Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3513: Arrogant Dragon Lord

It's a pity that Zhenglong met Xiao Hua's fairy baby. This fairy baby didn't rush, even with a hint of mockery at the corners of his mouth. He watched as the flame was about to burn, and then raised his hand lightly, "brush~" the mist reveals the universe. Net Sacrifice

The fog reveals the universe and the net is like a star fog, which completely covers the space near the left during the expansion. It is a turbulent flame, and it immediately turns into a twisted wire, falling into the star fog. With the sound of "Zila La", all the flames Are all shattered.

"Dao Xian?"

Until then, Zhenglong exclaimed in hindsight, "You are not book immortals!"


Another fairy infant raised his hand to chase the dragon whip, and said with a smile, "You care that we are Taoist book immortals, but anyone who can fight dragons is a good person!"

With that said, "Om~" Chasing the dragon whip lifted up the shadow of the whip and hit the palace dragon!


The dragon whip is the nemesis of the dragon race. I sensed that the whip shadow was like a cold wind. Gonglong had not yet faced the battle, and was already terrified.

In this long howl, the dragon flogged on the peaks raised by the palace dragon.

"Papa Papa~"

Whip shadow said, none of them missed, they all hit the peaks, the peaks shattered, turned into projectiles and scattered on the earth!

When the whip shadow cooperates, the dragon whip ignores the space and draws on the dragon's tail of the palace dragon.


Gonglong screamed in pain, the skin of the dragon's tail was broken!


The last fairy infant, looking at the broken clouds in the sky, smiled and said, "When is the dragon so unbearable? Just shamelessly defeated the less by more, but now I can't fight it, but I still need to rescue soldiers?"

"No way?"

The last Yulong looked at the fairy infant and said coldly, "You have the ability to wait..."


While talking, there was a long howl from afar. The voice of Long Xiao was low and deep, but it fell in the ears of Fairy Infants and Wenqu, and the blood in their bodies immediately vibrated uncontrollably. The unspeakable Longwei was so far apart. Has begun to blockade for four weeks!

"Not good~"

The fairy infants were shocked and whispered, "This...this is the strength of Tianzun..."

How dare Wenqu scream, he didn't want to draw out Xuanyuanjian, and shouted, "Go~"


The blood-stained Shanglong, and the feather dragon just now, flew up desperately, and shouted, "I want to go, no way!"


The last fairy snorted and raised his hand clearly to a long sword. This long sword has no edge, and the bronze light and shadow are like mountains, but it just appeared in the dragon domain. All the dragons in the inner circle made great waves as the fairy wielded the long sword!

"This...this is~"

The arrogant Yulong's face changed sharply, and he roared, "Kunwu Sword?"

Yulong's tone was puzzled and confused. After all, the Kunwu sword only appeared in legends, and it was the only weapon of the Dragon Emperor in the Dragon Region!

"You have vision~"

The fairy infant laughed, and the Kunwu sword suddenly smashed off, sarcastically saying, "This sword will reward you!"


Why did Yulong flew in desperately just now, and now he flees desperately, but even so, the "Puff" Kunwu sword hit it on the back!

Although it only brushed the dragon back, "Puff puff puff~" Yulong's body and dragon power burst like flakes, and Yulong's breath is declining!


The four fairy infants turned their heads and looked at the gray in the distance, like dusk descending, flying across the sky at extreme speed. They whispered together, flashing thunder lights all over, and rushed to the depths of the dragon realm with a piece of music through the air!


However, after flying millions of miles away, Wenqu suddenly burst into clouds, and the inscriptions burst out like boiling water. Wenqu cried out, "Xiao... Xiao Daoyou..."

"what happened?"

The four fairy infants fully urged the method of thunder escape, and heard the news of Xiao Hua, they all spoke together.

"Daoyou Xiao is teaching the Fa~"

Wen Qu closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes, his eyes were full of incredible, and he exclaimed, "This...this is a technique that xiaosheng can practice in the Dragon Realm..."

"Now pass a p-method~"

The four fairy infants shouted, "Hurry up and send all the other daoists out. I'll wait for the immortal formation to be activated so that I can send you to a safe place!"

"Good, good~"

Although he had escaped millions of miles, the dragon's power, which was comparable to Tianzun, became stronger and stronger. Wenqu felt his bones and muscles numb, and he didn't want to immediately send out the remaining fairy infants.


Forty-five fairy infants fell in the dragon domain, and the law of thunder light was immediately born between the heaven and the earth.

"Shut up to Lao Tzu~"

Forty-nine fairy infants all spoke together, and the huge thunder hand smashed the thunder light to pieces. Then the forty-nine fairy infants formed a supreme escape from the one Xuanyuan fairy array, the fairy array 10%, the forty-nine fairy infants and the breath of Wenqu Immediately disappeared, and then the fairy array turned into a silent thunder light and went to the sky!


After about a meal, the sound of the earth-shaking dragon roar sounded, and a dragon-shaped water shadow swept across the sky. It seemed that the world could not bear the water shadow, and countless dragons shattered into gray and disappeared into the water shadow!

"What about people?"

A deep voice sounded in the dragon-shaped water shadow.

"That...over there~"

Shanglong, Gonglong and other dragons trembled like chaff, stammering in the direction of Wenqu's escape.


The dragon-shaped water shadow roared again, and the water light flew past, and the dragon-shaped shadow blocked the purple sun!

The dragon-shaped water movie is missing, but the five giant dragons do not look relaxed. They still fly respectfully in the air, and even the dragon's body is more trembling.

Sure enough, after another stick of incense, a dragon lord with a flash of water all over slowly flew. The water color filled the world where the dragon lord passed. The dragon lord just stuck out the dragon's claws, and the space was shattered like rotten wood. .

"Big...big dragon~"

Seeing this, the horned dragon and others knew that the dragon lord was so angry, they looked at each other and immediately said respectfully, "I...we..."

"You all deserve to die!"

The dragon lord stopped, his eyes swept across, and the dragon broke every inch. He gritted his teeth and said, "I just left for a few days, and you made such a big mistake. You actually let people slip away from the Bodan Sea..."

"Great Dragon~"

Yulong's heart was crossed, interrupting the dragon lord's words, and said, "The human race that just slipped away is the master of what good fortune the dragon is looking for, Dao Xian Hun Yuan, Tai Qing Tian Xian..."


The dragon lord was shocked, UU reading www.uukā asked, "Really it?"

"Yes, Dalong~"

Shang Long also understood something, and hurriedly said, "If you don't believe me, look at my sword wound, what kind of artifact is from the Heavenly Court!"

"Great Dragon~"

Gong Long said, "Look at my injury, it's Daoxian's immortal weapon!"

"Kunwu Sword~~"

Yulong simply said, "Dalong, I was struck by the Kunwu sword, and now Longwei is shattering..."

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