Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3527: Ao Sheng appreciates Xiao Hua more and more

In fact, as early as Xiao Hua saw the wind explosion, it would cause King Feng Ling’s body to soar. Xiao Hua already had a plan. Feng Ling is naturally the spirit body, so the main support of the spirit body is the spirit. The reason why the Feng Ling King To be king, naturally the spirit is strong, and when the spirit is strong, the spirit body will be huge.

But no matter how strong the spirit is, there will always be a limit. The spirit body also has a limit. Xiao Hua fights with the Wind Spirit King, and every time it can cause the Wind Spirit King’s dragon body to skyrocket, as long as the fight is uninterrupted, sooner or later, it will let the wind. The spirit king exploded and died, this rift between the spirit and the body, isn't it the reason why Xiao Hua's soul is injured now?

In fact, many dragons can see this problem, but they are not able to contend with the Fengling King to the end. Just watching the Horned Dragon Xiang escape for a while, it can be seriously injured, knowing that even if they have this idea, they dare not try too much. .

But Xiao Hua was different. His dragon body was too sturdy, and he was not afraid of attacks from the Wind Spirit King.

So since Xiao Hua is willing to go all out, he can naturally pull the Fengling King off the horse!


Xiao Hua felt tingling all over her body, and whispered as she flew, "Killing a Wind Spirit King, but I didn't get anything. It's really a loss!"

Fortunately, the horned Longxiang can't hear it, otherwise it will roll its eyes and die.

The Horned Dragon Xiang couldn't hear it, but Ao Sheng, who was far away from a pillar of wind that penetrated the sky, unexpectedly discovered Xiao Hua's strength.

"The son~"

Ao Sheng is naturally not a dragon. By his side, Qinglong and other dragon guards are guarding. Qinglong even reminded, "It's time to enter Yuhu."


Ao Sheng nodded casually.

"There is an interface dragon inside the wind pillar, we can't enter~"

Qinglong exhorted again, "You have to be careful!"

Ao Sheng asked casually, "Yan, Yun, and Ye have all entered, right?"


Qinglong just said a word, "Boom~", in the distance, within the sea of ​​wind, a roar sounded, and a black glow broke through the wind, passing in front of Ao Sheng and other dragons, and fell directly into the wind pillar. !


Looking at the small python's figure within the Xiaguang, Qinglong exclaimed, "How can it have a black order?"


Ao Sheng smiled, "Do you still need to talk? Ye must give it to it!"

"This **** Ye~"

Qinglong couldn't help cursing in a low voice, "The black ling in the master's hand is not much, and giving it a chance is to give it a chance, it actually gave the black ling to the python, it really doesn't know how to praise it!"


Ao Sheng slightly closed his eyes and still smiled, "I think this dragon beast is sentimental and righteous, not bad...Huh??"

Ao Sheng never finished speaking, suddenly his face changed slightly, and he whispered, as if he was extremely surprised.

"The son?"

Qinglong was startled, and hurriedly looked around, muttering in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"Haha, haha~"

I didn't know that Ao Sheng opened his eyes and laughed, "This Ye, surprises me too much, do you know what it is doing now?"

"I don't know~"

Qinglong was a little dazed, looking at where the little python disappeared, and said, "But it should be in a dangerous situation, otherwise it won't give the black order to the python!"


Ao Sheng smiled and said, "It is fighting with a Wind Spirit King!"

"Wind Spirit King?"

Qinglong was a little shocked, "Does Ye have this strength?"

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes~"

Ao Sheng replied, "I won't believe it either, but Ye is indeed standing with the Fengling King now. Although he has fallen into a disadvantage, looking at its appearance, he has full confidence..."

Speaking of this, Ao Sheng raised his brows and exclaimed: "Wonderful, why didn't I remember?"

"What's wrong?"

Qinglong became curious.

"Ye killed the Wind Spirit King!"

Ao Sheng suppressed all the dragons with a single sentence. Qinglong didn't even want to shake his head and said, "Impossible, Ye doesn't have that strength!"


Ao Sheng smiled and said, "Ye doesn't have that strength, but he came to the Dragon Region with an open eye. It brought the mind of the mortal realm and the experience of fighting in the mortal realm."

"What's the meaning?"

Qinglong was quite puzzled.

When Ao Sheng told how Xiao Hua killed the Wind Spirit King, Qinglong opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"Sentimental and Righteous~"

Ao Sheng smiled and said, "When you are in danger, not chaos, judge the situation, use your own strengths to attack the enemy's shortcomings, Ye has passed my test, you tell him, he doesn't have to go to Yuhu..."

At this point, Ao Sheng laughed blankly again, and said, "Needless to say, you know it yourself. It is not yet the King Dragon. This is a good opportunity for it to advance. How can I? Don't let it go?"

"Yes, son~"

Qinglong immediately agreed, watching Ao Sheng's figure fall into the wind pillar, turning his head to the other Dragon Guards, "Have you heard? Ye will be Young Master's Dragon Guard from now on, don't underestimate him!"

A group of Dragon Guards agreed, but their faces were all disdainful. No matter how powerful the Dragon Beast was, it was still the Dragon Beast in their eyes.

Xiao Hua had been prepared for Ao Sheng's peeping a long time ago. These were things he didn't need to conceal, and the stronger his performance, the better for him.

"Brother Dragon, Brother Dragon~"

When Xiao Hua was not knowing where to fly, the voice of Horned Dragon Xiang came from her ears.


Xiao Hua turned his head and looked at the horned dragon flying in the diagonal thorn, wondering, "Why are you still here?"

"Brother Long~"

Horned Longxiang smiled bitterly, "I have already flew desperately, but the range that the Wind Spirit King can control is too great, and until now, I have not been able to fly out. If Brother Dragon had killed the Wind Spirit King, I would still be dead! In other words, Brother Long saved me!"

"Go, go~"

Seeing Jiao Longxiang sticking to himself again, Xiao Hua immediately dismissed, "If you say that again, I turned and flew!"

Jiaolongxiang was very interested and shut up immediately.

"Where are we flying now?"

Xiao Hua looked around and said, "Say while flying."

Horned Longxiang raised his claws and pointed to the direction he was flying from and said, "Here~"

Xiao Hua turned and flew towards the direction pointed by the claws of the horned dragon and Xianglong, and asked, "What's the matter with the Qinlong insect?"

"Brother Dragon~"

Jiaolongxiang said in amazement Don't you have an order? There are records in it! "

"I haven't had time to watch~"

Xiao Hua smiled.

The Horned Dragon Xiang was overjoyed. After all, Xiao Hua hadn't watched it, so he could tell Xiao Hua that it could highlight its role, and Xiao Hua would not go to Yuhu without taking it.

"That's it, Brother Long~"

Jiaolongxiang explained, "Kuhu is a magical place in the Dragon Region. This world can only be entered through Biaobiao. The whole area of ​​Kuihu is a rolling mountain. There are hundreds of thousands of stars in the sky above the mountains. The stars are too far away to be seen. Every once in a while, these stars will be close to the mountains, and there will be a large number of Qinlong worms flying down on the stars. These Qinlong worms are condensed from the essence of stars, and we dragons eat them. , Can enhance the dragon power!"

After that, Horned Dragon Xiang stopped talking...

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