Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3490: good news

"You want to flatter, just go, I'm an upright bone dragon, I will never do this kind of thing!"

"Spontaneously speaking~"

Bai Ze curled his lips, put his foot on Bone Dragon Ji's back, and roared, "You are just afraid of being killed by the Dragon Ancestor of the Dragon Region!"

Bone Dragon's groaning excuses made it quite embarrassing to hear the music.

Xiao Hua felt that it was so easy for him to travel from the Dragon Sea to the Dragon Realm. Even if Wenqu came to the Dragon Realm with the strength of the third rank and second rank of the Tianting Taiqing Tianxian, it was not difficult to see Xiao Hua still wrong. Wenqu didn’t. Compared with Xiao Hua, he set off from the Tianhu Tianhu area in the extreme west of the Tianting, and went to the Bodan Sea at the extreme northwest of the Tianting. It almost traverses the entire Tianting. Let alone the danger, the time spent is the time that Xiao Hua has never said. Unexpectedly, even after Wenqu took the Great Chariot out of the space, Bone Dragon Ji refused to accept Wenqu's jurisdiction. In addition, Bone Dragon Ji was afraid of the Dragon Realm, and worked hard until then. Near the Bodan Sea.

Along the way, Wenqu was ridiculed by Bone Dragon Disease. If it weren't for Xiao Hua's unclear life and death, and before he disappeared, Wenqu had drawn a big cake, saying that Wenqu would have retreated long ago.

"The Three Masters~"

Seeing Wenqu's ugly expression, Bai Ze turned his eyes, "If you feel that you are not strong enough, you can find a few disciples of Dao Xian Hun Yuan, they are much better than us!"

Of course Wenqu has thought about this, but most of the disciples of Hunyuan from the Good Fortune Sect practice in the space. Except for Xiao Hua's orders, they basically don't make much space. Of course, Wenqu has the power to let Dao Xian Hun Yuan come out, but if Dao Xian is allowed to come out When the Hun Yuan disciple came out to protect himself, Wen Qu felt that he didn't have the face to speak. When did Xiao Hua let the disciple protect him?

Besides, Wenqu could send Dao Xian Hunyuan disciples out at any time as long as he sensed the space. He didn't want to lose face so early, waiting for it to be really dangerous...not too late.

"Don't worry~"

Wen Qu smiled and said, "When you arrive at Baidi, I will send you back, and will not let you go to the Dragon Region..."

While talking, Wen Qu suddenly raised his brows, his mind swept through the space, and carved the dragon scales that had just been sent into the space in his hands.


After seeing the dragon scale carvings, Wenqu laughed loudly, "There is news from the Dragon Region that Xiao Daoyou has not disappeared. He is just hiding in a place to practice, so don't worry!"

"Haha, have you heard?"

The bone dragon said triumphantly, "The master master is fine, as I said earlier, the dragon that can harm the master master has not been born yet. If something happens, it is the master master’s own business. !"

"Also say you are just and awe-inspiring~"

Bai Ze cursed irritably, "You have a tall hat that breaks the sky!"

Wen Qu's heart is fiery again. Reality Lun made it clear in the dragon scale carving that Xiao Hua used the technique of clone to pass him the secret technique of the Dragon Realm in a critical moment. This secret technique was never seen before. Even so, Xiao Hua said that the Dragon Region is full of blessings, and he could not go wrong if he could set himself up to the third rank and ninth stage of the Taiqing Tianxian at any time, so he wished to step into the Dragon Region, step to Xiao Hua's side, and follow Xiao. Hua drink soup.


Wen Qu smiled, "I've arrived at Baidi, I'm bothering you, I'll send you back!"


The bone dragon was overjoyed, and the long howling stopped a few times without concealing his emotions. Bai Ze was a little bit better. Seeing that Wenqu offered the Kunlun mirror out, the bone dragon flew in with a swift whistle. He didn't forget to bow to Wenqu and flew in. Of course, the joy on Bai Ze's face also showed that he didn't want to go to the Dragon Realm.


Wenqu naturally knows the special nature of Bai Ze and Bone Dragon Disease. While he took the Kunlun mirror, he sighed, "These days, I don't have any strength, and I can't even be the third master of others!"

"Oh, yes~"

Wen Qu was about to urge his body to fly to Baidi, when he suddenly remembered something, and secretly said, "The real man is a dragon, he should not think carefully about the matter that Daoyou Xiao is in retreat, he must have not notified Yuanjun Doumu and others. , This matter can only be notified by Xiaosheng!"

Wenqu wouldn’t directly send messages to Doumu Yuanjun, so he thought for a while, and asked his disciple Yun Shu to send messages to the Luoyi Shangmeng disciples, and then let the Luoyi Shangmeng disciples directly send the message to Doumuyuan. Jun.

"Hey, it's really tiring~"

After Wenqu finished all this, he sighed and urged his figure to fly to the three-color Xiayun.

The immortal realm space, behind the Chengtian Temple facing the sky, is also a barren cliff, and there is also a star screen above the cliff, but this star screen is not distorted, and on the sky screen, countless stars are flashing stars.

At this time, Liu Yanyu was standing under the star screen, watching the stars shoot down the infinite star and moon beam, frowning a little.

"Yan Yu~"

Elder You slowly walked over, worried, "Are you... all right!"

"I'm fine~"

Liu Yanyu looked back at You Lao, then forced a smile, "You Lao~"

"You kid~"

Old You You looked at Liu Yanyu and blamed, "I have watched you grow up since I was a child, what do you think in your heart, can I not know? I am worried about Real Person Xiao!"


Seeing the old man made it clear, Liu Yanyu no longer concealed it, and said, "Xiao Lang only shows up once in the Dragon Region, and there is no more information. I don't know what he is doing."

"Aren't you worried about Real Xiao~"

Old You shook his head and said, "Are you blaming yourself?"


Liu Yanyu didn't speak for a long time, and finally nodded slowly and sighed, "Yes, when Xiao Lang escaped into the Dragon Realm, I was busy with things about the sky, and I didn't ask him about the specific situation. Now think about it. , If I ask a few more questions, I should know where he is!"

"Yan Yu~"

The old man looked at Liu Yanyu lovingly and said, "Seeing your difficulty, I thought of a word from the Mortal Realm, which is called'Loyalty and filial piety are difficult to achieve since ancient times!"


Liu Yanyu smiled and said, UU Reading, "Your old man takes a child too high, how can a child be so loyal and filial!"

"The old body is just an analogy~"

Elder You said, "You have so many thoughts. The more you work on Chaotian Que, and the less you stay with Real Person Xiao, but if there are too many troubles on Master Xiao, there are fewer people who stay in Chaotian Que, Xiao. The real person is now in the world, but Chaotianque is at a low point. It's normal for you to work on Chaotianque's affairs..."


Just as he said, there was a fairy weapon flying from a distance, Liu Yanyu's heart moved, and he hurriedly raised his hand and grabbed it. He smiled and said with a smile: "Haha, it really is."

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