Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2973: Wenqu drank soup too

  As soon as he took out the landscape painting, Xiao Hua raised his brows, looked around, and smiled bitterly: "Why is this fellow Daoist? Knowing that the poor Dao is still in the tower of heaven and earth, why is it so reckless?"

   After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Hua showed his Taitong and looked around, but there was no exploration, and he entered the space with his mind.

   But in the space, the jade wares have been waiting there for a long time.

   "Tao friends are reckless~"

   Xiao Hua said displeasedly, "Pan Dao is still in the Tower of Heaven and Earth. If the mind is absent, it will inevitably lead to the exploration of the Tower of Heaven and Earth."

   "The little student knows it's a bit reckless~"

   Yu Di Wenqu said embarrassedly, "But if you don’t make a clear statement with the daoists at this time, and when the daoists get out of the tower of heaven and earth, it will be too late!"


   Xiao Huaqi said, "Do you have any important things for fellow Taoists?"

   "Naturally there~"

   Yu Di Wenqu laughed, "And there are many more."

   "Friends, please say~"

   Xiao Hua nodded and said, "I'm sorry to hear you."


   Jade Sculpture Wenqu solemnly said, "It is also the most important, immortal sacred monument. My heavenly space also needs to be guarded by such sacred objects that carry on with the past."

   "Immortal Monument?"

   Xiao Hua frowned, "This thing has been placed on the top of the tower of Heaven and Earth, and I can't take it away anymore!"

   "Why take it away?"

   Yu Di Wenqu asked rhetorically.

   Xiao Hua shook his head again and said: "The Immortal Monument is the condensation of the spirits of the saints of the human race. It is by no means that you and I can make a move..."

Just now, Xiao Hua slapped his forehead and smiled, "Yes, yes, fellow Taoists said well, but poor Tao is wrong. Since this immortal monument is a human monument, it can pass through the ancient and modern times. The human race can exist everywhere, and the heavenly space of the Taoist friends is also the place of the human race's prosperity. Without your interference, you can naturally condense your own immortal sacred monument!"

   "Yes, yes~"

   Jade Die Wenqu said with a smile, "Tao friends can understand, but if you want the immortal monument to be guarded, you need the fire of the light of the saints, and you need to take care of this matter!"

   Jade Sculpture Wenqu raised his hand, and he saw that there was already an identical immortal monument in the heavenly space, but the immortal monument was an empty shell, without a trace of light.

   "It's easy to say~"

   Xiao Hua nodded, "This is the negligence of the poor Dao, and the poor Dao will remedy it at this time!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua escaped from the space. His physical body was now in front of the Immortal Monument, only slightly revealing the human aura in the heavenly space. The holy light immediately fell in, turning into a huge beam of light. On the immortal monument in the heavenly space!

   "Boom boom boom~"

Suddenly, the immortal sacred stele with its shape but no essence immediately shook. Not only the three immortals and the four doctrines of the horizontal canal on both sides of the stele body sounded in the heavenly space like warning words, it is also the holy words of all saints. For example, morning bells and evening drums began to be recited in various places, and the scroll scriptures that Xiao Hua sent into the heavenly space before also showed dim light, and the entire heavenly space began to shine!

   Seeing such changes in the heavenly space, Xiao Hua couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Sure enough, the sky does not give birth to a saint, and eternity is like a long night. The sky is like a saint, and the sun and moon will shine forever."

   "I was wrong before, but now the heavenly space has just become bright."


   Jade 牒文曲 also echoed, "Previously, Xiaosheng thought that with the power of Xiaosheng alone, he could carry forward the heavenly space, but now I know that Heavenly Court is still different from Taoist Immortal Realm!"

   After finishing speaking, the jade medallion Wenqu glanced at the jade medal Xiao Hua and said, "Can fellow Taoists tell about the situation of virtuous selection? Xiaosheng is extremely curious about what happened in the tower of heaven and earth?"

   "Let’s not talk about what happened to the poor road,"

   Xiao Hua asked, "The Daoists are very taboo about the selection of the virtuous. Even if the poor are going to participate in the selection of the virtuous, the Daoists say very little about the Xiayun Festival."


The Jade Biography Wenqu laughed and said, “Don’t hide from the Taoists, an experience of virtuous election is the humiliation of Xiaosheng’s life. The heaven and earth tower only opened forty-nine floors. Before Xiaosheng lost his memory, Xiaosheng’s grades are only slightly better than those of Daoyou. He should barely enter the 36th level, but after the 36th level, when Xiaosheng was eliminated, Xiaosheng can’t remember clearly."

   "Fellow Daoist, think about it for yourself. You are the only Wen Zong selected by the Heavenly Court. How can you explain Xiaosheng's record to you?"

