Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3474: Waves shook the Dragon Realm

Xiao Hua had always wanted to use the secret technique of holding the sky with one hand as his own method of stepping on the gods. However, after nine days of trials, he changed the technique, but his previous insights about holding the sky with one hand did not Not discarded, now placed in this Five Dragons Zhao Judgment, it is exactly complement each other!

   "If nothing happens~"

Xiao Hua immediately began to comprehend the "Five Dragons Zhao Jue Jue", and said in her heart, "This green circle must be at least sixty thousand chen years old. This is enough to make the Wulong Zhao Ju Jue practice successful, and there is still room here. It's really an excellent way to practice the space secret technique!"

Xiao Hua still underestimated the "Xuan" and "圜". He practiced in the green circle for 100,000 years. Of course, Xiao Hua also underestimated the profoundness of "Five Dragons Zhao Jue Jue". However, entering the room, it is worthwhile to condense the space with the use of the ancient dragon claws of the ancient dragon. As for the small world... it is still a thousand miles away.

   But even so, Xiao Hua laughed from ear to ear, after all, there is no ready-made space in the dragon claws of the ancient dragon!

   And Xiao Hua relied on the Five Dragons Zhao Judgment Technique, and his Secret Technique of Heaven-Optimization was further improved.

   Seeing the blue color appearing in front of him, Xiao Hua knew that he was about to split again. Last time, he split directly into ten double helices. I don't know how much it is this time.


  Sure enough, the double helix of Xiao Hua touched cyan, and the sixteen double helices began to split...

   However, Xiao Hua's attention was not on the fission of the double helix at all. He was once again staring at the scene in front of him.

But seeing that the colors of the blue circle are different from the previous colors, except for the ring-shaped brilliance that traverses the pitch black, there is also an iridescent brilliance that passes through with pale white. "The air column?

   Xiao Hua was stunned, not because there was an air column of "Mi" here. He saw the air column, and the huge vortex immediately appeared in his mind, as well as the nine colors on the vortex!

   "I'm going~"

The huge wave that turned up in Xiao Hua's heart was not inferior to that huge vortex, "Pan Dao is wrong, just like the color of this 圜, Chi Wun looks similar to Xuan Wong, but the space dragon is different, Chi Wun is split. There are two spirals, Xuan Yu only needs one spiral, and what Xiang Dao's eyes see is not the same as the reality; then even if Xiang Dao sees that the double helix is ​​parallel, it may not be parallel in it, it may be this' The interlacing of "圜" and "Mi"!"

   Xiao Hua made more sense when he thought about it. He had seen the structure of "圜" and "Mi" before, and studied the rotation of the double helix more closely. Now that he has ideas, he immediately urges the exercises again.


At this time, the incredibleness of the Dragon Domain technique was revealed again, and Xiao Hua began to comprehend and try, at the same time that countless mysterious totems about the double helix began to appear in the heat, savagely poured in, and Xiao Hua’s spirit received it again. Shock.

   However, Xiao Hua was painful and happy at this time. Even though the double helix with him did not disappear, the reference value far exceeded the totem itself. The long-stalled practice once again broke through the bottleneck and started to advance.


Just as Xiao Hua’s double spirals criss-crossed and rotated, when a little wave was disassembled and then condensed into Xiao Hua’s own wave, the nine colors of "圜" and the nine colors of "Mi" shone crazily, and the criss-cross rays of sunlight penetrated again. Heaven and Earth, the entire Shenglin Continent trembled in this glow!


   The moment the Shenglin Continent trembled, the cyan in front of Xiao Hua suddenly disappeared, and he saw inexplicable outlines appearing in several inexplicable locations.

   is a light blue unicorn shape with double wings and dragon scales on the back, but the outline is not very clear;

   One place is a light red vermilion, with one foot and two wings, dragon claws, and a snake tail, the same fuzzy outline;

   One place is blood red, as bright as a blood moon, but there is a more vague outline inside. Although the outline is not clear, Xiao Hua clearly knows that it is not a human form;

   One place is light blue basalt, but this basalt is surrounded by lotus, which looks weird;

   One place is silver-white like a dragon, but this dragon is suspended on the ground, like a mountain;

One is the outline of a mountain that looks like a half of a mountain, which looks like Xiao Hua’s previous dream, but Xiao Hua is no longer able to recognize it, because this outline has several other places that Xiao Hua can’t even take a closer look at. , Following the first few outlines, disappeared strangely.

   "This...what does this mean?"

   Xiao Hua is a little inexplicable, "The poor way can only change the fluctuations, how can the impact be so big?"

   It's just that Xiao Hua didn't think much about it at this time, because at this moment, in addition to the cool Shiqing, the hot totem, there are scattered fluctuations like water like a spring, and Xiao Hua is overjoyed to practice immediately!

While Xiao Hua was cultivating with all his strength, the real person of "Mi" also reached the blue cloud layer, but at this time, the face of the real person was a little pale, apparently killing Yun Beast and Yun Ling to get here, let him Too much loss!


Real person Lun looked at the cyan all over, and an unspeakable power emerged from the clouds. He couldn't help but cursed in his heart, "If a certain family has the previous strength, there will be no problem moving forward, but now a certain family's strength is reduced. Most of the damage, even if it has won the Five Dragons Zhao Judgment, I am afraid..."

  As soon as he said this, the inexplicable totem of "Om~" rushed directly into the mind of Real Man Lu like water.


The real man   龘 was dumbfounded on the spot. He looked at the totem in his mind incredibly, and whispered, "Long Lin chan's physiognomy? The dragon domain's cultivation technique for the dragon xiang?"

   "This...Where did this come from?"

For a long Real Man Lu suddenly woke up, laughed loudly, and exclaimed, "Haha, haha, it turns out that Fellow Xiao Dao has not fallen, he must have been hiding in a secret practice. Otherwise, how could a certain family obtain the Dragon Clan secret technique that has been comprehended for nothing? It must be Xiao Daoyou who has successfully cultivated and passed it on to a certain family through the Clone Technique!"

   "Haha, haha, Fellow Daoist Xiao must have sensed that a certain family had killed Taixuan Gulong. He used this technique to thank a certain family!"

Zhenren Lun has read the exercises carefully, and he is even more excited. This is the cultivation method that Xiao Hua passed on is the cultivation method of the dragon. With the help of the dragon chan, he can not only nourish, grow, and temper the dragon, but also copy it. Long Xiang is like a mirror image clone. Isn't this exactly what Lu Zhenren urgently needs now?

   Because it was Xiao Hua who had already enlightened him, he could show it after seeing it once, but to be cautious, he went back thousands of miles and released the dragon's face. After careful practice, he was relieved.

   The real person who waited to be flew up again, behind him, Ao Sheng showed his figure with shock on his face, he whispered to the Qinglong next to him: " you know what kind of exercise this is?"

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