Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3296: Xiao Hua vs. Wu Danqing

"Wu Danqing~"

  How could Xiao Hua admit it? He also said coldly, "You call Xiemo kill the donkey, understand? If you can do it, why don't you come?"

"Ha ha,"

   Wu Danqing laughed, and said, "Don't talk about this, what about that piece of Qingqiu Mountain?"


   Xiao Hua raised his brows and said in a strange way, "Why is Wu Wenyou also coveting things in my Qingqiu Mountain line? The great Qingcheng Immortal Territory, isn't it enough for you to play and roll?"


   Wu Danqing's face changed, and he roared.


   As Wu Danqing became angry, the surrounding sky immediately flashed and thundered!

   "I'm going~"

   Xiao Hua pretended to be timid, shrank his neck and said, "It's so terrible, Xiao is so scared!"

   Then Xiao Hua pointed to the Kunlun Mirror and said to Yan Zhan and Zuo Xiu: "Please come back, please, the Qing Emperor is angry!"


   Yan Zhan and Zuo Xiu looked at the two and sighed together, knowing that they could not stop the incident.

   After the two of them were gone, Xiao Hua asked Jiu Xia and Liu Yanyu in a gentle voice, "You two should also go back?"


   Jiu Xia smiled sweetly, "If you don't turn back, Xiao Lang is here to fight with others, how can the concubine not beat the drum to cheer?"

Seeing Jiu Xia smile, the heavens and the earth are changing. Dou Mu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu sighed. She knew that she couldn't compare, so she also looked at Xiao Hua and said: "Xiao Lang gives birth to a concubine, and Xiao Lang dies to death. , The concubine and Xiao Langsheng are in the same coffin!"


   Xiao Hua smiled and nodded, turned around and soared into the sky, then looked at Wu Danqing, raised his hand and said: "Wu Wenyou, please~"

  As Liu Yanyu expected, Wu Danqing looked at Tu Shanzi, and Tu Shanzi smiled without showing weakness: "Let's go, Danqing, Keying and I will be with you here!"

   "I am not Keying~"

  Wang Yuebai argued again.


  Wu Danqing ignored Wang Yuebai, nodded and said, "You protect Keying, just like in Donghua Market..."

   "Don't worry, Danqing~"

   Tu Shanzi said softly, "I can do it!"

   "Also good"

   Wu Danqing raised his hand a little, and the bearing plate flew down, protecting Tu Shanzi and Wang Yuebai.


   Then, Wu Danqing screamed up to the sky, and his figure went straight into the sky, and raised his eyes to Xiao Hua and said, "Xiao Hua, I haven't been so frustrated for a long time, thank you for letting me taste this again..."

   "You are welcome~"

   Xiao Hua said lightly, "This is what I should do!"


   Wu Danqing laughed wildly again, looking at Xiao Hua meaningfully, "The first fight, you can make your debut!"

   Seeing this, Xiao Hua knew that Wu Danqing was irritated enough by himself, so he smiled slightly, raised his hand to sacrifice the Zhou Tianxing’s observatory and said: "Please~"


The chess phantom fell in the air, and the arcs were born out of thin air, cutting the space forcibly, and the crisscrossing latitude and longitude covered hundreds of thousands of miles on the left and right. Not to mention the sunlight, the sky began to darken, watching the unspeakable imprisonment and harmony. The power of the blockade was so full that even Wu Danqing couldn't help but change his face.


   Xiao Hua said, he was the first to fall into Tianyuan, "boom boom boom~" But seeing Xiao Hua's physical body shake, one hundred and eighty shadows flew out, each falling on the vertical and horizontal sides, and the darkness was all over the shadows.

   "This is Go?"

  A strange color flashed in Wu Danqing's eyes, and he did not immediately fall into the chess fantasy, but asked, "You want to play a game with me?"

   "That's right~"

   Xiao Hua said calmly, "It's a game!"

"Ha ha,"

Wu Danqing laughed and stepped into the chess fantasy, and said, "My chess power is certainly not the best in the heavens, but I knew the mystery of chess rhyme when I was young. Talking by hand, it's really tired of the old birthday star eating arsenic!"

