Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3280: Meet

However, before Jiu Xia's figure moved, she thought a little and raised her hand, but saw that it was like smoke and clouds, and there were many stars flashing in it. It was not Xiao Hua who got it from Lingyuan Fenbaoyan. Treasure Yun Luo Mi Tian Wang?

Jiu Xia raised her hand and pointed, Yunluo's sky-net fell on her body, the stars in her shone like a star river, and smoke clouds gushing out from among the stars. When the stars are embedded in Jiu Xia's body, the smoke and clouds have converged, Jiu Xia The breath immediately became insignificant.

   "Xiao Lang is a real treasure~"

   Jiu Xia glanced at the disappearance of Yunluo's Skynet, and smiled quite openly, "It can not only cover the breath, but also cover the secrets. Even if there is something behind the Lord Tushan, I am not afraid!"

   Jiu Xia is naturally not afraid. Girl Tushan has long been a bird of surprise.

Earlier, she was still using secret techniques to spread the puzzle, and even hid from Tibet within many time and space laws, but after that, Miss Tu Shan found that Jiu Xia had long deployed a secret hand while tracking, so that she could escape. Blocking his direction a little bit, it's like playing a game, pushing himself to a dead end step by step, and it doesn't take long. Even though the Yanhu universe is big, he has only one way to escape to the Baicheng universe!

   Although the Baicheng Tianyu is huge, but there is no time and space law of the Yanhu Tianyu. She only has to step into the Baicheng Tianyu, just like a mortal fleeing on an endless plain, and there is no way to survive.

Girl Tushan's figure is between several strands of space laws, and she looks very helplessly at the faint cyan marks in the distance. These marks can not be hidden, but they are randomly placed under the secret technique of Qingqiu Mountain, not so much as blocking Tushan. The girl’s escape is better to say that Jiuxia’s provocation and demonstration against Tushan girl.

   "This dead girl is too powerful~"

Girl Tushan sighed and turned around to squeeze out from the several cyan marks. She knew that these marks could detect her traces, and she did not dare to destroy them. She could see the coldness of the nine summers within the marks. Smile.

Girl Tushan doesn’t have to fly out of the law of space. She just glanced at her head, knowing that this place is far away from the ruins of the holy ruins, and she must find a place to hide within a few days, otherwise she will have to Was forced to Yujing Tianyu.

   also while she was worried, a feeling of revisiting the old place suddenly came from the bottom of her heart.


   Tushan girl was surprised, she looked around in an incredible way, it was obvious that this was where she had never been before.

"what happened?"

   At this time, Miss Tushan was already a drowning person, she would have to grab even a straw, so she didn't even think about it, looked around, sneaking in the direction of feeling.

   is also a blunder, and the direction of the feeling is also the place where Jiu Xia's various means are contained!

   In just a few days, the familiar feeling is still not far away, but the shock in Miss Tu Shan's heart is getting stronger, as if Jiu Xia's eyes have passed through the space and fell on her.

   Tushan girl was also tired at this time, and she was constantly escaping without sleep, and she was always in terror. Not only did her magic power dry up, but her mentality was on the verge of collapse.

   Of course, this is the effect that Jiuxia wants.


   Tushan girl turned her head to look at the black space and couldn't help but whispered, "I'm afraid I won't see you in this life..."

"how could be?"

   Just in Miss Tushan’s desperation, a gentle voice, but trembling again, rang out, "Am I waiting for you here?"


   Tushan girl trembled violently, she looked around unbelievably, and said with joy, "Dan...Danqing? I...I'm not dreaming, am I?"

   "You didn't dream~"

The voice was still gentle, and the tremor had disappeared, and said, "A few years ago, I used mystery to explore me. I knew that you might be coming. I can search the entire Yanhu universe, but I was afraid to disturb you. , So I can only wait here, waiting for you..."


   Following the sound, a nine-colored cloud of clouds passed through the overlapping space and fell in front of Girl Tushan.


   Tushan girl stepped on Xiayun ecstatically, but then she jumped out like a poisonous snake, and shouted in a high voice, "I'm not you who found someone!"


The voice is still gentle, and Xiayun is like a lover's hand, warmly and softly wrapped the girl Tushan, "You are the person I am looking for, whether it is a ghost or a man or a woman, I …Keep you by your side!"


Miss Tu Shan seemed to have heard this for many generations, so familiar and so touching. Miss Tu Shan persisted for so many years and finally melted like ice and snow. She collapsed in the clouds and burst into tears. The voice murmured, "I am not worthy of you in this life, are the emperor, I...I am just a fox clan..."


  'S voice was extremely surprised, and asked, "You knew it a long time ago? Why didn't you come..."

   Before he could finish speaking, a cyan shadow of "boom" flew down in front of Girl Tushan like electricity.


   Sui was already prepared, but looking at the familiar face and the familiar commoner, Girl Tushan still exclaimed, covering her face, and exclaimed, "Don't look!"


   Wu Danqing took a deep look at Girl Tushan's face, and said in a light tone, "What do I think it is, that's how it is, it's...not a big deal!"

   Talking, UU reading www. Wu Danqing stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Girl Tushan, saying every word: "Songyue, you have worked hard. I have been looking for you all the time. I have done a lot of consciously. You can see you...I know that I did it myself. Not enough, I don't know where you are, I actually let you fall into the heaven!"

   Wu Danqing is naturally wrong, but why is Tushan girl willing to blame him?

   It's just that Miss Tu Shan looked at Wu Danqing's hand, she still hesitated, she still asked herself: "Dan... Danqing, you are now..."

Wu Danqing didn’t allow her to finish speaking. He raised her hand and held Miss Tushan’s hand. She calmly said: “What is the emperor? You and Keying!"

Speaking of this, the light and shadows around Tushan Girl and Wu Danqing began to sway, everything disappeared like the wind, and the sky appeared in front of their heads, and there was a nine-color texture in the sky. This texture looked like a picture scroll. , At a glance, all kinds of red dust are revealed inside.

   The familiar feeling of Tushan girl is born out of these nine-color textures.

   "That's right~"

   Looking at the nine-color texture, Wu Danqing smiled and said, "I have found Keying, and now I am leaving you!"

   "I know~"

   Girl Tushan glanced at Wu Danqing, and whispered, "I saw Keying one step earlier, otherwise I can't conclude that Qingdi is you!"

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