   Xiao Hua smiled, and asked again: "Nowadays, fellow Taoists understand why I failed in the selection of the wise?"

   "Of course~"

   Yu Di Wenqu mysteriously smiled, "Xiaosheng understood it as early as the Taoist fellow was suppressed by the immortal monument!"


   Xiao Hua was taken aback, and said, "Why did fellow Taoists realize?"

   "After the dao friend disappeared, Xiaosheng's cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, and in just a few thousand years he reached the peak of the second rank of Taiqing Tianxian..."

   Yu Di Wenqu replied, "While Taoists have broken through the realm of niche in the millennia of Xianxuan, now they have reached the second stage of the third rank of Taiqing Tianxian!"


Xiao Hua laughed and stroked his palm, "I understand the poor Dao! Although Daoists are soaring immortals and have learned more about Confucianism, they are actually different from other Confucian immortals. The selection of Human Race Hongyun who is selected by the friend is always at a disadvantage. This is the root cause of the failure of the Daoist in the election, right?"

"Pan Dao cultivates human hongyun within the immortal sacred stele. This human hongyun is lacking in Daoists. Although poor Dao is unintentional, the cultivation of human hongyun also affects Daoists through the technique of monster avatar. So much so that fellow Taoist cultivation bases are advancing rapidly."

   "As for the cultivation of the poor Dao in the Tiandi Pagoda, it is true that the space is confined by the Tiandi Pagoda, but the cultivator is also the human sage, and then there is the light of the saints of the sages of the human race. This is also an opportunity for the Daoists to make a breakthrough."

   "Presumably, fellow Taoists had already thought of the reasons for this when they were trapped in the monumental monument of Pin Dao, so they urged Pin Dao to participate in the Xian election, right?"

   "At this time, everything has an answer. Fellow Daoists must understand the importance of the inheritance of my human saints. This is the only way to push the poor Dao to send the holy light of the immortal sacred monument to the heavenly space..."

   "Yes, yes, yes~"

   Yu Di Wenqu nodded and said, "Everything has been said by fellow Taoists!"

   "Since I have understood the reason~"

   Xiao Hua said, "Then everything that happened in the selection of the wise is important? Do fellow daoists still need to know?"

   Yu Di Wenqu looked at the solemn expression on Yu Di Wenqu's face, nodded and said: "Yes, those are not important anymore, Xiaosheng doesn't need to ask questions!"

   Xiao Hua smiled and asked, "Are there other important things?"


   Yu Di Wenqu said again, "Xiaosheng has already arrived at Goose Lake, and now he is self-proclaimed as the deputy host of the Good Fortune Building, will fellow Taoists deny it, right?"

   "This is not an important thing~"

   Yu Yin Xiao Hua waved his hand, "Pan Dao originally wanted you to be a good-for-nothing landlord, but it seems that the poor Dao is booming. You are not convinced as the landlord on the twelfth floor of the fifth city, you should still be the deputy landlord!"

   "There are three more~"

   The jade slip Wenqu smiled, he knew the nature of the jade slip Xiao Hua very well, and the deputy host was really nothing, so he said again, "The clone of Baidi is in the Ehu Building!"


   Xiao Hua was surprised, and said anxiously, "What is he here for?"

   "I don't know~"

   Yu Di Wenqu shook his head and said, "He just said to find a niche..."

  Waiting for the jade plaque Wenqu told the ins and outs of the matter, UU read jade plaque Xiao Hua said: "This is weird, is he looking for the secret realm of heaven?"

   "That's right~"

Yuzhu Wenqu smiled and said, "After thinking about all these years, Xiaosheng finally understands that the West is looking for a niche rather than a Taoist friend. How many secret realms have the Taoist friends searched all the way to the Heavenly Court? You have to ask for a fellow daoist!"

   Fellow Daoists, a virtuous election is finally over. The six selections in the heavenly court are different. This virtuous election should be beyond everyone's expectations, right?

   This time the addition is over, please look forward to the next one: the battle of Ling Yuan!

Thank you to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: smelly mosquito, a grain of rice, wooden wooden man, singing bird, boss Zhao, brick mover, busy man, Bihai advertising, Huan, Wen, Cang Slash, I used to look forward to the present, Southern Emperor Beima, Trotting Youth, Open Sesame, Wind, Stupid Taoist, Nuo Lunxi Watch, Reincarnation, My Goodness, Immortal Fist, Vanilla Flavor, Paulhou, Xiu Shen Lao Ding, lishao777, Yi Grain rice, helpless, look at his face with the lamp, Fang Weimin, Wuluke passers-by and other fairy friends.

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