Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3068: Weird feeling

  Chapter 3089 Weird feeling

  Xiao Hua waited for a few months before all the disciples cultivating in the Sword Washing Pool returned, and he himself took out the Biqing Suguang Bowl and brought Gao Qiuyu into it again.

  Gao Qiuyu's kendo is unique. Xiao Hua doesn't want this pure kendo to be contaminated by other unknown factors. Moreover, with Gao Qiuyu's strength, she has just started and realized the thousands of exercises that will be enough for her to practice for a long time.

  After finishing this, Xiao Hua just stepped on the immortal boat, and just about to take out the picture of Linquan Gaoyi, suddenly there was a strange movement between the sky and the earth, like night falling.


  Xiao Hua was startled, and immediately flew away on the clouds, holding the sword art in his hand and looking around, a feeling that was both inexplicable and familiar, like darkness covering Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua could not find anything anyway.

"what happened?"

  Wen Qu hurriedly flew over and looked around in surprise.

  At this time, the feeling of darkness disappeared.

   "It looks like someone is peeping~"

  Xiao Hua wandered around and frowned, "It’s hard to say what it feels like, I should have encountered this feeling before..."

   "But what on earth is it, I can't think of it."

  Wenqu read for a while and found nothing, the two had to return to Xianzhou.

  "Tao friends~"

Wenqu took a look at Xianzhou after the Xianzhou station, and suggested, "The emptiness of buried immortals is in the Tianhu Tianyu, and there is the Bibo Bibo between Yanhu Tianyu and Bai Yujing. Oh, it is commonly known as the boiling sea, boiling sea. There was a rare wind and thunderstorm in the heavens. Xiaosheng remembers that there is a thunder boat at the gate of good luck, and that thunder boat should be more suitable for going to the sea!"

  The Thunder Boat of the Good Fortune Gate is actually not the Thunder Boat of the Mortal Realm’s Lei Zong. With the help of Bai Ze, the Thunder Boat of Good Fortune Gate is many times stronger than before.

  Wenqu’s suggestion really touched Xiao Hua’s heart. He smiled and said, “Father Daoist is right. I just don’t know if Daoist and Xiao Mou visit Feng Wangyue together, go to Boiling Sea, or step up training?”

   "Naturally, the niche has to step up his training~"

   Wenqu also tasted the sweetness of Lin Quan Gao Yitu, smiled and said, "How about Xiaosheng coming out when fellow Taoists arrive on the shore of Boiling Sea?"

   "Easy to talk, easy to talk~"

  Xiao Hua smiled and presented Linquan Gaoyi's picture. After asking Wenqu to enter, Xiao Hua looked down at his crooked and crooked body during this period, and followed him in. After a while, the image of mind and Confucian stepped out again.


  Xiao Hua then glanced at the disciples waiting on the immortal boat, and said, "You will go back to practice, fight, and hold the sword. You pick some disciples who are successful in kendo, and go with the old man to bury the immortal void."

   Yan Zhan and holding the sword led their orders, picking some disciples to stay, and the others were the clear light who followed them into the Kunlun Mirror.

  Not long after, Xiao Hua entered the space with heart, and flew out Yu Lei Zong Ruthless, Cui Yingying and Xiang Zhili with a group of disciples and Lei Zhou.

  The disciples of Yu Lei Zong suddenly emerged from the space, and the infinite laws of thunder were immediately born around them, like a thunder net falling down, imprisoning all the disciples' immortal power.


   "Little Master~"

  "Foster father~"

   Ruthlessly waited for the three of them to rush over to see him.

  Xiao Hua said the reason, and ruthlessly knew that this was an opportunity for the Yu Lei Sect disciples to experience Xiao Hua, and hurriedly ordered to go down, and the Yu Lei Sect disciples began to urge Lei Zhou.

