Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3524: Xiang's words are very confusing to Xiao Hua

Latest URL: "Are you okay?"

Xiao Hua looked at the little python and asked with concern.

"No, no more~"

The little python shook his head immediately, but urged, "Let’s fly!"

"Brother Dragon~"

Xiang didn't fly immediately, but instead looked at Xiao Hua and tentatively said, "I still have a dragon weapon here, do you either?"

As he said, there was a faint golden light flashing on Xiang’s dragon horns. With the golden light, Xiang’s countless light golden light flashes all over his body. Xiang explained: “I’ve put it on a long time ago, Brother Dragon, why don’t you try try?"


Xiao Hua thought for a while and nodded.

Ke Xiang's dragon claws grabbed the scales, and suddenly his face changed slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Hua frowned.

"Sorry, Brother Long~"

Xiang accompanied with a smile, "The dragon weapon I was talking about was replaced by me."

"Forget it, forget it~"

Xiao Hua said irritably, "I don't need these."

"I have something similar to just now~"

Xiang remembered something, and hurriedly grabbed the dragon's claws, and a thin prismatic scale armor appeared in the air. It quickly said, "Why don't you try? It's better than nothing~"


Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, and took it casually. A mouthful of the dragon's breath fell, and the prismatic scales turned into four or five pieces. Xiao Hua's body protected him.

Sure enough, the stinging and itching that had previously made Xiao Hua unbearable disappeared immediately.


Xiao Hua immediately woke up, that his unbearable soul was not the fit between the soul and the dragon body, but a simple defense problem. He had been in the Dragon Region for so long, and he didn't even think of it. If this is to let the real person know about it, he has to laugh out of his teeth. Not possible.

"But the problem is~"

Even looking at the rough dragon weapon, Xiao Hua still feels a little surprised, "Pan Dao's dragon body is not half inferior to Dao Xian Hunyuan's immortal body, how could it not even be able to protect the soul?"

"No, this dragon weapon must be a bit weird! Could it be..."

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiang Xiang.

"Brother Dragon,"

Xiang looked at Xiao Hua's face suddenly changed, thinking he was not satisfied, and quickly said, "If it is not suitable, I will find a way..."

"Very good~"

Xiao Hua smiled, "Let's fly, it took a lot of time, and now we have just entered the biao biao, there are still more dangerous places in it!"

"Yeah, yeah~"

Xiang repeatedly nodded, "This is just the beginning, there is still a lot of danger in it, come, let me lead the way..."

After speaking, Xiang turned and flew away again.

"how is it going?"

The little python waited for Xiang to fly away, and hurriedly leaned over, whispering in a low voice, "This dragon weapon is nothing tricky, isn't it?"


Xiao Hua raised his brows and said in a strange way, "How do you know that it is tricky?"


The little python was also stunned. He tilted his head for a moment and shook his head. "I don't know. Didn't you say it?"

"Fly fast~"

Looking at the innocent little python, Xiao Hua urged, "Wait until Kuihu said."

The Biao Biao Sea is indeed dangerous, because the Biao Biao Sea is not pure sea water, and the wind is not the kind of viscous, stable water droplets, so the deeper the Biao Biao Sea, there is not only the pressure similar to the seabed, but also from time to time. , The incomparable impact force, and even some air bursts caused by the impact of wind pillars.

Xiang flew cautiously in front of his head, stopping from time to time to find a path. Although it was fully prepared, it was still embarrassed. Xiao Hua pulled it out of the gas explosion several times, and the little python desperately resisted the ubiquitous impact. , Although it is different from the danger Xiang encountered, but the embarrassment is average.

Only Xiao Hua seemed to walk in a leisurely courtyard, following the two dragons.

"Brother Dragon~"

After flying for a full half an hour, seeing a huge flashing elliptical outline in front of him spinning rapidly, Xiang took a deep breath and rushed towards that place with all his strength.

When Xiang arrived at the place of the blue light, he couldn't bother to look back. He dived into it. He only felt that the dozens of messy halo around him was spinning, and his figure was also a bit painful to tear, with a "hum~" The roar immediately cleared my ears.


Xiang let out a long sigh and hurriedly turned his head to look at the place he was coming, but he didn't know, "Om~" was just above his head, there was a roar, Xiao Hua's claws caught the little python, and a whirlwind was born on his wings. Tear the cyan light directly.

"Brother Dragon~"

Xiang was shocked, and hurriedly shouted, "Come in along the Fengyan, don't damage..."

It's a pity that before Xiang finished speaking, Xiao Hua had already flown in, and behind him, the pillars of wind immediately melted together, smooth as a mirror.

"Awesome, Brother Long~"

Xiang couldn't help but praised, "This is your natural talent, right?"

Xiao Hua put the little python down, looked around, nodded and said: "That's right~"

Xiang looked at Xiao Hua's undamaged dragon body again, and then looked at his already somewhat broken wings and scarred dragon body, and smiled bitterly: "You dragon body is too powerful, right?"

"No way~"

Xiao Hua closed his gaze and said, "I was born this way."


Xiang didn't say anything anymore. It slowly swam in this space. As it swam, its wings gushed out a pale black mist, and the dragon's body glowed with golden light, apparently repairing the dragon's body.

As for the little python, it was still quietly coiling aside at first, and now it has already flown into the depths of space.

The space is not large. Xiao Hua had already let out a sense of Long when he came in, and there were no other dragons inside, so Xiao Hua didn’t follow. He just took out the black order to take a look, Xiang suddenly spoke again, but it said The words are inexplicable.

"Brother Dragon, it's really hard for you. I'm flying around with it. I can't point it out yet. If it were me, I would have given up long ago~"

"It should be your younger generation? This bloodline is changing too fast..."

Xiao Hua frowned and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Xiang immediately laughed with opened his eyes and said, "Didn’t you just say it, this is a natural talent, I know the taboo, I will not ruin your major event, Hu, It really is your last chance."

Hearing this, Xiao Hua put down the idea of ​​taking out the black order again, and said meaningfully: "If you can say it clearly, can you please explain it, okay? You are so concealed, I feel very uneasy!"

"Don't worry, don't worry~"

Xiang immediately replied, "This is just a rare talent in our clan of horned dragons. There are not too many horned dragons. Moreover, only the Qinlong worm of hu can provoke the lost requiem."

"Qin Long Worm?"

Xiao Hua was taken aback. He always thought that Luhu was another ancient nightmare. There would be a lot of dragon spirits inside. Requiem should be used by the dragon spirits. How could he know that a so-called harp dragon insect appeared.

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