Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3027: Ling Yuan's seventh stage is Yu Yuan?

   "It's easy~"

Xiao Hua took a deep breath and replied, "Didn’t the Lord Wu say that? Your first surprise is that the Ji family invited you to Ling Yuan. Presumably you didn’t know the Ji family’s Ling Yuan before, and you will definitely come. Passing around. In addition to Wen Xian’s request, the reason why Xiao came to Ling Yuan was Yu Yuan. Xiao wanted to see what the sunset in the heaven was like and what chance would there be. Thinking of Yu Yuan, as the host of the Heavenly Court Star Harvesting Tower, the host Wu, must have been here long ago?"

"Since the landlord Wu has been here, what is the place of sunset? Sun rise is life, and sunset is naturally death. Since the landlord Wu has been to Yu Yuan, now there is another three-flower clone of Hongyun of Death, don't hesitate to say Wu? The original poster must have gotten a chance in Yu Yuan, but cut a Wenhua!"


   Wu Zhenhong couldn't help but caressed his palm, "The hostess Xiao is really a dragon and phoenix. This is the secret of Wu Mou. I didn't expect to be said so by Xiao Xiao...What kind of **** secret, it was leaked by Wu!"

   "Don't worry~"

   Xiao Hua smiled slightly and said, "And Xiao still knows that this Ling Yuan must also be connected to Yu Yuan, or Yu Yuan’s sunset is because of this Ling Yuan..."


   At this point, Xiao Hua was suddenly startled, his smile condensed on his face, and he whispered, "Xiao knows! Yu Yuan... I'm afraid it is Ling Yuan's seventh stage!!"


   Hearing this, Wu Zhenhong was also dumbfounded, looking at Xiao Hua and wondering, " do you know?"

   "Hasn't the Lord Wu already said it just now?"

Xiao Hua assuredly said, "Your third surprise is Ling Yuan's passage of reincarnation. If Yu Yuan's nether air is exactly the same as Ling Yuan, the person of the master Wu, no, it should be called how can he easily pass through the passage of reincarnation. All the way to here~"

   "Furthermore, Xiao has already seen the entire sixth floor of Ling Yuan, and there is no way to reach the seventh floor at all, except for Yu Yuan, which is the seventh floor of Ling Yuan. Xiao really can't think of... there are other explanations!"

   "Not bad, not bad~"

At this time, even Wu Zhenhong couldn't help but praise again, "The talent of the original poster Xiao is worthy of being Tianting Wushuang, and Wu has been wondering why this reincarnation passage broke when it reached the sixth floor. This explanation of the original poster is correct. It solved Wu's doubts..."

   "It's just..."

Wu Zhenhong looked around, then turned the conversation and said, "Lord Xiao told the truth, but he also cut off his own way! Wu Mou also wanted to save the life of the original Xiao, to see if the key to the house can be used to reincarnate this reincarnation. The passage is open, it seems that it is not needed now!"


   Xiao Hua also smiled and shrugged, "Do you think Xiao needs this opportunity?"

   "Oh oh oh?"

   Wu Zhenhong also grinned and said, "I don't think that the original poster Xiao has a back hand? Come, come, let Wu guess, what else do you have..."

   "If nothing happens~"

   Wu Zhenhong paused for a moment, looked up and down at Xiao Hua, and said, "Your weird clone should have spread all over the sixth floor of Lingyuan at this time, otherwise you can't say that you can't find the entrance to the seventh floor after searching the sixth floor!"

   "This is nothing~"

   Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "Those avatars together are not worthy of the underworld host Wu."

   "Hey, is that the key of Wenjia?"

   Wu Zhenhong asked immediately, "Since there is no Lingyuan seventh level here, the so-called key is not the key to opening the entrance, so it should be used elsewhere..."

   Wu Zhenhong’s words are indeed correct, Xiao Hua now understands, where is the space engraved on that dragon skin scroll, the sun, moon and stars...Where else can it be besides Yu Yuan?

