Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3264: Sword Fu

After six times of this, Xiao Hua was exhausted. The dream way of Qingqiu Mountain was mysterious, but the energy and supernatural powers were also huge, especially when Xiao Hua had to cast spells on hundreds of thousands of Taiqing gods. Xiao Hua felt his own soul. Like being held down by a mountain, the backlash of a chess fantasy is more like a poisonous snake swallowing it in one bite.


Xiao Hua gritted his teeth to sacrifice the Zhou Tianxing observatory, and said in his heart, "It is also Xiao's mission to plant the fire of the Three Immortals and the Four Doctrines in the hearts of these Taiqing Tianxians!"

"There is morality in the supremacy, meritorious deeds secondly, and speeches secondly. Although it will not be abandoned for a long time, this is called immortality!"

"Establishing a heart for the world, a destiny for the lives of the people, a sacred learning for the sacred, and a peace for all generations. This is our mission!"

"I also ask you all to follow me to make a promise, in this bright sky, you will not tamper with the sword rhyme, but if you violate the Wennuo, you will die!"

When Wen Nuo, who was waiting for the last celestial being of the Qing Dynasty, sensed Xiao Hua's soul, the "sweeping" stars turned into pitch black immediately, and Xiao Hua was no longer able to urge him, and fell with the bright record of Zhou Tian's star lights!

"Xiao Hua, what are you sneaking in?"

Benyue sarcastically said, "Although I don't know what you do, I can honestly tell you that you underestimate the humanity of your human race, you are a mantis arm as a car!"

"I...I am a human race~"

Xiao Hua's voice was a little hoarse, but his tone was firm, and he said every word, "You are a flying sword, how do you know the brilliance of my humanity? The sky does not give birth to a saint, and the eternity is like a long night. The sky is like a saint, and the sun and moon will shine forever... "

The more Xiao Hua said, the higher his voice became. As the voice fell and darkness struck, the Haotian Great Sword Realm stood upright and the third round of Haotian's reincarnation began.

At this time, although the darkness is still there, Xiao Hua's heart is full of light. He believes that if there is a sage shining brightly, there will never be a Taiqing Tianxian into the darkness!

Sure enough, Xiao Hua's figure stepped into a bright sky, and the Taiqing immortals immediately spotted Xiao Hua around them. The faces of everyone were full of expressions and loudly said: "Lord Xiao, I will wait here for a long time. I am waiting to be a saint. Set up a heart for the heaven and the earth, set a destiny for the livelihood and the people, for the sacred and inherited faculties, and for the peace of all ages!"

"Thank you guys~"

Xiao Hua was extremely moved, and bowed to the surroundings, "I am really waiting to save myself, but I am also doing the saint's thing, and let the saint shine all over this place!"

Afterwards, Xiao Hua looked around and found that there was a message from the Heavenly Immortal Taiqing, Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and began to comprehend.

As early as when Xiao Hua stepped into this heavy Haotian, there was a groan in my heart, because this heavy Haotian was the non-si Haotian of 韪篆, which is a kind of strange seal character, which has pictograms, refers to things, understands, and types. The six-meaning features such as siren, siren, yiyi, etc., make Xiao Hua a headache more than tadpole seals, but what scares Xiao Hua most is Fei Si Haotian’s "Sword Fu" and Hao Tian’s non-thinking power.

Fei Haotian’s "Sword Fu" is the longest of all eight seal scripts, and it is also the least complete in the previous Five Cities Alliance collection, especially when Xiao Hua Tian pupil falls on each seal, and the seal immediately gives birth to six. Emphasis on meaning, this meaning is like a spider web entwining Xiao Hua's thoughts, making him unable to identify.

So Xiao Hua didn't dare to delay any time, and immediately began to comprehend. At the same time, Taiqing Tianxian began to act in an orderly manner, sending the place that contained the outline of the words and sentences.

More than a hundred years passed quickly, and all the handwriting strokes were collected. Xiao Hua immediately began to stitch these handwriting strokes, and began to understand the sword intent within the strokes little by little.

