Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3510: Bo? Hai

The entrance of the Dragon Territory is different from the Heavenly Court. It is a lifelike dragon painting. In this painting, there are sturdy dragons and dazzling golden lights. This painting is hand-painted by heaven and earth.

Wen Qu flew to the front, and did not stop, rushing directly into the dragon-shaped mouth.

The original plane dragon shape rushed in with the verse, "brush~" the countless refolding space opened up, a winding passage appeared in front of the verse, and the golden light was dazzling within the passage, and there were also the illusion of Wenhua and Wei Tuo. But they were all swallowed by the dragon pattern of Zakon, constantly arising and passing away.

Perceiving the Dragon Territory's Long Wen, Wen Qu was full of expectations: "As Daoyou Xiao said, this Dragon Territory has the opportunity to sprint to the third rank and ninth rank of Taiqing Tianxian, and the niche must not be wasted."

However, the reminder of the strong man also made Wenqu alert. He felt the space while flying, and he felt relieved when he knew that the space was still there.

Before flying out of the channel, the roar of the "boom boom~" sea waves came into Wenqu's ears, and when they flew out, oncoming waves were endless waves flying like giant dragons, colliding with each other, fusing with each other, don’t It is said that the remnants of Heavenly Court Hongyun and the Law of Buddhism were torn to pieces, that is, the dragons in the Dragon Region were all disrupted, and the powerful interface power was like tearing everything with a big hand, even if it was Wenqu, it was a little frowning.

"Dragon Territory is really different from Heaven~"

Wenqu praised again, but he was even more apprehensive after a while, "The law of the Dragon Region is certainly strong, and it is different from the Heavenly Court Hongyun, but... the young student cultivates Hongyun, what chance do you have when you arrive in the Dragon Region?"

"Well, Daoist Xiao must have a method, otherwise how could he let Xiaosheng come to Dragon Realm?"

Wenqu chose to believe in Xiao Hua, but he couldn't think of it. Xiao Hua just tricked him into coming to the Dragon Region to see how Wenqu turned into a dragon.

But Xiao Hua was destined to be disappointed, but seeing Wenqu urged his figure to rush into the blue waters, his whole body had dragon patterns and moiré patterns, which had long blocked the power of the violent interface, and the blood in his body spurted. But there is no trace of body surface and no scales are born!

Wenqu is born on the basis of text, and the blood in the body is pure. How can it be possible to transform the dragon?

Wenqu flew for nearly a month before rushing through the rough waves. The moment the surrounding waves disappeared, the world suddenly fell silent, which made Wenqu very uncomfortable, but Wenqu had known for a long time that this was the real Bodan Sea. .

The Bodan Sea is very strange and different from other seas.

There are no various sea races in the Bodan Sea, let alone powerful sea beasts, because the Bodan Sea is a weak sea of ​​water that cannot be floated by feathers.

Moreover, you must have special utensils to cross the Bodan Sea. As for how special, Wenqu is impatient to know. After all, the disciples of Luoyi Shangmeng have already prepared them for him, and even the disciples of Luoyi Shangmeng have found Wenqu to avoid him. The author of the greatest crisis in Dunhai.

Speaking of the biggest crisis in the Bodan Sea, Wenqu also knows that it is the fog in the Bodan Sea.

The fog in the Bodan Sea is purple. Any human or dragon who falls into the purple mist will be lost. It is said that within the purple fog, the sea water of the Bodan Sea turns purple. There are many geniuses and treasures, but even if there are full Prepare, the human race and dragon race that can come out safely will not be 10%.

So Wenqu didn't plan to take risks at all, he was not Xiao Hua, he was asking for the third rank and ninth rank of Taiqing Tianxian.

Looking at the endless blue water, the water slanted straight into the sky, covering the dim sun in the sky, Wen Qu raised his hand to sacrifice an immortal boat, which was found by the disciples of the Shang League. The artifact, to Wenqu’s surprise, this artifact turned out to be a Taoist immortal artifact. The biggest difference between the immortal boat and the ordinary immortal boat is that there are seventy-two shrimp-like spikes around it. The immortal boat does not touch the sea. The thorns fall long into the blue water.

The spikes are pure white in nature, and when they fall in the sea, they are not blue, but have different colors and look quite gorgeous.

Wenqu's figure landed on the immortal boat, raised his hand again, and offered a flag banner. This banner banner is a pure cultural instrument. On the banner banner is drawn a strange bird. This strange bird looks like a Luan bird, but there are seven When the head and flags are moving, the Luan bird flies out from the inside, and the seven eyes are looking at the seven directions.

Wenqu urges the immortal boat, Ren Xianzhou wanders in the deadly Bodan Sea, wanting to cross the Bodan Sea safely does not lie in speed, but in the exploration of the immortal boat, and how the immortal boat and flag flags evade the lost purple mist.

After doing all this, Wenqu sat cross-legged on the immortal boat, squeezing his chin in his hands and thought to himself: "If the strong man said it is right, there must be something strange in the Boda sea, and the young man needs to find a helper."

"In the space, there are many Hunyuan disciples waiting for Qiao Samsara, but Xiaosheng is afraid that they are a little bit down, and their strength may not be strong enough..."

Thinking of this, Wen Qu's eyes lit up, and he immediately noticed. He immediately fell into the space and said with a smile: "Dear friends, Xiaosheng is polite here."

With the sound of the Jade Die Wenqu, Xiao Hua's fairy infants came out one by one.

Xiao Hua couldn't enter the space in his mind. Who would dare to disturb them? These days, these fairy infants are unusually leisurely.

"Are you doing something?"

The fairy infants looked up and down at the literary song, and said impatiently, "Where did Fellow Xiao Dao go?"

"It's good to teach fellow Taoists to know~"

Yu Di Wenqu hurriedly replied, "Daoyou Xiao is now practicing in Longyu Retreat!"

"Daoyou Xiao is so cool~"

All the fairy infants cast their lips, "I heard that he had a fight with Heavenly Court Azure Emperor, and now he has fled to the Dragon Realm?"

"How can you say escape?"

Yu Di Wenqu shrugged and said, "Xiao Daoyou is called strategic avoidance, and he was going to the Dragon Realm to experience it!"


All the fairy infants said together, "He went to Longyu, why didn't he tell me to wait for brother?"

"Xiaosheng, isn't this looking for fellow Taoists?"

Yu Di Wenqu said, "And there are fights!"

At the sound of a fight, the forty-nine fairy infants and 98 eyes beamed all together, shouting: "Now? Go, go~"

Seeing the success of arousing the interest of the fairy infants, Yu Di Wenqu said: "Don't worry, fellow daoists, now Xiaosheng is at sea, and he is boring. When he meets the dragon clan, Xiaosheng will definitely come and look for a few dao friends to help!"

"Easy to say, easy to say~"

The fairies shook their heads and promised, all of them looked like a big deal, "You go, I can go out at any time."

The jade song literary song was accepted, and his heart was filled with joy. Forty-nine fairy infants made the move. He was still afraid of a p!

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