   Gao Lingsong knows only Yu Yuan, not Ling Yuan!


   Xiao Hua nodded, "That thing is indeed used in other places, but it's not a follower of Xiao."

   "Then Wu understands~"

   Wu Zhenhong said with a smile, "That's Ji Shengliang's control of Ling Yuan's writing tools!"

   "Ji Shengliang must have looked for the original poster Wu, right?"

   Xiao Hua asked rhetorically.

   "Not bad~"

Wu Zhenhong nodded and said, "Wu was the first to come to Ling Yuan because he was thinking about Yu Yuan's affairs, and even walked by Yu Yuan before passing the message to Ji Shengliang. When Ji Shengliang saw Wu's first side, he wanted to explore Wu Mou said, how big is the scale of my pick-up building, how could I care about his small Ling Yuan? Besides, Wu Mou might as well tell you that before you, Ji Shengliang, Xiaoxia Tower, Qi Yun Tower, and Ziyun Tower, etc. Yes, you are not the only one to convince Ji Shengliang..."


   Xiao Hua was not angry at all, and smiled, "So what now? Does Mr. Wu regret it?"

   "Tell the truth~"

Wu Zhenhong also laughed, "Wu really regretted it, especially after discovering the passage of reincarnation, but it was a pity that Ji Shengliang was waiting behind me at that time, and Wu did not have the opportunity to see Ji Shengliang alone, otherwise how could there be so much? The trouble? Of course, Wu knew in his heart that even if Wu went to see Ji Shengliang, he would never agree to Wu again."

   "Is it because of Xiao?"

   Xiao Hua understands.

   "That's right~"

Wu Zhenhong nodded and said, "Just when Lou Zhu accompanied Wen Jia's Patriarch to Ling Yuan, Wu Mou's chance to subdue Ji Shengliang was lost. With Wen Jia in front and Xiao Lou Zhu's impressive results, how could Ji Shengliang choose Heavenly Court Five? floor?"

   "Honourable victory?"

   Xiao Hua understood, and sneered, "After talking so much, in the final analysis... Is Lou Zhu Wu ready to subdue Xiao?"

   "If the original poster Xiao is interested, that would be the best~"

   Wu Zhenhong smiled and groaned, "But if you say that Lou Zhu is not interested, then Wu has to take the heads of Xiao Lou and Wen Qu to conquer the good luck building!"

   "Lord Wu has a good idea~"

   Xiao Hua sighed, "Is it possible that the original poster Wu hadn't thought that Xiao would take the head of the original poster Wu to conquer the Star Tower??"

   "Haha, UU reading Xiao original poster~"

   Wu Zhenhong laughed and said, "You think that the twelfth floor of my Heavenly Court will be the same as the four great families. You only have to kill the host Wu Mou. Do you have to surrender to the host Xiao Xingxing Building?"

"Don’t worry, as long as the news of Wu’s fall has come out, and it is confirmed by the Xingxinglou, another owner of the Xingxinglou will be released immediately, and Wu also honestly tells you that that person may not be the deputy owner of my Xingxinglou. !"

Xiao Hua actually didn’t care about how the Twelfth Floor of the Heavenly Court was constructed. The construction of the Building of Good Fortune was also a temporary motive. It was more for the experience of the disciples of the Good Fortune Sect, and even to satisfy the desires of some of the Fortune Sect disciples, so Wu Zhenhong said, Xiao Hua didn't know.

But when he heard this, he immediately thought of the situation in Wuyunlou when he faced Wuyunlou's advocacy for a while. At that time, he accidentally mentioned that Zhang family, Bi family and Gao family took turns in charge of Wuyunlou. What's wrong, now it seems that Zhang Yi’s weakness has been spotted sharply. He didn’t make a move to embarrass himself. And judging from the performance of Shen Jian and other leaders of the Fifth Building today, he really might not be Zhang Yi’s opponent at that time...

   Dao friends, the leader is over, I wish you a good Dragon Boat Festival!

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