Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2964: The rhyme of death condenses the literary flower!

After waiting for half an hour, the Emperor of Heaven watched Xiao Hua's body and Huaguang began to write essays, and tentatively asked: "Zhaoming, how long does it take Xiao Hua to make this heavenly work?"

"It's hard to say~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu smashed it, smashed it, and said, "It's estimated to be half a year..."


The emperor waved his hand, "I still have a lot of business, it is impossible to stare at a talented Tianchi..."

However, before the emperor finished speaking, the tri-color glow that "brushed" Xiao Hua's whole body suddenly flashed nine times, and then rolled directly toward the top door, and on the top door of Xiao Hua, the silver ground flower that was already revealed There, the black Xiaguang began to flicker slightly, attracting the three-color Huaguang to flow in.

The tri-color huaguang disappeared immediately after falling into the black color, and the black huaguang increased more and more, but for a moment, the mysterious light was like a burning candle, and the charm of death gradually condensed...

"This...what's going on here?"

The emperor, the white emperor, and the black emperor were all dumbfounded, letting them know so much that they never saw the charm of death appear in the three flowers!

Whether it is a flower, a flower, or a smallpox, it is the condensation of innate aura, and it is the grand rhyme of life, representing vitality, how can the grand rhyme of death appear?

"Little...little old man is not sure~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu’s eyeballs naturally fell out. He looked at Xiao Hua’s ground flower stupidly. It was still like a candle just now, and now it is turned into a pitch-black paintbrush, actually starting to engrave petals on the ground flower. "Isn't this guy a selection? Why... why did you start practicing again?"

Zhaoming Qitianlu's word "again" has exhausted Xiao Hua's hard work. He fell into the small world of Tianchi and immediately used Taitong to watch the charm of the surroundings like silk.

Xiao Hua didn't know how to escape this day, nor did it explain in the Xiayun Festival given by Wenqu. After all, those were hearsays of Wenqu.

But Xiao Hua knows that the way out must be in these great charms.

After watching for several hours, Xiao Hua felt that Hong Yun around him was a little familiar, but if he was asked to tell him what it was, he really couldn't tell it for a while.

But during these few hours, Xiao Hua felt that the pressure in the entire space began to increase, as if the world had closed.


Xiao Hua secretly said, "This Little Thousand World should have a time limit. Before Xiao, he split and flew away as soon as he fell in, and he didn't notice it. This time it took a long time to notice it!"

Seeing that he stayed in a place unable to explore, Xiao Hua simply urged his figure to explore while flying. With his flying, coupled with the closure of the whole world, Xiao Hua saw all the charms drifting past like smoke. Suddenly he stopped in the air for a while. He looked around in a little surprised and whispered: "Xiao understands, this...this is a set of secret realms that can be cultivated. This secret realm varies according to everyone's understanding. Turned into a secret world condensed by different Hongyun!"

"It's no wonder that Xiao Mou feels that the outline of Hongyun is familiar. That's because one of these secret realms is similar to the secret realm that Xiao had previously condensed in the Heaven and Earth Tower!"

With that said, Xiao Hua raised his hand and took out a secret realm he had practiced in the Xianxuan main pass!

This is a secret realm that can be practiced. The Three Immortal Teams and the Four Doctrine Teams led by Mu Yun and Si Qi are used the most, so Xiao Hua is the first one to distinguish it!

"Boom boom boom~"

Sure enough, this small secret realm appeared, and the world began to roar, and thick rhymes began to appear in the void, and these rhymes condensed a huge secret realm.

The two secret realms, one big and one small, are almost exactly the same!


Xiao Hua looked at the huge secret realm between heaven and earth and smiled, "If it is an ordinary student, he must realize that Hongyun can pass the test in this secret realm. Then... Xiao will trace the root directly, what is this?"

Since Xiao Hua could condense the secret realm, it would be easy to realize the charm of this huge secret realm, but he wanted to know more.

However, the next scene left him stunned.

Because after the two secret realms appeared at the same time, after the secret realm in Xiao Hua's hands flashed seven times, the red charms began to turn into black ashes, and the red rhymes of death were born from the black ashes!

Seeing the visible disappearance of the secret realm in his hand, Xiao Hua's vest was sweating, and he exclaimed: "Xiao understands, this...this Tianchi is different from Xianxuan, Xianxuan is cultivation, and this Tianchi is melting! Just... That is to say, whoever can dissolve more Hongyun can step higher, and...and it is not only Hongyun who can dissolve Hongyun, but also the memory of the twenty-four school level of Xianxuan!"

"No wonder no one can remember what happened after the 36th pass of Xianxuan, all memories, all Hongyun has been erased on this day!"

"But... but what about Xiao now?"

"Xiao's condensed is the secret realm, not the literary edict and the ban, nor the literary power of Hongyun..."

"No, no, Xiao, the earth flower is chosen by Xian to engrave the Hongyun in the heaven and earth tower. Could it be that Xiao’s earth flower should also be erased?"

"In other words, Xiao Mou not only lost his memory, but also the more than 3,000 ground flowers that had been engraved?"

Suddenly, Xiao Hua had a feeling of emptying the bamboo basket.

Sure enough, after the secret realm in his hand melted, the hongyun in the huge secret realm between heaven and earth also began to annihilate one by one, and the black dying rhyme filled the entire small thousand world.


Xiao Hua felt that his ground flowers were beginning to melt. He cursed in a low voice, turning his heart to the sky, and shouted, "Do you want to dissolve Xiao's ground flowers? Do you want to erase Xiao's memory?"

"Isn't it the Hongyun of Death?"

"Come, come, come~"

"Xiao wants to see if the Hongyun of Death can also be engraved into a literary flower!!"

In essence, the Hongyun of Death is also the Hongyun, and it can also engrave Wenhua, but in fact, Wenhua is the flower of life. No one has ever engraved Wenhua with the Hongyun of Death. Even if someone tries, it won’t. success.

At this time, the stingy Xiao Hua saw that his hard work in Xian's election was about to become the moon, and of course he was not willing to give up. He simply used the cultivation techniques that he had previously realized in Xian's election, and began to engrave with the charm of death that filled the heaven and the earth. Ground flower!

If it were placed outside the Heaven and Earth Tower, the powerful Heavenly Court, Xiao Hua's incredible idea would never succeed.

That is to say, between the heaven and the earth, within this heaven, the grand rhyme of death is flooded, all the heavenly practices are invalid, and Xiao Hua’s ground flower is condensed by the law of time, and the foundation is the world of the red dust soul, this grand rhyme of death. Can be used for engraving.

Seeing that the ground flowers melted one by one, Xiao Hua felt incredible that he spurred another piece of ground flowers along the melted ground flower and carved out another piece of ground flowers that were exactly the same.

Thanks to the following fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: smelly mosquitoes, a grain of rice, wooden people, singing birds, Boss Zhao, brick movers, busy old men, Bihai advertising, Huan, Wen, Cang Zhan, I used to look forward to the present, Southern Emperor Beima, Trotting Youth, Open the Door of Sesame, Feng, Stupid Taoist, Nuo Lunxi Watch, Samsara and other fairy friends.

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