Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3167: Pei who can cut the cause and effect of reincarnation? F sword

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Xiao Hua didn't know that his appearance had triggered Rui Xuanwen's prohibition, and once again announced the realm of his hard practice to the public. After his figure fell with the Three Sages and Five Jue Tablets, he looked at Yuan Yi and Ying stunned. Quan and Si Xu smiled and said, "How are you waiting for cultivation?"

The three looked at each other, their faces were ashamed, and no one answered.

"Fine, nothing~"

Xiao Hua comforted, "The origins of the Three Sages and Five Jubilee Monuments are peculiar. Although there is a possibility of breaking through the bottleneck, they are not really aimed at the cultivation method of the heavenly Confucian. You wait and go out first until the outer layer realizes the previous harvest. Some think of a way!"

Seeing that the three of them had gone separately, Xiao Hua's mind was tempted, and the space was able to perceive it again. Xiao Hua's mind entered the space, but for a moment he got out of it, and Xiao Hua's left hand palm had already added a "Three Sages and Five Definite Monuments"!

Then Xiao Hua smiled and sent King Kongzhuo out.


King Kongzhuo transformed into a human form, and said with a big thorn, "What can the little one do?"

"The old man wants to build a secret realm of heavenly Confucianism cultivation~"

Xiao Hua said, "This matter is secret and cannot be seen by others, so the old man specially asked General King Kong to assist the old man!"

"Good to say~"

King Kongzhuo was overjoyed in his heart, but on the surface he pretended not to care, and nodded lightly, "Leave this to the little one!"

With that, King Kong Zhuo's figure shook, and the entire Three Sages and Five Jue Steles space had already been covered.

Xiao Hua smiled, and raised his hand again to sacrifice Lin Quan Gao Yitu, and he grew into the third floor.

Walking into the green willow forest, Xiao Hua took out the "Three Sages and Five Definite Monuments" on his left hand.

This "Three Sages and Five Wonders Monument" looks the same as usual, but there is no cursive script, brush and sword rhyme on it. What Xiao Hua has to do is to lay a triple secret on this fake Three Sages and Five Wonders Monument!

Forging the secret realm was nothing to Xiao Hua, but he needed time, and the three secret realms took more than 1.2 million years.

After doing this, Xiao Hua flew out of Linquan Gaoyi with mixed happiness and sorrow.

What excited Xiao Hua was that while laying down the secret realm, he once again had a better understanding of painting rhyme, word rhyme and sword rhyme. He even took the opportunity to engrave more than a dozen smallpox petals.

What made Xiao Hua even more disturbed was that he discovered that the smallpox petals engraved in the territory of Dangshu Xiaotian were not only inconsistent with the territory of Xiaoqiu Xiaocan, but there were also slight gaps in the engraving of sword rhyme, character rhyme and painting rhyme.

Xiao Hua received Lin Quan Gao Yitu, and did not let King Kong Zhuo go back, but rushed to the authentic Three Sages and Five Wonders with the "Three Sages and Five Wonders Monument".

"Are you~back~coming~?"

Xiao Hua was still in the light, and Tan's voice came in his mind.

"Yes~ I~ come back~ come~"

Xiao Hua knew that his time was precious, and hurriedly replied.

After saying this, a light yellow wooden sword appeared in front of Xiao Hua, and he said: "I am going to take you away!"

With that said, Xiao Hua took out the "Three Sages and Five Jubilee Monuments" and raised his hand to Xiang Tan!

I don't know, Xiao Hua's big hand is on the place, and there is no way to catch Tan.


"You can clearly see Tan here, why isn't it in the same time and space?"

Xiao Hua suddenly realized that he and Tan were not in the same time and space at all, how could he catch him?

"General King Kong~"

Xiao Hua rolled his eyes and raised his voice, "Come and live with the old man!"


General King Kong agreed, and a bronze halo descended from the sky to cover Tan!

"Who are you?"

Tan was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly asked.

"I am General King Kong~"

King Kong Zhuo said shamelessly, "It's the master who sits down and protects the law first!"

"Hello, General King Kong~"

Tan also said, "I'm Sword Saint Pei Min, I'm glad to meet you!"

"Why so much nonsense?"

King Kong shook twice, but he couldn't take the Tan away unexpectedly, he felt impatient.

"I~ I don't know~"

Tan replied in a flustered manner.


King Kong Zhuo shouted, "Feed it two drops of your blood and you will be able to help the younger ones!"


Xiao Hua thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and then took a drop of blood and dripped it on the sandalwood sword!


Essence and blood infiltrated, and some inexplicable messages came into Xiao Hua's mind.

"Pei Minjian?"

"Yes... can you cut the reincarnation cause and effect?"

Xiao Hua was a little surprised, looking at Sandalwood Jian, he whispered in his heart, "No wonder you can split your thoughts..."

Just thinking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly got excited and lost her voice: "I'm going, then can Xiao take Pei Min's sword and cut off Zhou Xiaoming's reincarnation cause and effect from Wu Danqing?"


King Kongzhuo urged again, "Small has used his strength, and you can help him!"

"Good to say~"

Xiao Hua came back to his senses, roared with joy, and immediately curled up at Pei Minjian.

Pei Minjian was originally in the midst of several mixed moments, and Xiao Hua couldn't perceive his mind. Even if it was Xiao Hua's blood, Pei Minjian took the initiative to pick it up. Only then did it infiltrate. At this time, when Xiao Hua's mind is released, he can already feel it with difficulty. To the location of Pei Minjian.


Xiao Hua let out a low growl, and Diamond Diamond's figure suddenly disappeared, and when the Diamond Diamond's figure reappeared, Xiao Hua's mind had already covered Pei Minjian.


When Pei Minjian's pale yellow clouds flashed, he was taken into the room by Xiao Hua.

After Pei Minjian disappeared, the space in front of "Boom Rumble" Xiao Hua, there were three weird time Hongyun rushing in three directions, and the surrounding space immediately collapsed and annihilated.

"Xiao understands~"

Xiao Hua watched the disappearance of time Hongyun and space, he secretly said, "This Pei Minjian is stuck between the three time Hongyuns, and the three time Hongyuns have constructed the peculiar space of the Three Saints and Five Jubilee Monuments. Xiao Mou took Pei Minjian away. , The three time Hongyun went separately, this space naturally no longer exists..."

Xiao Hua thought, and hurriedly turned around to look again. Sure enough, all the visions disappeared in a blink of an eye if the whole small heaven realm was blowing like the wind. UU reading

"what happened??"

Million, who was stimulated by Xiao Hua, was cultivating with all his strength, the second grade of Taiqing Tianxian was stunned!

"What if the Xiaotian realm disappears?"

Everyone raised their eyes to look at the center of the Xiaotian realm, where Xiao Hua was standing long, with a confident smile on his face.


Zhu Yongting, who is staring at the star list closely, couldn't help but whispered, "If the Xiaotian realm still disappears, no wonder some people say that the landlord Xiao is the terminator of the secret realm."

"Master Kong~"

Zeng Jian slammed his chest and shouted, "Sure enough, the original poster Xiao received the Three Sages and Five Jubilee Tablets. How do you tell Zengmou to confess to more than a million Taiqing Tianxians?"

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