Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3450: Wanyu Dragon Seal

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Xiao Hua's eyes turned sharply to think about the way to escape, but as far as he could see, the sky and the earth were dark, and there was no common fluctuation in the dragon domain. Obviously this space has been completely sealed by the dragon pillar of Mo Xuanzhen, and he has absolutely no strength. Way to escape!

"It's really not good~"

Xiao Hua was bitter in his mouth, and secretly said, "I can only squat!"

Xiao Hua thought about stumbling, and Ao Sheng could also think of it, but Ao Sheng was much calmer than Xiao Hua. He looked at the barbarian dragon and said lightly: "Man, you have been reincarnated several times, but your temperament remains the same. You like could it be my opponent?"

As he said, "Puff" Ao Sheng opened his mouth again, "Om~" something like a dragon seal flew out.

Long Xi was originally ordinary, and the nine-color glow was also faint, but this ordinary thing fell in the dark, "Boom~" The masterpiece of light, a king of majesty that Xiao Hua had never sensed before, like a violent wind sweeping the entire world, in the violent wind , There is also a faint dragon shape, wherever this dragon shape goes, ten thousand dragons worship, the totem is broken, even the eighteen stone pillars on the heaven and earth are shaking violently, as if they can't resist the power of the dragon seal!

"Wan... Wanyu Dragon Seal?"

The wild and wild dragon looked at the dragon seal in mid-air, and the dragon body was also full of colorful colors. In the entire space, it seemed that he was the only one who roared, but he also whispered in surprise, " actually found the day. Year old?"


Ao Sheng sneered, "You think I am you. I laid out everything before I fell. What is the Wanyu Longxi? Everything that belongs to me...will be returned to me!"

After finishing speaking, Ao Sheng raised his dragon claw and pointed at the Dragon Seal of the Ten Thousand Domains, and roared, "There is your previous life dragon blood on this thing. Take your life today and tomorrow!"


The Wanyu Dragon Seal turned into a dragon-shaped thunderbolt and smashed against the wild dragon.


The wild and wild dragon snorted coldly, and the dragon's body rolled into a ray of mysterious light. At the same time, a heavy black dragon pattern was also in front of the head of the Wanyu Dragon Seal, blocking the dragon's might of the Wanyu Dragon Seal.

Looking at the surrounding world, when the dragon pattern appeared, it turned into a cloud of darkness, swept the mysterious light transformed by the wild and wild dragon, and there were many totem dragons that broke through the air!

All the dragons felt light and joyful, but Xiao Hua squinted to look at Huang Longyuan.

Huang Longyuan didn't seem to pay attention to Xiao Hua, but looked at the place where the darkness went, as if he was thinking, or better still, transmitting.

"Scared me to death~"

The little python yelled at the side, "I was almost killed by this wild dragon!"

"Don't worry~"

Xiao Hua said irritably, "No dragon will kill you. Use you to make snake soup, the taste is too weak!"

"What is snake soup?"

The little python asked naively.

While the little python was talking, Huang Longyuan closed his gaze and immediately flew over to mix with Huang Longyan and others, while Xiao Hua looked at the darkness. The black air in the space was still like silk, densely packed like a spider web, and these black threads faded a little. , At a glance, I don't know which one is where the darkness disappears.

Xiao Hua understood that since the sea of ​​淢 (yù) 溭 (zé) is superimposed on each other and the power of the space is endless, the space of this heaven and earth must be complicated. Where the dragon goes.

Huang Longyuan is clearly a master at protecting Ao Sheng in secret. Since he is not sure about it, he will naturally choose to hide again.

"Master Ao~"

Horned dragon and Qinglong guarded Ao Sheng and asked carefully, "What should I do now?"

At this time, don't say that the horned dragon and the blue dragon are more than a dozen dragons who protect Ao Sheng, all with injuries.

Ao Sheng opened his mouth and swallowed the Wanyu Dragon Seal into his abdomen, and looked around, his eyes fell on Xiao Hua and the other dragons, killing intent appeared in his eyes!


Xiao Hua was shocked and cursed, "This little dragon boy is going to kill the dragon!"

But fortunately, the killing intent in Ao Sheng's eyes flashed away, and he looked at the distance as if thinking about something.


Xiao Hua said with lingering fears, "The poor way is still wrong. At this time, the Ao Sheng is no longer the old Ao Sheng. He is now the dragon god, um, it is Long Hao. The dragon **** can die with the Maitreya Buddha. , It can be seen that it is also a cruel heart. It seems like a wise choice for the poor Dao not to confide the truth to Ao Sheng. From now on, the old clan of Longdao is dead, and only Long Hao of the Dragon Region is reincarnated!"

"By the way, what's the matter with Long Hao? Why is he so arrogant? What is the Ten Thousand Territory Dragon Seal! Could this thing be hidden in the Dragon Island Holy Dragon Hall? Perhaps it is this Ten Thousand Territory Dragon Seal that made Ao Saint has arrogant capital, in such a weak situation, dare to reveal his reincarnation status?"

When Xiao Hua was thinking, the more than a thousand dragons were still in shock, but they were not like Xiao Hua, and they were not like the real person, and would not think too much.

Seeing the murderous intent in Ao Sheng's eyes flashed by, Master Lu immediately cried out, "It's a pity," he hurriedly flew up and shouted, "Master Ao, don't you understand? We got here all the way, and we were still ambushed by the dragon. There must be some Be careful if the dragon leaks, this dragon is Ye!!"

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua was anxious, he almost jumped into a thunder, "Mr. Lun, this is the kind of dying with the poor road!"

It's a pity how could Ao Sheng believe in the real person?

He also reluctantly said: "Father Lu, didn't I tell you? Don't worry about Ye's things anymore, he doesn't have that strength, and he doesn't have the opportunity!"

Later, Ao Sheng even transmitted: "Although the origins of fellow Taoist Lu, Ye and Python are unknown, I have already done tricks on him, and he can't hide everything from me! Of course, if you have any doubts, you might as well. Say it!"


Zhenren Lu was anxious in his heart, and secretly said, "Even if you do something, you don't know his origin. I know his origin, but...but I can't tell!"


Zhenren Lun said dejectedly, "Since Young Master Ao doesn't believe it, I won't say it anymore."


Ao Shengxinsi was not here, but he responded casually and said, "Prepare for the dragon, let’s go to Guang..."


When the horned dragon heard it, UU read anxiously, "Master Ao,'Guang' is not our current strength to deal with, and'Guang' is not considered in this trial!"

"After all, the plan can't keep up with the changes~"

Ao Sheng looked at where the wild and wild dragons disappeared in the distance and said faintly, "The'barbarians' have all appeared, are we still going through the process? I have decided, let's go!"

"Master Ao~"

Qinglong also persuaded, "'Holy' is not in the scope of the trial here, you say, we are here, after all, we feel that we can control it, and there will be no surprises to the dragons, but the'wide' is different. If you go to'Guang', you want to enter'Mi','Mi' is not the place where we can control the Jingjing emperor dragon. If you have any shortcomings, don't you fall into the'barbaric' calculation, it Just let you take the risk!"

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