Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3508: Are all following Wenqu

Immediately, Wenqu Xinghu hurried to the other side of the "sea", where light gold water and dragon patterns converged.

What Wen Qu did not expect was that when he flew out of the magma space, the two giant dragons stopped fighting. They looked up at the distant mountain, and slowly flew out of the magma. A dragon with butterfly-like scars all over his body complained. Said: "Huan, didn’t I say, don’t follow too closely, since you know what master of good fortune he is, he will come to the Dragon Realm in all likelihood, so we will return to the Dragon Realm and pass the message exactly to you. Isn’t it enough for the dragons? Look, he has found us. If I hadn’t had a brainstorming idea, he would definitely see through!"

"Can you blame me? Burn~"

The other one is also Zhenglong, but there are flame scars all over the body. It aggrieved, "What kind of master of good fortune is the person? What is the strength of the heavenly immortal, it is comparable to the high-level Zi Yao Luolong. We are only the Jiu Yao Minglong, how can we go? stare?"


The named Zhuo Zhenglong said in deep thought, "We will be discovered by him no matter how we follow!"

"That's it, that's it~"

Huan nodded hurriedly, "Let’s report to the dragons quickly and get rid of this burden!"

"But the problem is~"

Burning frowns said, "We have reported many times, and we have been reprimanded many times by the dragons, and none of them is correct. The dragons have already said, and if you make a mistake... we will chop off our dragon horns! "


Huan was almost crying, "What shall we do?"

"The news from the human race~"

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "This person has stayed in Baidi for a long time. It seems to be related to the guardian of the human race, or the master of some good fortune, and also the third rank of Taiqing Tianxian, which is extremely similar to the person the dragons are looking for. , The only thing to be confirmed... is this person's Dao Xiu Hunyuan identity."

"What is the difference between Dao Xian Hun Yuan and Tai Qing Tian Xian?"

Huan really scratched his head, and said in anguish, "How can you tell me with the strength of you and me?"

"Do not worry!"

Shao Leng said, "I have already contacted a few big dragons. They just came back from "菂" and are trying to find a dragon to try their skills. They can just help us."


Huan exclaimed, "It's the mysterious place, I heard that even the dragon master dare not enter the misty ocean easily?"


Zhuo nodded and said, "Since these great dragons can come out of there, they must have methods to test this human race. As long as they know what kind of immortal means he has, then he must be the human race that the dragon is looking for."


Huan nodded and urged, "Let's go and invite these great dragons, don't let this human race get off."

"Haha, how is it possible?"

Zhuo laughed and said, "All the human races who have gone to the Dragon Region have disappeared during this period. Who would dare to go to the Dragon Region? There is only one human race now, and he will not be able to see him flying away!"

"Yes, yes~"

Huanhuan was overjoyed and praised, "Brother Dragon is really resourceful and resourceful, I really admire it!"


Zhuo laughed again and said, "This is nothing. From now on, my emperor will take charge of the dragon domain. There will be a new order in the dragon domain. You and I will work for my emperor now, and you will be able to... For a moment!"

"Go, go~"

Huan also laughed again, and said, "After not saying anything, let's finish this task and do some dragon pills."

Wenqu couldn't think of it. It was the two dragons of the Dragon Realm who had explored him, but Huan and Zhuo couldn't think of it. Before the Baidi Fortress, Dongfang Jiyu and Min Hong were also looking at the sky in amazement. The introverted scholar flew down slowly, and hurriedly bowed and said: "I will see you...I have seen an adult!"

The scholar fell, looking at Dongfang Jiyu and Min Hong said lightly; "How is it?"


Min Hong hurriedly replied, but before he could finish speaking, Dongfang Jiyu interrupted him and tentatively said: "My lord, are you using us as bait?"

The scholar's expression remained unchanged and said: "No~"

"Since it's not~"

Dongfang Jiyu asked, "Why did you arrive immediately after we arrived?"

The scholar smiled and said, "Because I have been there!"


Min Hong said in surprise, "You have been following the deputy host, Wen!"

"What do you say?"

The scholar replied, "You keep saying that your majesty has wronged you. You can't even get any evidence. But I have been following from the ruins of the ancient holy to this place, and I haven't seen Xiao Hua's figure. If he doesn't say Where did the hurricane strait go?"

This scholar was naturally Wu Danqing's son. Looking at the scholar, Dongfang Jiyu was speechless, and Min Hong said in a low voice, "My lord, isn't Zhen Xiao still in Heaven?"

"From all signs~"

The scholar replied, "Xiao Hua has left the heavenly court."


Dongfang Jiyu still argued, "We don't have..."

"Don't worry~"

The scholar said again, "I haven't finished my words yet!"

"You... please state clearly~"

Min Hong laughed with him.

"From all signs~"

The scholar continued, "Xiao Hua didn't go to the Dragon Realm either!"

"I understand~"

Dongfang Jiyu raised his brows and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, I'm afraid he went to another interface!"

"After investigation~"

The scholar's words are really shocking, "Going to the boundaries of all circles and the space barriers, there is no trace of Xiao Hua's passage."

"Anyway, this can only explain~"

Dongfang Jiyu was overjoyed and said, "Mr. Xiao did not pass through the Hurricane Strait!"

"Do you think Wenqu will lie?"

The scholar said word by word, "He still vowed to say in front of His Majesty..."

"How can it be impossible?"

Dongfang Jiyu sneered and said, "Isn't it normal to use soldiers, but the real is the illusion, the imaginary is the real, the real is the imaginary?"


The scholar smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty knows what you think in your heart, so he asked me to show up and tell you that those who are clear will clear themselves, and those who are muddled will be turbid, and everything will come to light!"


Dongfang Jiyu and Min Hong looked at each other and hurriedly bowed to salute. They didn't expect Qing Emperor to know that they had come to Bodanhai, and even let their sons appear to meet each other.

Before Dongfang Jiyu and Min Hong got up, the scholar shook his body and went straight across the Baidi.

"How to do?"

Min Hong looked at the Eastern Season Rain and whispered, "Your Majesty has spoken, let's..."

"I don't want to go back to Dan Hai~"

Dongfang Jiyu replied without I have already figured out on the way to Baidi, we are the old acquaintances of the real Xiao, although your majesty will not blame it, but you can’t hold back someone’s frustration, if it is possible, let us Stay in Fudanhai! "


Min Hong didn't even want to nod his head and said, "Let me wait for the Jianglong team to take turns, so let's kill it!"

Wenqu didn’t expect that he would not only play with the human race, but also the dragon race. He stepped over the clouds and slowly walked towards the golden light. The violent wind blew through, the wind was quite strong, and it directly collapsed a corner of a triangle-shaped space. "Boom boom boom~" As the space collapsed, several monks stepped out from inside...

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