Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3237: Jian Yun can be changed!


Xiao Hua was overjoyed. After stopping Yi Lingbi, everything around him reappeared.

"Lord Xiao?"

As soon as Xiao Hua appeared in Haotian, a pleasantly surprised voice rang, "You...have you also come to Haotian Great Sword Realm?"

Xiao Hua looked up and saw a sword fairy wearing a sword suit slowly flying over. Xiao Hua is now famous in the heavens, so many people know him naturally. Xiao Hua confirmed that he had never seen this sword fairy, so he smiled. He said: "Yes, Xiao Mou also came to the Great Sword Realm of Haotian, I don't know how the literary friends call it?"

"Ye Meng, a college in the southern foot of Heicheng~"

Jian Xian hurriedly returned the courtesy, "I don't know if Lou Zhu has any impression of the student named Ye Yi chosen by Xian in Nanlu Academy, that a certain family is his uncle!"


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Most of Xiao's matters related to the selection of Xians have been forgotten. Perhaps in the Heaven and Earth Tower, Xiao met Ye Yi, but now Xiao Mou can't remember it!"

"Hehe, too~"

Ye Meng said with a smile, "It's about the experience of selecting a good candidate, and a certain family completely forgets it. Of course the original poster Xiao can't remember Ye Yi!"


Xiao Hua nodded and looked around, tentatively, "I don't know how many sword rhymes Ye Wenyou has realized?"

"Oh, don't mention it~"

Ye Meng raised his eyebrows and shook his head, "This Haotian Great Sword Realm is even more evil than a certain family thinks, and a certain family has made perfect preparations, but after entering this Haotian, he is immediately lost and does not know where he is. , And I don’t know what sword rhyme is appropriate to comprehend. Oh, yes, the original poster Xiao is a talented person, I must have realized a lot earlier, right?"


Xiao Hua said embarrassedly, "Xiao has just come in and hasn't really realized it yet! If Ye Wenyou has something, you might as well talk and listen, Xiao has a good ear!"

"Hehe, there is nothing special about it~"

Seeing that Xiao Hua didn't say anything, he asked himself instead. Ye Meng thought Xiao Hua was hiding her private life. He was displeased at first. He replied without a smile, "Just looking for the words in the clouds, thunder and lightning, dragons and phoenixes, and rivers, and then Splicing sword rhyme, a certain dull family is not as talented as the original master Xiao Tianzong!"

"Clouds, thunder and lightning?"

Xiao Hua was stunned for a while, and hurriedly looked around. Sure enough, as Xiao Hua looked over, some clouds and mists, as well as fairy birds, etc. slowly appeared.

When Ye Meng saw this, Yin and Yang said strangely: "Don't you know how to understand Jian Yun, the original poster Xiao, should he ask a certain family for advice?"

"Hmm, that's it~"

Xiao Hua sincerely asked for advice and said, "Xiao found something strange in the Great Sword Realm of Bright Sky, and would like to hear what Ye Wenyou has learned, and then discuss it together!"

"Haha, the heavenly court is so well-known as the original poster Xiao, the only Wen Sheng Xianxuan actually wants to ask a certain family for advice!"

Ye Meng laughed, "A certain family is really flattered!"

Xiao Hua frowned and said, "The ruler has some shortcomings and some strengths. Everyone has different strengths and different things to understand. Xiao thinks it's normal..."


Ye Meng rolled his eyes and looked at Xiao Hua. He raised his hand and grabbed it. He held a Wang Bishui in his hand. Then he raised his hand and patted the top door. Amidst the sound of "keng" swords, there was sword light rushing out of the three flowers at the top door. .

Then Ye Meng sent the clear water into the sword light, "Keng Keng Keng~" With the sound of the sword, some tadpoles emerged from the clear water, and then Ye Meng stretched out his hand again, and the clear water fell into his hand, Ye Meng Seeing the tadpoles flashing in the blue water and the faint sword rhyme, he handed the blue water to Xiao Hua and said, "This is the income of a certain family from this trip. I will give it to the original host Xiao. I hope the original host can gain something and make a breakthrough. The bottleneck of the second rank of Taiqing Tianxian, the ninth-level bottleneck, has become a wise selection of Wenxing!"

"What does Ye Wenyou mean?"

Xiao Hua also frowned, and without receiving the clear water, he asked faintly, "Xiao is nothing but kindness..."

"Haha, haha~"

I don’t know Ye Meng laughed and said, "Don’t say much, Lord Xiao, I can’t think that when a certain family gave up the Haotian Enlightenment Sword, they would still meet the Lord Xiao. This is not a respect, so I ask the Lord Xiao to accept it. We are destined to see you bye!"


Xiao Hua was even more shocked, wondering, "Does Ye Wenyou have a way to get out of the Great Sword Realm?"

"Isn't it troublesome, the host is worried~"

Ye Meng arched his hands and said, "This is the secret of my Nanlu Academy, a certain goodbye!"

"Ye Meng's words are quite hostile~"

Xiao Hua looked at the disappearance of Ye Meng's back, and was quite puzzled, "Xiao just wants to ask something, why is it so difficult?"

Afterwards, Xiao Hua looked at the clear water, raised his hand and picked it up.

What is revealed in the clear water is the tadpole script of the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm, Xiao Hua is quite familiar with, and Ye Meng's insight has no reference to Xiao Hua at all.

However, at the moment when Xiao Hua abandoned the clear water, Xiao Hua frowned suddenly and whispered: "No!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua's eyes flashed with nine colors again, and he took a closer look at the sword rhyme contained in the clear water and the corresponding tadpole text!

"No, absolutely wrong~"

Xiao Hua firmly said, "Xiao has already read the sword rhyme corresponding to these tadpoles, it is definitely not the case, how come Ye Meng has changed it?"

Xiao Hua thought for a long time, and simply released the three flowers, the sword energy surged, and the blue water was sent into it according to the gourd painting. When Xiao Hua found that he had comprehend the sword rhyme, he could actually use the sword energy to change the sword rhyme. , A chill immediately gave birth to Xiao Hua's vest!


Xiao Hua gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, "Xiao understands, this... the sword rhyme corresponding to this tadpole prose has been changed by Ye Meng!"

"In other words, if Xiao took this sword rhyme to comprehend, let alone three hundred and sixty years, UU reading is 3.6 million years old, and Xiao Mou will never comprehend the real sword rhyme. , Escape from this Great Sword Realm!"

"And Xiao had previously seen that the second-tier Taiqing Tianxian who turned into a sword rhyme was doing such a nasty deed. He changed all the sword rhymes he had already comprehended, so that others could not comprehend it! "

"What Xiao Qingyun's shadow detected... is just these useless garbage. Xiao still regarded it as a treasure that day. It's really funny to want to come at this time!"

"Funny is still secondary. When Haotian just reincarnated, what appeared to be pure and correct sword rhyme, but after these two Taiqing Tianxian deliberately tampered with, in the end, the sword rhyme of the entire Haotian completely changed. No one should try to break through the bottleneck, this is the real harm to others and oneself!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua didn't realize that his vest was chilling again, and the darkness of Xianxuan looked at the human form of Yuqing Immortal, and the Haoguang of the Great Sword Realm was also looking at the human nature of Taiqing Immortal!

The Apocalypse's Choice... really!

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