Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3486: Suspicious Ao Sheng


Xiao Hua also slandered when he saw Yu Longzi, "This is how the dragon has lived for a thousand years, how come this servant hasn't died yet!"


Yu Longzi looked at Xiao Hua and Little Anaconda who were unscathed, and suddenly understood something. He laughed and shouted, "I see, you didn't enter'Mi' at all, did you? Otherwise, how could you be a little bit? Are there any injuries?"


The little python blushed immediately, and he stammered speechless. It wanted to argue about something, but it was not very good at telling lies and didn't know what to say for a while!

"Lao Tzu just won't enter'Mi'~"

Xiao Hua's face is naturally not comparable to that of a small python, he said lightly, "So what?"


Yu Longzi immediately roared, his dragon body suddenly swelled, and shouted at Xiao Hua, "A hybrid dragon beast, a clown dragon, also refute me?"

"Who do you think you are? If it weren't for the great dragons, I would have killed you long ago..."

As he said, Yu Longzi's eyes swept around, seeing that there was no other dragon clan, and his heart suddenly became murderous!


The little python was stupid and stupid, but its alertness was many times higher than Xiao Hua's. It immediately flew up and shouted, "What are you going to do?"


Yu Longzi grinned and said every word, "What else can I do? Kill you and see if you have any dragon pills. I was seriously injured in'Mi', so I didn't take your dragon pills and dragons to nourish them, why? Can you accompany Young Master Ao to the next place to try?"

"kill me?"

Xiao Hua laughed dumbly, as if looking at a real clown, and said, "Do you think you are?? yǎn?"


Yulong Zilong's horns were dizzy, and there was light blue water flashing in his mouth. It laughed and said, "What else do you use to kill you hybrid dragon beasts?? yǎn strength?"

Speaking of Yu Longzi's action immediately, this is the daily life of the Dragon Clan in the Dragon Region, if he makes a difference, he will make an action, and if he is not careful, he will see blood.


The little python was not inferior, and immediately stood in front of Xiao Hua and shouted, "Take care of my mother..."


I didn’t wait for the little python’s voice to fall, but behind it, there was a crisp sound like firecrackers. This sound was only five times, and there were five-color glows around, and then the little python saw Yulong Zi’s. There was extreme horror in my eyes...

Another scene that made the little python unforgettable for a lifetime appeared. On top of the extremely arrogant Yulongzi's head, a flower-like dragon claw slowly protruded. There are five colors on the dragon claws, and there are distortions within the five colors, and when the distortion is shot down , Yu Longzi's huge dragon body shrank with the twisting speed, and at the same time, the dragon claws lightly patted Yu Longzi's dragon body.


With a soft sound, Yu Long Zi's dragon body turned into fleshy flesh!

The little python could see clearly, just for an instant, the dragon's body that had been tempered by "Qi" was shaken to the ground, and all the dragon patterns and scales disappeared.

What made the little python soul fly to the sky the most was that the dragon claw that smashed Shihui dragon with a palm, lightly scratched it again, and even Yu Longzi's flesh and blood disappeared.

The little python blinked in horror, looked at the empty midair, and then turned to look at the lazy Xiao Hua. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. After a stick of incense, it asked tremblingly, "That...that. Where's the dragon?"

"What dragon?"

Xiao Hua tilted his head strangely.

"Just...just now~"

The little python froze again and asked, "The Yulong who is going to kill us..."

"Are you dreaming?"

Xiao Hua curled his lips and said, "Why didn't I see any Yulong?"

"'s the Wei Xuanlong~"

The little python was anxious and argued, "It was injured. It just came out of'Mi' and said that it would kill us and eat our dragon pill and dragon appearance. Why did it suddenly disappear? I saw that you killed it. ?"

"Wei Xuanlong~"

Xiao Hua said angrily, "Do you think a micro-dragon is going to kill us, can we hide it?"

"Can't hide it~"

The little python nodded honestly.

"We can't even hide~"

Xiao Hua took advantage of the situation and said, "How could I kill it? Don't spit out blood!"

"Oh oh~"

The little python suddenly started, and immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I see, I dreamed. Alas, I have been dreaming a lot recently. I'm sorry, Lord, I made a mistake!"

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua looked at the little python incredulously, and secretly said, "Why is this little python so good to deceive? Could it be that it is also acting?"

Of course, Xiao Hua just thought about it, and ignored it. Now Xiao Hua has the strength of the gods, and even the Jinxian Jiuyao Minglong, and the mysterious and powerful Five Dragons Zhaoju Jue version only holds the sky. , He doesn't care if the little python is doing a show!


After a few more days of Xu Yue, Huang Longyan returned with Qinglongyun. They were bruised and bruised like Yu Longzi. When they saw the little python and Xiao Hua, they were as surprised as Yu Longzi, but after a while, they immediately woke up. , "You didn't enter the'Mi'?"


The little python, who has never lied, said, "We dare not go in!"

It's just that the little python was on guard this time and didn't dare to get too close.

Huang Longyan and Qing Longyun glanced at them, then ignored them, and went straight to a place to heal their injuries, as if Xiao Hua and Little Python didn't exist at all.

It was a dozen or so Xu Yue, and more and more dragons came back. Except for some dragons at the beginning, they asked, but afterwards, no one paid attention to Xiao Hua and the little python.

Ao Sheng came back a few years later, Qinglong and other dragon guards were next to him, and his face was pale. He looked around, there were only more than 500 dragons, and shouted, "Where's Lu?"

"Master Ao~"

Huang Longyan and Qing Longyun hurriedly flew over and said carefully, "Lan hasn't come back yet!"


Ao Sheng cursed in a low voice, "Could it be that he has fallen, too?"


Xiao Hua felt a sudden heart, and hurriedly looked at Ao Sheng's side. Sure enough, the horned dragon was not there, and Qinglong and others were also injured.

At this time, Xiao Hua could no longer perceive the whereabouts of Real Person Lu, and he didn't feel worried. After all, he didn't know what happened after he left, but looking at Ao Sheng's face, something important must have happened in "Mi". .

"When did you... come out?"

When Ao Sheng saw Xiao Hua, UU read's eyes passed the accident, and asked quickly.


Xiao Hua replied indifferently, "I didn't go in at all!"


Huang Longyan also laughed beside him, "Master Ao, when I and Yun came back, Ye and Python were there. They didn't have any scars on their bodies. If there were no accidents, they wouldn't have entered at all!"

"Release your dragon face~"

How could Ao Sheng listen to Huang Longyan's words, he stared at Xiao Hua and said...

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