Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3446: ? Tomb? é)

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Xiao Hua felt more and more interesting, and smiled in her heart, "Although the holy demon calamity is the cultivation method of the calamity, but the cultivation method of each demon clan in it can be regarded as a galaxy, if you add the poor luck... "

As soon as he thought of this, Xiao Hua had some inspiration again, his eyes turned sharply, and he thought silently in his heart: "Qi Luck, Qi Luck, Calamity..."


"This double spiral should be the same as the dragon’s soul and soul. It is not a real yin and yang, but a yin and yang-like existence. It is complemented by Qi Luck and Karma. There should be a relative balance between them. That spiraling balance..."

"In addition, the condensation of waves should also have a means of planting jade, and even the arrangement of the broken dragon power within the waves may involve plucking. Of course, to control these arrangements, it should also involve the secret technique of Yi Ling, and each wave should also be involved. Something to do with Liangyi Dust Array..."

The more Xiao Hua thought about it, the more accessible he was. All the problems were eliminated in the comprehension, and finally, the prototype of a brand-new secret technique appeared, and a vast earth appeared in front of the dragon's head.


How did Xiao Hua care about where he was? He let out a long sigh, excited in his heart, and secretly said, "This is also enough for the poor Dao. If it weren't for the cultivation of Dao Immortal, Demon League, and Heavenly Court, if it wasn't for this ancient dragon body of the Great Profound Dragon Without the help of Guanlin, Tiantong, or even the Jade Clone, this new secret technique is the real supplement to the God-Treading Que!"


Xiao Hua looked at the distant earth and thought, "Now there is one last problem. In what way and how does this double spiral or the two galaxies come together? Although the poor way cannot be seen. , But it can also be seen from the trajectory that the inner and the middle are by no means a simple parallelism, and even if they are parallel, there are other oddities in the middle. This is the key to the transformation of volatility..."


The horned dragon said loudly in the center of the dragon, "Look at where is in front of you?"

If it is a human race, everyone will definitely have to watch for a while, even after discussing with each other before answering, but the dragons are different. As soon as the horned dragon's voice fell, a small red dragon shouted: "Isn't this'Lin'? , Although our return path is different, the direction is correct!"

"See it clearly~"

The horned dragon sneered, "The direction is not the same as before, or is it "Lin"?"


Huang Longyan next to Ao Sheng also said, "This is'Lin', Dalong."

Xiao Hua took a look. He couldn't tell if it was Lin. He just scanned Ao Sheng. Huang Longyan, Huang Longyuan, and Qing Longyun had already moved in at some point. Xiao Hua couldn't help but muttered: " These three dragons are really fateful!"


Qing Longjun immediately retorted, "The direction is all wrong, how could it be'Lin'!"

"It's "Lin"~"


All the dragons were alive immediately, vying to shout.

"Yes... it's "Lin~""

Even the little python couldn't help but speak.

"Shut up~"

Xiao Hua said angrily, "Is there a difference? Anyway, Dalong will definitely reveal the answer, and after the answer, there must be something else!"

"Not bad~"

Sure enough, Horned Dragon smiled and said, "This is still'Lin'!"

"Great Dragon~"

Qing Longjun said strangely, "Since it is still'Lin', what's the point of asking this question...what's the point?"

"I want you to take a closer look and remember it carefully~"

The horned dragon replied, "I will ask again when I can!"

The dragons looked dumbfounded, wondering what the horned dragon was going to do.

So the dragons looked around very seriously, and some even let out a sense of longness.

The little python looked at Xiao Hua, looked at the dragons, and looked at the earth and sky. He looked very curious in his heart.

But Long Nian's flight took another dozen days. Just when the dragons were running out of patience, a trembling sound appeared in the air in front of Long Nian's head. This trembling sound was quite strange, "grumbling gurgling~" It was like a spring, and it was like a wind blowing into the hollow, but it was this slight trembling sound that stopped in Xiao Hua’s ears. Xiao Hua felt his soul tremble, and the newly condensed dragon image seemed to be stimulated and roared out. generally!

When Xiao Hua hurriedly urged the exercises to calm down, some dragon horns in the distance had long been bleeding, "Roar!" The roar continued, and the dragons of all colors flew out of the **** halo!


From a distance, the real man who has been paying attention to Xiao Hua was a little surprised, and said, "Your foundation is so stable, can you stabilize the dragon in the sea waves of yù?"

"It's not to hold the dragon's face~"

The calm-faced Huang Longyan looked at Xiao Hua and laughed, "Its dragon image is an egg, it can't fly out!"

"Haha, not bad~"

A word made Qing Longjun also amused.


The horned dragon looked at the chaos on the dragon's blade and snorted coldly, "You have gone for nothing in the trial of ‘Dan’. It’s really shameful that you can’t stabilize your dragon face!"

"Yes, yes~"

The dragon clan who rushed out of the dragon face hurriedly urged the exercises, took the dragon face back, and answered with blushing ears one by one.

Seeing the sound of vibrations getting louder and louder, a large swath of water began to appear in front of his head, which covered the sky and sun, like an unruly ink painting!


At this time, the sound of "gurgling" has become the sound of drumming.

But this was obviously a loud drumbeat, but the stimulus to the dragon's appearance was less, and the faces of the dragons gradually calmed down.

"Big...big dragon~"

A dragon clan asked carefully, "Is the "溭(zé to the west of this "Hao"?"

"Naturally it is zé~"

Horned dragon smiled and said, "Why, have you been here before?"

"No, no~"

The dragon race hurriedly laughed and said, "I know this zé is where the dragon is tempered, and my dragon is not solid, so I dare not come over."

"I'm not here this time for you to temper the dragon's appearance~"

The horned dragon said, "This time it's an eye-opener for you to hit the chance!"


All the dragons were excited when they heard the opportunity, UU reading www.uukanshu. com thought they had gained too much in this trial, but they didn't expect that even greater gains were yet to come.

Zhenren Lun sneered and said, "Since there is a chance, it is naturally dangerous. Don't be happy too soon!"

When the dragons heard this, their complexion changed greatly. After all, nearly six thousand dragons had fallen in the ancient nightmare of Haoyuan, and they were also worthy of their lives.

"Hehe, don't be too nervous~"

The horned dragon smiled and said, "The trial here is a great opportunity and a great danger. In other words, if you don't have a chance, you won't be in danger."

The horned dragon is so comforting, but the hearts of the dragons are still hanging...

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