Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3503: Baidi, deceased

In fact, there is no need for Qinglong to answer. Seeing so many dragons chasing after him, Chilong and the others have long been impatient.

"The son~"

Upon seeing this, Qinglong simply performed the show and did a full set, pretending to be difficult to ask Ao Shengdao, "What do you think?"


Ao Sheng sighed, "Since the big dragons don't want us to go, let's wait here..."


Before Ao Sheng finished speaking, screams had already begun to be heard in front of his head.

Huang Longyan's face changed immediately. Although they couldn't see it, they knew clearly in their hearts that those who were killed must be those dragons who were "struck" in trials at the same time as them!

Since those dragons have been tempered with white light, their dragon bodies are naturally good things. How could the great dragons let go of the dragon realm where dragons eat dragons?

Therefore, Long Nian just "pedaled" with his head like this, and stopped in the air, not daring to move.

In about half an hour, the screams in front of him gradually stopped, and there were fewer dragons flying around.

Ao Sheng calmly looked around, and ordered: "Turn around and fly, fly diagonally..."

Qinglong listened to Ao Sheng's words at this time, and hurriedly turned around Long Nian again, and started flying diagonally. After flying another stick of incense, Ao Sheng said: "Okay, speed up!"

"The son~"

Qinglong urged Long Nian with all his strength, and never forgot to ask, "Why do you want to fly diagonally?"

"It's easy~"

Ao Sheng smiled and said, "One is that there is a good opportunity to'push', we should or should we go, and the other is that if we meet the big dragon again, we can explain it!"

Qinglong's eyes turned sharply and he shut up immediately. He understood that Ao Sheng was worried that Dalong had left some means to investigate.

"Great Dragon~"

The little python poked his head out of the pool, and said in surprise, "Are you not going to kick?"

"Not going anymore~"

Ao Sheng knew that Little Anaconda was honest, and smiled, "It's too dangerous there, let's leave as soon as possible!"

"That's it, that's it~"

The little python nodded and said, "The white light is scared to death..."


Before the little python was finished, Xiao Hua beat the little python into the water with a dragon's tail, and cursed, "Before the'step', you are scared, if it's'step', your face will turn white. !"


The little python was so wronged, it was so courageous that it easily poked its head out of the pool, and ended up with Xiao Hua's tail.

"Let's go, let's go~"

Ao Sheng was afraid that the dragon would say anything more, and sighed, "There is no way to try the'stroke', let's go elsewhere!"

Long Yin went to the sky, and no one dared to speak much. Xiao Hua looked at the little python, her head shrank, and the whole dragon body fell into the pool. He had already gotten a favor, so love someone!

Upon seeing this, Ao Sheng also found a pool and shrank in. In the end, in addition to Qinglong and a few Dragon Guards, the other dragons also followed suit and dived into the pool to explore their own harvest.

The one who gained the most was naturally Xiao Hua. He took a careful look at the soul and soul that still slowly operated the Dragon’s method. At this time, the soul and soul had been flooded with white light, and the core was replaced by the pitch black. Every time the arc generated by the method of Huang sweeps through the white light, there will be strange fluctuations falling into the pitch black, and the pitch black blooms with white light to illuminate the soul!


Xiao Hua was afraid of being inspected by Ao Sheng, but just glanced at it, and immediately regained his consciousness, and said in his heart, "What's the use of this thing!"

"You said it wants to take home? There is no consciousness in this white light and pitch black, how can it take home?"

"And this pitch black is obviously related to the outline of the right wing of the poor road, what is this weird birdlike thing?"

A lot of questions hung in Xiao Hua's mind, and it became more and more mysterious in the Dragon Region.

However, Xiao Hua was not worried. One soul and one soul is not his own. The avatar of the ancient dragon is not his own, and the dragon's appearance is not his own. Body, give up everything about the ancient dragon of the Great Profound Dragon!

If it doesn't work, just throw them all into the space, come and clean up one by one, who is afraid of whom!

When Xiao Hua curled his lips, Wenqu also flew in front of Baidi. Looking at Baidi, Wenqu frowned. Because there were three colors around Baidi before, Wenqu could not see clearly. He thought Baidi was a dam. , Blocking the water of the Bodan Sea, you can see the true face of Baidi, but Wenqu found that he was so wrong. Where is Baidi a dam, it is clearly an upside-down white boot!

As for the three-color Xia Cai, it has long since turned into a triangular twisted cloud flow, like three entangled dragons, falling straight onto the white boots.

Wenqu looked at Xia Cai again. The huge interface Hongyun resembled tree roots, and within the tree roots there was a violent wind tearing everything to pieces. Wenqu understood that the interface wind was definitely beyond ordinary Confucianism to resist. If you want to go to the Dragon Realm, you can only go to Baidi from these three-color passages, and then go to the Bodan Sea.

Sure enough, even the three-color Xia Cai, there was a violent wind roar inside, and even if Baidi was in sight, Wenqu flew straight for a few days before it really flew before Baidi.

Looking at Baidi at this time, it has become a fortress that penetrates the sky and the earth. The three-color Xia Cai falls into the literary circle above the fortress, and then condenses into three vortexes in the literary circle, like three suns. Shoot out three colors, and the three colors are mixed to shine on the fortress, and it becomes white!

There were some immortal soldiers patrolling around Baidi, but the number was not large. Seeing Wenqu coming over, he immediately bowed and saluted without any cross-examination.

Wen Qu smiled and nodded, preparing to fly into the fortress.

"Dare to ask seniors~"

At this time, a battle flew out of the fortress and landed in front of the curved surface. He bowed and said, "Are you the vice-host of Lou Wen?"

Wen Qu moved in his heart, looked at the warrior, and asked faintly: "Yes, it's Xiaosheng. I wonder if you have anything to do with you?"

"The Final Dragon Warrior Team Ye Yukeng~"

The war commander did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly replied, "I have seen the deputy host of Wen~"

"Ye Yukeng?"

Wen Qu looked at this strange warrior, UU read www.uukanshu. com said, "Your name, Xiaosheng, feels a bit familiar, but Xiaosheng should have never seen you before."

"The deputy host of good education knows~"

Ye Yukeng respectfully said, "The final general has seen Lou Zhu at the Seven Love Nightmare Pagoda!"

"Oh oh~"

Wenqu suddenly came across. Xiao Hua once told the avatars of the jade diao about the passage of the Seven Love Nightmare Pagoda in the space, and Xiao Hua met Ye Yukeng in the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm, and Yingzhuo was there at that time. Wenqu also knew about this, so Wenqu smiled, "Xiaosheng knows, Daoyou Xiao once talked about it in Heavenly Court. No wonder Xiaosheng is familiar with it."

The id of the leader of "Look at the face with the lamp" is very interesting. It reminds me of two allusions: it is the same after holding the lamp and watching the sword + black lamp.

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