Seeing the Lei Zhou urged, Xiao Hua thought a little bit, and did not let the other immortal boats return to space, so there are more than a dozen immortal boats protecting the Lei Zhou, and it is not majestic, moving towards the west of Bai Yujing. Slowly fly away.

  Xiao Hua looked at the Third Elementary School of Yu Lei Zong standing next to him, and it was inevitable to think of the Ten Thousand Thunder Valley in the past.

   Seeing Xiao Hua bowed his head and said nothing, he seemed to be thinking about something, even Xiang Zhili did not dare to say anything.

   At this time, the ruthlessness and others have cultivated to the high level of Daluo, and they are about to step into Taiyi. This kind of strength is already a great achievement in other immortal gates, but it is not in the good fortune gate... at all!

  Today's Good Fortune Sect is actually divided into two types of disciples, one is Hunyuanxian, and the other is Hunyuanxian. In many cases, the realm below Hunyuanxian is not mentioned by the disciples in chatting.

It’s not that Cui Yingying and Xiang Zhili don’t work hard, because there are too many disciples with outstanding qualifications in the fairy world, and there are more geniuses gathered in the good luck gate. Of course, the three little ones of Yu Lei Zong are born with thunder, and they have the blood of thunder beasts, but this is only Let them stand out in the ordinary world, there are so many Yu Lei Zong disciples with such opportunities.

Xiao Hua also gave the third elementary some chance, but did not take special care. After all, the opportunity is in the sky. Xiao Hua discovered that as long as those geniuses follow him, they will inevitably lose their genius, so he did not take the Yu Lei Zong Third Elementary Staying by your side, staying in the Good Fortune Sect, but to allow the three small members of Yu Lei Zong to develop freely, right and left in the space of the immortal world, everyone knows that the head of the Yu Lei Zong is the younger brother of the Master of Good Fortune Sect Master.


  Xiao Hua collected his thoughts, looked at the indifferent expression that has been ruthless for thousands of years, and asked, "How are you waiting for your practice recently?"


   said ruthlessly, "Little brother is now a high-end Daluo, but he has been stuck in the bottleneck and cannot make any progress!"

  "Foster father~"

  Xiang Zhili approached with a shy face, and said, "Give me some chance? Your old disciples are hungry one by one, and the child's eyes are going to be green!"

   "Easy to handle~"

  Xiao Hua smiled and groaned, "The old man has a dusty formation here. It is about the complementation of yin and yang, and the husband and wife double cultivation..."

  Cui Yingying was a little caught off guard. Unexpectedly, Xiao Hua was so disrespectful, so she immediately blushed with shame and lowered her head.

Ruthlessly a little bit dumbfounded. He opened his mouth and didn't know how to pick it up. He knew in his heart that Xiao Hua was urging him, but Xiang Zhi, his face was hundreds of times thicker than Ruthless and Cui Yingying. He gave birth, rubbed his thumb and forefinger, and said with a smile: "Foster father, my child needs this. Of course, if you always have a golden pill, that would be the best!"

   "Call your fairy friends here~"

  Xiao Hua is not a vegetarian either. UU Reading www. said casually, "I am getting along with each other, an elixir every day!"


  Xiang Zhili smiled and finally stopped.

  Xiao Hua looked ruthless, and resisted the urge to tell the helpless news, and smiled: "Well, it's rare that the old man has such a leisure time. The old man waits for the Yu Lei Zong disciple to speak for you!"


   was heartlessly overjoyed, and said, "The younger brother begs the brother to send out all the disciples of Yu Lei Zong!"

   "This is not necessary~"

  Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "I just let them hear too!"

  While talking, there was a clear light flashing on the Kunlun mirror, Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, and Yan Zhan flew out with a group of Sword Fairy disciples.

  Xiao Hua looked at it, and he didn't realize that he was smiling. Xiao Hua himself actually practiced swords, but now that his supernatural powers are boundless, and the way of swordsmanship is no longer visible, many of Xiao Hua's disciples also practice swordsmanship.

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  (End of this chapter)

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