For more than two hundred years, Xiao Hua's heart has been hanging. He believes that humanity is bright and that the light of saints can drive away the darkness of humanity, but he did not dare to speak without seeing the final result.

Seeing that it has been three hundred and fifty years, the Taiqing Tianxian who had been comprehending the sword rhyme at the same time had stopped for more than a hundred weeks, because their understanding was too far apart and time was not allowed.

But looking at Xiao Hua still closing his eyes slightly, there was no movement at all, and everyone's hearts also mentioned their throats!

As time passed slowly, the darkness of Haotian's reincarnation came again, and some people couldn't help whispering: "What's the matter? Why is it not working?"

"No one will tamper with Jian Yun this time, after all, everyone of us has sent Wennuo!"

"If it doesn't work, then... it's that this seal is too difficult, and this "Sword Fu" is the longest. I haven't heard of anyone who can enlighten the sword in Fei Si Hao Tian!"

At this point, "Keng~" a sword sound emerged from Xiao Hua's body. Following the sound of the sword, a sword-shaped phantom emerged from Xiao Hua's body. At the same time, a violent wind blew up between the heavens and the earth, "Boom! Boom~" Peaks of heaven and earth stand up from the ground. These peaks look weird and look like stone monuments, but inside the stone monuments there is a strange roar of sword intent!

"Enlighten the sword, understand the sword!"

Seeing such an abnormality, everyone was excited.

Looking at Xiao Hua again, he stood up slowly, his eyes flashed with sword rhyme, and his eyes swept across many mountain peaks. Then he set foot on the sky on foot, Xiao Hua took a step, spit out a word in his mouth, and the sword rhyme wandered about an inch.

"The Chi Qi rises from the land, and the electric correction is made. The wind and cloud gathers the Wei Wei, the 倐 瀐畕 zhang suddenly. It is a square inch of land, how bright? It is covered by Ince, and the rhinoceros is burned to destroy it; the neighbors are smashed, Yu Yi was hesitating because of the hesitation. The guest clung to the vault, knocking on the void and attacking the wasteland. Xiaomao should:'The light of the sword!'"

"...This sword is stern with the overturning of human feelings, quenching it with the heat of the world's roads. Chisel the mountains and lead the rivers as the iron, and the sea and the negative earth as the front as the iron..."


"... Tang Qing Song Si, not ignorant of Linlang. The dust is over, the following is not yet young. Chang Chai returns, don't slander the Fang general!"

Following Xiao Hua’s general seal "The Poem of the Sword", one after another, peaks came out, uplifted from the ground, and hit Xiao Hua’s body surface with "boom, boom, boom" and condensed with that sword. One place, turned into a seal.

The seal was born, and the surrounding light also fell into it with the sword rhyme!

Not only that, in the entire Hao Tian, ​​strands of free sword rhyme also turned into clouds and pouring down, "Boom boom boom~" Without Xiao Hua's urge at all, three flowers appeared on Xiao Hua's top door, bronze, silver and white. And the golden clouds rose into the sky, reflecting the entire Haotian brightly!

"Good, good, good~"

The tears of excitement of the second stage of the Taiqing Tianxian came out. This is the result of their joint efforts. UU Reading is also the arrival of their vitality!

The movement of Xiao Hua Wujian was truly earth-shattering, blocking the darkness that was supposed to be spilled on the horizon, until the last seal was born on Xiao Hua's body, and Xiao Hua's figure turned into a sword-like stele. On top of the stele, "The Sword" "Fu" is bright, and the sword rhyme is like a dragon!

"Thank you guys~"

Xiao Hua escaped from the shadow of the monument, bowed and said, "I will see you in the next bright sky!"


Although the darkness came late, it came after all, covering the bright sky.

Others could rest, but Xiao Hua didn't dare to wait any longer. He squinted his eyes and surveyed the surroundings carefully. When he saw the sword seal flowing, his heart suddenly dropped. Needless to say, the second bright sky should be Jian Zhuan's non-nian Haotian.

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