Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3464: wide


Xiao Hua's mouth gave birth to a sneer, "What can I prepare?"


Xiao Hua is right, what can the Dragon Race have to prepare? Hearing the horned dragon's reminder, the dragon races immediately roared, as if they had just woke up, and threw the grief that had been in Haoyuan to the clouds.


Even the little python asked in a low voice excitedly, "What do you think this'guang' will look like?"

"The vastness is boundless~"

Xiao Hua really didn't want to talk to the naive little python. He felt that if he was out of trouble, Yulong knew about his experience, he would definitely ask the little python what to do. He would never let the dragon talk, but Xiao Hua was really boring. Now, looking at the boundless blue water under the water, he said faintly, "What else can there be?"


As Xiao Hua's voice fell to the ground, the surrounding water suddenly disappeared, and there was a vast land in front of him!

No, it can not be said that it is the earth, under the water and light, there is an endless, lush forest!

"I'm going~"

The little python also exclaimed, "I...I thought..."

Xiao Hua also looked at the boundless woods with a different color in his eyes. It was not that he had never thought about what was under the sea, but he had always thought it was the earth and the rocks, but he really didn't expect it to be the trees.

However, Xiao Hua glanced at the little python and asked, "Why do you think? In addition, I have to correct you and don't follow me!"


The little python was a little tangled, and whispered, "I thought it was dark silt, but I didn't expect it to be the sky and the forest!"

"Also...Also, I think you speak very aggressively, can you... let me learn how you speak?"


Xiao Hua grinned, and nodded hurriedly, "It's okay, you must learn, you must learn, what else do you need to learn?"


While Xiao Hua was screaming, Long Nian flew into the woods.


Where the dragon is passing by, in the woods, the trees and vines all turn into a dragon shape, and they pounce on the dragon with their teeth and claws!


Long Nian quickly passed through the surrounding trees and vines, so naturally he would not be caught, but Xiao Hua's gaze swept across, and he was surprised again, because whether it was a big tree or a vine, each one was upside down. This The inverted length is not an ordinary "inverted", it is a kind of inverted length from the top of the tree to several roots. There is a sapling in front of Xiao Hua's eyes. , And the treetops did not stop, growing out section by section.

Just as the dragon flew by, the big tree grew a crown!

"How could there be such a weird situation?"

Even after flying by, this scene is still deeply imprinted in Xiao Hua's mind.

Xiao Hua was still thinking about the weirdness of this, and saw a tree vine swiftly protruding out and directly hit Long Nian, but when he heard a loud "bang~", Long Nian shook violently and deviated from the direction.

A red dragon accidentally fell off the dragon's blade one by one.

The red dragon didn't care, but its figure just touched some dark shadows around it, and the dragon's body immediately trembled, as if it had touched something terrifying, there was panic in its eyes, and a lot of glow came out of the scales. Yun, the dragon body tried hard to rush to the dragon nian.

However, without waiting for the red dragon to fly out thousands of feet, "Shushushu~", within the scaly clouds, a series of faint green halos flashed, and the tops of the trees were drawn from the halo, and then fell directly. Insert the red dragon dragon body!


Contrary to Xiao Hua's expectation, instead of wailing, Chilong laughed, and the fear on his face was gone.

"Fly fast~"

Seeing this, Ao Sheng seemed to have thought of something, and immediately ordered, "I immediately speed up with all my strength!"


The horned dragon did not dare to neglect, and urged the dragon with all its strength, and the dragon screamed.

"Haha, haha~"

As more treetops were inserted into the red dragon dragon body, the red dragon actually laughed, and the whole dragon body slowly came to a halt. Then, under the eyes of everyone, there were trees all over the dragon body, where is it? Can you see Chiryu?


The dragons were stunned, and the dragon's fur suddenly produced a terrifying laughter. The dragons were taken aback, and hurriedly looked at it. They saw the little python sitting on the hill of the dragon's dragon, laughing extremely strangely.


Seeing this, Xiao Hua flicked the dragon's tail and hit the little python in the face, cursing, "What is the name of the ghost?"

"I~hee~~I don't know~~"

I didn't know that the little python laughed and explained it with difficulty.

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua immediately sweated behind his back, and at this time, Xiao Hua also felt itching on his dragon's body, as if there were peach hairs falling on him.


On the dragon's blade not far away, a blue dragon also followed the little python and began to laugh, but it was different from the little python. As it laughed, "brush~" a blue light grew out of its scales, and within the blue light, It's another upside-down cane!

Without waiting for this cane to grow longer, the blue dragon guarding Ao Sheng in the distance did not dare to neglect. The dragon's body flew quickly along the dragon's blade, the dragon's tail raised, and with a "pop~" Go flying!

The Qinglong dragon body did not stop, and continued to rush towards the little python, apparently also going to knock the little python away!

"Haha, haha~"

At this moment, the little blue dragon that was beaten into flight was worse than the red dragon just now. Just after flying out of the dragon's nest, there was a bright blue light all over his body. Countless thorns grew on Qinglong!

"Laugh again!"

Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly stood in front of the little python and scolded, "If I laugh again, I will kick you off!"

"Oh oh~"

The little python was horrified, and hurriedly agreed to suppress his laughter.

It was also weird, the smile that could not be suppressed just now actually stopped.

The Qinglong had already flown to the front, and it stared at the little python with electricity. The little python was so scared to hide behind the shadow of Xiao Hualong's body and did not dare to gasp.


Just as Xiao Hua was about to speak, other dragons laughed in the distance.

Xiao Hua swallowed the words back, UU read www. He found that he seemed to laugh too!


Qinglong had no choice but to turn his head and pounced on another dragon clan.


The little python wanted to say something, but it just opened its mouth and wanted to laugh again. It hurriedly swallowed the words, but when it leaned down, it found that Xiao Hua’s wings were slightly spread, and he was holding Long Yin. The light and shadow of the outer biscuit are blocked!

The blue light shining on the little python was blocked by Xiao Hua, but there was no dragon gang Xiao Hua blocking the blue light. A trace of the blue light shone on Xiao Hua's body, as if there were ten thousand itchy thorns, and got into Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua really wants to laugh...

Add more for "the fattest cow dung"~

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