Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3476: trade

   "No, no~"

Real person   龘 did not understand the meaning of Ao Sheng’s words, he hurriedly waved his hand, and said, "I have some chance, but at this time my strength is shallow. If it weren't for the help of Young Master Ao, I would have fallen here!"


While    was talking, the beast screamed and was killed by the blue dragon on the spot.


   The blue dragon's horns dazzled, and a bloodshot shot was taken where the **** dissipated.


   There are still phantom beasts in this bloodshot, roaring frantically.

   "The son~"

   Qinglong was extremely excited. With a grasp of the dragon's claws, he flew down in front of Ao Sheng, and carefully said, "Fortunately, not insulting my life."

   "Friends of Taoism~"

   Ao Sheng also looked at the bloodshot happily and said, "Can you and I make a deal?"

   "What deal?"

  龘 Really a little surprised, asked.

   "From now on~"

   Ao Sheng pointed to the bloodshot of the bastard, and said, "Whenever you encounter the evolution of the source of the marrow, you and me are divided equally, you first and me second..."

The real man   龘 was taken aback, just about to speak, Ao Sheng waved his hand and said: "You wait for me to finish!"

Real person   龘 nodded, and Ao Sheng continued: "The condition is that in the end, you must help me find the source of the marrow, and the source of the marrow is mine!"


Real person   龘 smiled bitterly, "I naturally try my best to find the source of your marrow, after all, you saved my life!"

   "I said the full force~"

Ao Sheng had already spoken well and said, "You use all the means, you can't have any reservations, and you can rest assured that even if there are any hidden means, dragon weapons, or even human fairy weapons, I will never reveal them. , I can send the Dragon Mantra!"


Real person   龘 understood, and nodded, "I can also send the Dragon Mantra, wherever I can help, no matter what means I use, I have to do it!"

   Ao Sheng was overjoyed, and he followed up with Long Zhenyan.

   Then, Ao Sheng pointed to the thread of blood and said, "Friend Dao Lu, this thing is now yours, but we have to use this thing to find the Yunling Qilin, so we can't give it to you now!"

   "No problem, no problem~"

Zhenren   龘 didn't care and said, "Even if this thing is given to Young Master Ao, I won't have any opinion."

   Ao Sheng smiled and did not speak, but he did not urge the dragon's body again.

Real person   龘 understood that Ao Sheng was afraid that he was waiting for his own guard, so he did not speak, and waited quietly beside him. It took a few hours for the dragon to come over, but the horned dragon was not included.

   "Ao Gongzi~"

   There is a respectful report from the Dragon Race, "Mi is too big, and the great dragons scattered to find Yunling, so they can't come in time for a while."

   "Don't worry~"

   Ao Sheng smiled and said, "Don't say that they are looking for bastards, even if they are looking for their marrow, it doesn't matter. I only ask about the result, not the process."

   "Thank you Mr. Ao~"

   All dragons were overjoyed after hearing this, and felt Ao Shengping was easy to get along with.

   After another long time, the horned dragon finally came with other dragon races. Real man Lu could understand that there were other trial dragon races in it. Obviously, these dragon races were the same as themselves, and they knew the identity of Ao Sheng from the beginning.

   "Where is that little python?"

When the real person   龘 followed Ao Sheng and others in a group to fly deep into the vast depths, a very abrupt thought came out of his mind, "Will it be torn to pieces by the cloud beast?"


The idea of ​​real person   龘 has not fully come into being, and the sound of dragon roaring in the blue clouds in front of his head has already sounded...

  Since Ao Sheng's guards are on the side, it is natural that the real person will not let go, so this time, he will be in the blue clouds without any surprises.

The cloud spirits and cloud beasts in the blue clouds are naturally more fierce, and because the beasts in the blue dragon claws roar from time to time, attracting more cloud spirits, so less than an hour, the horned dragon and others will encounter dozens of blue cloud spirits. Assault.

Seeing a huge cloud beast suppressing the horned dragon fighting, Ao Sheng was a little upset. He looked at Real Man Lu with the light of his eyes, thinking about how to remind, "Oh~". At this moment, the horned dragon wailed, that cloud The sharp blue teeth of the beast bit its dragon tail, and the blue immediately began to dye the scales of the horned dragon, as if poisonous. Do you have anything to say?"


Real person   龘 was a little surprised, and asked, "What can I say?? I... I really don't know what I should say!"

   Qinglong smiled next to him, and said: "Young Master Ao means that since you can find a bastard, maybe you can find a unicorn, we are searching aimlessly now, so why don't you come to find it!"

   "Isn't there a **** in your place?"

The real person   龘 is even more strange.

   "I don't know what's going on~"

   Qinglong was a little embarrassed, looked at the bloodshot in his hand, and replied, "This **** doesn't have any reminders at all, I..."

   "Friends of Taoism~"

Ao Sheng smiled and said, "None of you understand what I mean. This beast was born of Yunling Qilin. If you want to find Yunling Qilin, I am afraid that you will refine this essence to perceive it. This thing is already a scorpion. Fellow Daoist’s, Daoist Lu doesn’t speak, how can we find it?"

"Oh oh,"

Real man   龘 understood, and hurriedly nodded and said, "I understand, I will refine it!"

   Said that the real man Lu raised the dragon claw to catch the bastard.

Qinglong hurriedly looked at Ao Sheng. Ao Sheng was really helpless. In fact, he wanted to remind the real person to see if there were other methods or dragon tools. But before he got to Bai Mi, he was afraid to start the grass and startle the snake. He didn't dare to point out. Just before he counted his breaths, he felt the idea of ​​refining the bastard.

   "Give it to him~"

Ao Sheng hurriedly said, "It has been several hours for Delan Mi, there is no trace of the Yunling Qilin, so I can't look for it aimlessly before, right? And the existence of the **** has attracted many fierce Yunlings. If it is still there, UU reading is always a hidden danger, let him try it!"

   Qinglong handed the bloodshot to Master Lu, and after Master Lu picked it up, he looked at Ao Shengdao: "I want to refine it~"


   Ao Sheng smiled and said, "The important task of finding the unicorn will be left to you, hard work!"

   I have to say that Ao Sheng's words moved Zhenren Lu very much. It is clear that he has taken advantage of it, and Ao Sheng also said that he was working hard.

  龘The real dragon's horns glowed, and the dragon flew out.

   Ao Sheng squinted his eyes, and took a closer look at the real dragon's face. Unfortunately, the real dragon's face is very common and nothing special, but Ao Sheng still stared at it carefully.

Real person   龘 vaguely knew Ao Sheng's mind, and he got the dragon bones of the Dragon God. He had no blood, and the dragon would not reveal anything, so he simply let the dragon show up.


  Longxiang saw the scarlet outline of the bastard, and was extremely afraid, and with a low growl, he wanted to fly back!

   adds more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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