Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3521: Requiem

Xiao Hua really felt that the condensation of the wind and waves came out of Biao biao very accidentally. The wind and waves just swelled, and the wind and the dragon in the space around his dragon's body were immediately evacuated by the wind and waves, because the wind and the dragon disappeared. The space dragon has a tendency to break immediately, and when the wind and waves rise, the wind dragon has ignored the space and directly fell into the broken space dragon, and the wind dragon passed by is really like a thousand arrows. Like a heart, passing over his dragon body!


Xiao Hua grinned in pain and curled up the dragon's body and rolled in midair.

"Draconian beast who knows nothing about life and death~"

Until this time, the space near the left was torn apart, and some dragons flew out with disdain, watching Xiao Hua sarcastically, "Dare to fly around on the biao biao, you deserve it!"

But for a moment, these dragons were slapped in their faces. They were surprised to see that Xiao Hua's dragon body was not torn to pieces by the wind, let alone blown to ashes. Xiao Hua just rolled in the wind and followed The hurricane flew directly into the sky, and then escaped from the hurricane, still hovering proudly around it.

"My God~"

Several dragons looked at each other, their eyes were full of horror, and one of the dragons whispered, "How powerful is the dragon body of this dragon beast, so you are not afraid of being killed by the wind?"

Xiao Hua was not afraid of wind killing, but he was really afraid of pain. The wind fell on the dragon's body, and he felt that his soul was cut by thousands of swords.

"This won't work~"

Xiao Hua didn't have time to pay attention to the surprise of the dragons, and said in his heart, "The poor dragon body will not be damaged, but the soul is too painful, and it will hurt to death if it hurts!"

"Brother Dragon, Brother Dragon~"

While Xiao Hua was flying, a voice rang from behind.

Xiao Hua turned his head and saw the dragon who looked extremely embarrassed flying over. Xiao Hua frowned and said, "Call me?"


The dragon race carefully flew to the front and looked at the surroundings calmly before laughing with a smile, "My name is Xiang, I don't know how to call Brother Dragon?"

Xiao Hua looked at the dragon family up and down. The dragon looked similar to Xiao Hua's outline and had two wings, but the wings were like eagles, but the dragon's body was a horned dragon.

"My name is Ye~"

Xiao Hua said impatiently, "What's the matter? Let's just say, don't be arty!"


The dragon obviously doesn't know what arty is, but it still nodded, "Well, I only know, like this, Brother Long, I know a shortcut to Biaobiao, but my dragon body is not good, you see..."


Xiao Hua didn't want to shook his head and said, "I don't have the habit of cooperating with other dragons!"

After that, Xiao Hua turned and flew away, jokes, how many secrets did he cooperate with others to explore since childhood? How many people cooperate sincerely? Which one is not using oneself, leaving oneself behind when it's dangerous, and fleeing first?

"Brother Dragon~"

Xiang naturally wouldn't give up easily, and followed Xiao Hua and said, "Look, we are all dragon beasts. How can I help each other? I can send the dragon mantra..."


Before Xiang finished speaking, Xiao Hua's familiar voice came from a distance. Isn't it the little python?


Xiao Hua was taken aback, and immediately threw down Xiang and flew in the direction where the little python cried for help.

"Brother Dragon, Brother Dragon~"

Xiang still followed Xiao Hua, with a smiley face, and said something.

Where does Xiao Hua care about it?

"Puff puff~"

Xiao Hua rushed through dozens of space faults one after another, and finally saw the little python fluttering in the wind like a kite in a spot of Biaobiao.


Xiao Hua rushed to the little python, the dragon's tail flipped over and hit the little python directly, hitting the little python rolling in the wind, and cursed, "If you don't have the ability, don't rush in. You won't wait for me for a while. NS?"


Although the small python's body is tumbling in the wind, and the whole body has blue textures constantly coming and going, but the panic on the face is gone, only a shy smile, "Master, I know you can save me. !"

"Go away~"

Xiao Hua's dragon's tail swung again, and he directly knocked the little python out of the biao biao, cursing, "Who saved you? I just want to eat braised snake's tail!"

Xiangben saw Xiao Hua easily break through the space fault, and he was not afraid of the biao biao's wind and waves, his eyes were full of ecstasy, but when he saw the little python, it was shocked at first, and then looked incredible at Xiao Hua taking the little python out of the biao biao. After the shot, a confident expression appeared on his face.

"Brother Dragon~"

Xiang Fei flew up to the little python, watched Xiao Hua fly over, and smiled, "Presumably you went to Luhu to find the soul-resurrection, right?"

The little python was grinning, but when he saw Xiang flying over, the smile on his face was gone, he was actually very afraid, as if he was "suo" seeing Ao Sheng and horned dragon for the first time.


Seeing the little python like this, Xiao Hua was a little displeased, and said coldly at Xiang, "We are going to try out, not looking for something to sing..."

"Brother Dragon, Brother Dragon~"

Xiang hurriedly said with a smile, "I know it's not convenient for you to say, it's okay, don't worry, I know where there is something you want!"

"What is An Yanyin?"

The little python hid on the side of the disappearing wing, poked his head out, and asked curiously.


Xiang thought for a while and said, "Longyu Tianshu that can wake the dragon and keep it from falling asleep!"

"Longyu Tianshu?"

Xiao Hua was taken aback for a moment, and said strangely, "Do you have dragon language heavenly skills?"

"Of course~"

Xiang was also surprised. He looked at Little Anaconda and Xiao Huaqi and said, "Even if you weren't looking for An Yanyin, you should know how Luhu tried?"

Speaking of this, Xiang said eagerly: "Brother Long, you see, you came to the trial in a hurry, and it was too late to prepare. As for me, I was well prepared and didn't have the ability to go in..."

"No need~"

Before Xiang finished speaking, Xiao Hua understood that there must be an explanation in Hei Ling about the trial of Hu, and there was no need to listen to Xiang's screaming.


But the little python asked strangely, "Can An Yanyin keep the dragon from turning into stone?"


Xiang looked at the little python, hesitated for a moment, and replied, "I can't tell, but since the dragon can be awakened, it should be possible to prevent the dragon from turning into stone?"

When Xiao Hua looked at Xiang, he knew that An Yanyin would definitely not be able to save Little Python's mother.

However, the little python sounded like it had caught a life-saving straw, and hurriedly shouted: "Master, let me just say it, why this An Yanyin sounds so familiar? This should be the dragon technique to save my mother."

"Brother Dragon~"

Xiang hurriedly looked at Xiao Hua and said, "I will definitely not delay your business, and I will definitely help you find An Yanyin. Don't worry, you and I are both dragons and beasts. Why don't we have to work together?"

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