Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3529: The wind pillar is similar to Jie Chong?


Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and secretly said, "How can the dragon face move? If so, there must be something good in this hu!"

Xiao Hua likes good things the most, so he took it all of a sudden and looked forward to his head intently.

I saw that the Biao Biao sea was originally a mess of wind and the ubiquitous light blue color. By this time, it was swirling in a whirlpool, and the center of all the whirlpools was a huge wind column!

Xiao Hua's current sense of wind could not detect how big the wind pillar was. Although the wind in front of Xiao Hua was thin, his sense of wind swept across and was immediately torn to pieces by the invisible force.


Just as Xiao Hua looked at the wind pillar, Qinglong flew up with a smile and shouted, "Why did you come?"


Xiao Hua had a strange attitude of Qinglong. He pointed to Longxiang and said, "When I came, I ran into a dragon who wanted to go in together, so I came together with some delay."


Qinglong smiled and said, "No wonder the son said you are benevolent and righteous, even if you meet the dragon halfway, you are willing to help!"

Xiao Hua instantly understood that Ao Sheng had explored himself without knowing it.

However, Xiao Hua had "excitement" in his eyes, and said anxiously: "The son really said that?"


Qinglong whispered, "It's good if you know it yourself, go ahead, Kuhu is not dangerous, it's a good time for you to improve your dragon's power."

"Thank you, thank you~"

Xiao Hua hurriedly thanked him. Qinglong's hint was obvious. Ao Sheng had already regarded himself as a confidant. For a moment, Xiao Hua had the pride of breaking into the enemy.


Qinglong recklessly reminded him in front of Jiaolongxiang, "You are here to try with the son, and the dragon that does nothing to provoke you as little as possible, you don't care about it, don't ruin the son!"

"Yes, yes~"

Xiao Hua laughed and said, "I know this in my heart, but there are some deals, don't worry."

Qinglong listened, and didn't say anything anymore. He just came to express his heart, and Xiao Hua would understand it. Then, another Dragon Guard came over and whispered Xiao Hua some things, including how to enter, how to contact Ao Sheng in Kuihu, and so on.

"Brother Dragon~"

Horned Dragon Xiang can be bluffed by Azure Dragon’s Longwei. After Qinglong and Longwei fly, they whispered, “Are you the Dragon’s Dragonwei?”

"Not yet~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "It is being tried, if it passes, it will be!"

"Brother Long's life is really good~"

Jiaolongxiang said enviously, "Even the trial is arranged, so I don't have to worry about it by myself. I have always wanted to find a way out..."

"Stop, stop~"

Xiao Hua laughed as soon as he heard it, and quickly said, "I'm still working hard, so don't mess with me!"

"Yes, yes~"

Horned Longxiang immediately put on a small high hat, "Brother Dragon judges the situation in this way, and he is highly talented. He will definitely pass the trial and become the dragon guard of the big dragon!"

Looking at this horned dragon with a literary heart but wearing a dragon skin, Xiao Hua urged: "You and I go in quickly, if you can, I can't say you can see our son!"

"Oh, no~"

Jiao Longxiang smiled and said anxiously, "If things are done, I will not forget the benefits of Brother Long."

"I promised you nothing!"

Seeing that the angled Longxiang climbed so smoothly, Xiao Hua immediately denied it again, and wanted to break his delusion.

But Jiaolongxiang happily brought Xiao Hua close to the wind column, not paying attention to it at all.

Xiao Hua knew that this type of dragon was just like some people in the mortal world, but whenever there was a chance, he would definitely seize it, and seize it at all costs, they might be the most suitable for survival in the world.

The wind column was so huge and incredible that it was even closer, because the speed of the wind column was so fast that the spray of the wind column could hardly be seen, and there was no wind wire in front of the wind column, and all the dragons disappeared.

It felt like the roar suddenly disappeared. Xiao Hua knew that the roar was beyond the limit that the dragon could hear. At this time, on the wind pillar, huge dragon patterns appeared, and the dragon patterns were like springs. Stretching indefinitely, and occasionally weird totem marks appear on the dragon pattern.

However, all of this disappeared in an instant. When the roar came up again, Xiao Hua was in front of the pillar of wind that pierced the sky and the earth, inside the pillar of wind, the dragon of wind hovered up to the sky, straight ahead.

"Brother Dragon~"

Jiaolongxiang stopped, looked around, and whispered, "You can see clearly, the wind pillars at the entrance have different directions, this..."

As he said, it pointed to one place and said, "This is the downward wind pillar, don't go in."

Xiao Hua smiled and nodded. The Dragon Guard just now had already made it clear, and he could see clearly, that 30% of the wind pillar was downward, and it was caught in the upward wind pillar. Look closely, it's really hard to see.

"No wonder Dragon Brother didn't know anything before~"

As Jiaolongxiang said, the old thing was brought up again, "So you don't need to know, as long as you get here, everything is arranged, and your life is really good..."

Xiao Hua's tail swung his tail and rushed into the wind column with his wings.

"Brother Long wait for me~"

The horned dragon flew in a hurry and hurriedly spread its wings to chase after Xiao Hua.

"Within the wind pillar, the wind is disorderly~"

Xiao Hua glanced at Horned Dragon Xiang and said, "The entry of the common dragons requires the dragon claws to be put away. We, as the feathered dragon beasts, naturally also have to put away our wings, otherwise it will be easy to be sucked into the turbulence!"


Horned Longxiang was shocked and muttered in a low voice, "Why don't I know?"

As he said, he quickly closed his wings, and sure enough, as the two dragons flew into the wind column, "Woo~" the two dragons suddenly rushed up, flying high for thousands of miles in an instant, an inexplicable force tightening their dragons. Tightly bound, even Xiao Hua felt a little dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, there were wind pillars with different strengths and different directions around These wind pillars fell on the two dragons, as if different big hands were torn apart, and the two dragons did not spread their wings, otherwise they would be turbulent. It's easy to lose control inside, and Xiao Hua can see clearly that there is a column of reverse wind not far away, such as a quiet current on the bottom of the sea, staying by his side at all times, and even if it is not so easy, he may be involved in the downward wind column.

After about half of the incense, the speed of the wind column did not weaken, but Xiao Hua and Jiaolongxiang had already adapted to the speed inside, and the previous strange feelings slowly disappeared.

Xiao Hua was a bit weird at first, because just now, Long Wei told him not to use the powerful dragon technique within this wind pillar, otherwise he would fall into the abyss of space. At this time, Xiao Hua looked attentively, but he didn't feel he was laughing. NS.

Because within the wind pillar, there are a few thick and endless spatial faults. Some of these spatial faults are like cloud flocks, some are like mountains, and some are flowing water. Moreover, the space of the wind pillar is extremely thin, and powerful dragon skills are easy. Penetrate the space.

Isn't this Jie Chong? !

Add more for "the fattest cow dung"~

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