   Wu Danqing entered the chess fantasy, and immediately imprisoned in the vertical and horizontal directions. Without waiting for Wu Danqing to fall, "Boom~" One hundred and eighty phantoms of the soul flew out and fell to the other side of the vertical and horizontal, and the whole body was white.


   Wu Danqing looked at one hundred and eighty soul ghost shadows and smiled, "This primordial immortal tool can actually split my soul forcibly, which is beyond my expectation!"

   Then Wu Danqing looked at Xiao Hua's shadow and said strangely: "No, you don't seem to be the soul!"

   "No way~"

   Xiao Hua shrugged and said, "The strong dragon does not crush the snake, Wu Wenyou, you should just grab it with your hands!"

   said, Xiao Hua's heart moved at will, and a dark figure fell on the vertical and horizontal places of the chessboard!

   "You want me to catch it?"

   Wu Danqing glanced at Xiao Hua contemptuously, and said, "You wishful thinking!"

   Then, Wu Danqing, a snow-white phantom of the soul also fell on the chessboard!

   When Xiao Hua's shadow fell into the sky, there were only some light clouds in the sky, but Wu Danqing's phantom shadow fell in, and it immediately caused a huge change in the situation, and inexplicable horror began to flow from around the sky without thinking about it!

   Wu Danqing looked around with some curiosity, and his eyes became more surprised.

  "Swipe, swipe, swipe~"

At the beginning of the game, Xiao Hua and Wu Danqing moved extremely fast, black and white colors one after another, it was so lively, but as the layout was completed, their movements started to slow down, and on top of the chess fantasy, the vertical and horizontal outlines also emerged. The weird glow gradually shrouded the sky and the earth. As for the unthinking sky that was already turbulent, now it is even more murderous, and the dark night is overwhelming.

   The chessboard in front of Wu Danqing's eyes also began to change, the stars appeared in the night, and the black and white pieces were shining like stars!


   Wu Danqing sneered, and said in his mouth, "Dao Xian is like this, always regard the starry sky as the ultimate..."

   While talking, Wu Danqing was accidentally eaten by Xiao Hua.



   The white pieces on the whole chess phantom flashed together, and then the white pieces that were eaten went out like a lamp, and an unspeakable weirdness came out of Wu Danqing's mind.


   Wu Danqing exclaimed, "Can my soul be destroyed?"

   "Wu Danqing~"

   Xiao Hua said calmly, UU reading, "Do you know what the dung is called Wanhuhou? What is your soul? If you lose, your life will stay here!"


   Wu Danqing realized it, and cursed lowly, "It turns out to be Time Hongyun, no wonder it's so powerful!"

   Then, Wu Danqing didn't dare to be careless anymore and responded cautiously.

I don’t know how long it took. The space around the chess illusion was completely dark. Wu Danqing felt that he was bound to the vertical and horizontal of the chess illusion. Every time Xiao Hua sent a dark figure, there would be unspeakable surroundings. Wu Danqing knew that this was an illusion attack from a chess fantasy. If he had not had enough strength, he would have fallen into the illusion and couldn't extricate himself from it!

But this was not what Wu Danqing feared the most. It was Xiao Hua's chess power that made him frightened. By this time, Wu Danqing felt that he had not taken advantage of it at all, but was faintly at a disadvantage. Wu Danqing felt that Xiao Hua was playing a big dragon. , But unfortunately, he couldn't find the flaws no matter how much he thought, and couldn't find the source of the horror in his heart.

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to the cultivation of gods. They are: Half Smoke, Stinky Mosquito, Shield Royal, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Return, Li Jian, Xingkong Meng, Bihai Advertising, Singing Birds, Wind Walk, Rice grains, cyclone cat, Tian Facai, doing N mules, looking at the face with a lamp, Hualiuhai, proud of Shenzhou, ruthless, brick mover, eating cold skin in the middle of the night, I used to look forward to the present, there is no secret, Jiang Yuanfeng, sesame seeds... , Anonymous, etc.

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