Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3471: Shock the dragons (1)

Xiao Hua was aware of everything, and knew better than anyone else in his heart. He was afraid that he would be able to cope with such torrential teachings when he was at his full strength. What is the origin of that mysterious voice!

Fortunately, although Xiao Hua could not control, everything was still in order, and Xiao Hua’s perception increased with the practice, and he was gradually able to control the coolness and heat. In particular, as the double helix advances, everything is Engraved on Xiao Hua's dragon body and soul.

I don’t know how long it took, and the darkness gradually dimmed, and a red color began to appear in front of his head. Xiao Hua knew that this should be the second stage of "Won Yuan". Xiao Hua wanted to stop, but the Double Helix didn’t listen to him at all. , Still pushing forward heavily, at the moment when the red touched the double helix, a strange feeling was like a guillotine cutting Xiao Hua's consciousness, and unspeakable chaos was born like a violent storm!


Xiao Hua couldn't think that the second red halo was so powerful that it attacked his spirit all the time.

It’s just a few breaths. Xiao Hua thought of "Long Lin Chan Shao Xiang Jue" and "Long Guang Rui Xiang Jue". Previously, Xiao Hua studied in the ancient nightmare in order to scare the dragon beast, and now he has entered the lane for these two secret techniques. , It can naturally be dealt with.

Sure enough, with the activation of the two secret techniques, Xiao Hua once again turned into two spirals, one spinning along the pitch black, the other turning into a red color and slowly spinning, gradually blending into the red color...

As Xiao Hua merged with "Yuanyuan" a little bit, more Shiqing attacked his dragon body again. Although Shiqing had been a lot more this time, Xiao Hua had already adapted to the impact of Gan Lin. Hua finally had the opportunity to carefully investigate the origin and destination of this Ganlin.

Shiqing came from the red glow, and the glow was condensed into a dragon pattern. Even if Xiao Hua inspected carefully, he could not see the strangeness in the inside. As Shiqing rushed in, the "Nine Heavens Golden Chamber Zhang" condensed in Xiao Hua's mind again. It's just that the nine-day golden chamber chapter at this time is much clearer than before.

"I... don't know... you can... come in the future~"

"I don't know when you will come again~"

"So, while there is no existence...Stay here, I will give you...everything that suits you...trial..."

With the mysterious sound, a wisps of cobweb-like ripples fell on the nine-color spiral "Wuyuan". Although the ripples were thin, the huge nine-color "Wuyuan" fell with the ripples, shaking rapidly, and the surrounding space The scaly brilliance condensed one after another, one by one.

And in this scale armor, the time dragon has surrendered!

"No, it's impossible~"

Although Xiao Hua blended into the red color, all this frightened him slightly, and he actually got out of the red color, and he whispered in his heart, "At this time, the control of Long Ke is so familiar, it is not the Long Ke of the Dragon Clan that can be reached at all! This voice... What is the origin?"


Xiao Hua had just been distracted, and the red flames around him immediately produced flames that attacked Xiao Hua as if grotesquely. Xiao Hua's body was almost expelled from the spiral.

"At this moment, why bother to think of anything else?"

"Moreover, the mysterious voice clearly meant to be full of anger. Previously, the poor Dao tried in Xuanyuan. Even if there is time for the dragon, I am afraid that it will only take a few centuries. Now this Xuanyuan has added'Xuan'. Totem, Poor Dao estimates that it took tens of thousands of years for Poor Dao to just advance Xuan Yu."

"If you follow the nine colors of'圜', it will take 90,000 chen-years to complete the whole trial by the poor road. Of course, this is just a guess. Had to split the double helix, then the time spent should be twice that of Xuan Yu, and the subsequent Huang Yu, Lu Yu, etc. have to be doubled again. Nowadays, good cultivation opportunities, poor Dao can not be good. use?"

Xiao Hua's heart trembled, and he hurriedly began to urge the towering nine-day trial, fully accepting the abundant black green, and even after a few hours, seeing the fusion spiral on the right track, Xiao Hua began to comprehend the nine-day trial again!

It is also weird. The first green obtained by the two clones of Xiao Hua following the disorderly rotation is much more than Xiao Hua's practice of other exercises...

While Xiao Hua was cultivating, between the heaven and the earth near "Xuan", a faint golden light pierced through the sky like a meteor, and suddenly stopped on a mountain range. When the light dissipated, two dragons appeared in it, one was a white dragon. A savage dragon named Man.

"Great Dragon~"

The white dragon’s voice is slightly more graceful, and the dragon’s body is also a lot slender. It is clearly a female dragon. It looks around and respectfully said, "This place should be the place leading to the'Xuan', but at this time the'Xuan' is not It's not open, we can't see the outline of the passage!"


Man replied casually, and opened his mouth to spout a dragon's breath, and a pot-shaped dragon within the dragon's breath fell in the air.

"Great Dragon~"

Bai Long was a little surprised, and hurriedly asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to open the channel~"

Quietly said, "Re-enter'Xuan', and then'Wuyuan'~"

"Great Dragon~"

Bai Long said anxiously, "The trial of'Wuyuan' has just ended, and the time for'Xuan' to be opened is not yet time. If you are trying, you have to wait until..."

"That's too late!"

He squinted his eyes to look at the earth and the sky, and then the dragon claw pointed at the dragon weapon, the dragon body rose up into the sky, and said, "I didn't expect it to get the Ten Thousand Territory Dragon Seal first step. If I didn't take advantage of it to jump Tianmen killed it before, but if you want to kill it again in the future... it will be difficult."

As he said, he stopped in the sky and hung the dragon weapon above his head. When the sun shines on its dragon horns, the dragon weapon also begins to vibrate, and the seven rays of sun shine directly tore the void through the air.


With a scream, a black glow rushed out of the sky, straight through the sky and the earth, and above the black glow, the aura that made all the dragons fear, like the roar of a mountain torrent and a tsunami!


Man and Bailong were shocked. The breath of UU Reading was too vast. Faced with this breath, Man and Bailong's dragon body was firmly suppressed, and the slightest bit of resistance was born.

"Big...big dragon~"

Bai Long said in a panic, "Yes...Is it your dragon weapon..."

Before Bailong's words fell, "Boom boom boom~" Xuan Guang approached, and a few more mysterious lights broke through the sky. These mysterious lights were connected together, and the light curtain went straight into the sky, and the red sun in the sky was shrouded in life!

"Oh oh oh~"

In the violent aura, Bai Longhe flew upside down desperately, with heart-piercing screams in his mouth, Xuanguang passed the two dragons, their bodies were immediately corroded, and a little bit of fine scratches appeared on their scales. .

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