dark halo penetrated his soul. He looked at Xiao Hua a little puzzled and asked, "In today's Tiandi Tower, the order has collapsed, the relationship between people has fallen, and the eyes are full of pitch black. In the eyes, only Master Xiao is bright!"

   "Moreover, the disciple is favored by Master Xiao and wants to follow Master Xiao. Is this wrong? If Master Xiao is not pleased, please state what Master Xiao needs and let the disciple swear!"

   "Order collapses, human relations fall?"

Xiao Hua raised his brows, looked into the distance, and secretly said, "Mu Yun is right. The five cities at this time are all in chaos. The humanity of these students has been infinitely magnified. At this time, there should be some light in the air. But, this Guangming is definitely not Xiao Mou himself!"

   "You don't have to be loyal to Xiao someone~"

   Xiao Hua moved in his heart and smiled, "My human race has three immortals and the four religions of the Hengqu. They are all inherited sages. You only need to be loyal to my human race!"

   Mu Yun thought about it a little, and said: "Lide is to create a vertical method, and to benefit the public";

  "Serving meritorious service means saving adversity and alleviating difficulties, and the merits are in the time";

   "Speaking up means that the words are right, and the reasoning is enough to pass."

  "Disciple Muyun~"

   Mu Yun nodded without thinking, "I vowed here, in the tower of heaven and earth, the disciples are willing to do the best, first make virtue, then make merit, and then stand up!"

   With Mu Yun's oath to the ground, "Boom~" the world roared, and a golden shadow of an immortal monument fell from the sky, UU reading www. fell between Mu Yun's eyebrows.


   Xiao Hua was dumbfounded, as he watched Mu Yun's eyebrows and the immortal monument and stele shadow whispered.


   Mu Yun also wondered, "Master Xiao is still not satisfied?"

   "Fei Ye~"

   Xiao Hua took a deep breath and solemnly said, "This is not whether Xiao is satisfied, but whether you are worthy of yourself, worthy of the sages of the human race!"


   While talking, there was a rare thunderstorm in the distance. Xiao Hua and Mu Yun raised their eyes to see, Si Qi carried An Xin's head in his hands, flying over the air!

   Seeing Si Qi's heroic, cheerful and enmity, Xiao Hua increasingly felt that Mu Yun was not worthy of Si Qi.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: stupid, smelly mosquito, a grain of rice, wooden people, singing bird, boss Zhao, brick mover, busy old man, Bihai Advertising, Huan, Wen, Cang Zhan, once looked forward to the present, Southern Emperor Beima, Trotting Youth and other fairy friends.

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