Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3689: Dragon Dragon and Soul Bridge

The golden light and the electric light reflected each other in the eyes of Real Person Lun, and the expression in his eyes became clear for a while, and then muddy for a while, so that there were several hours, the Real Person Lun slowly flew up again.

At this time, Zhenren Lun seemed to be reborn, with blood flowing all over his body, and only a trace of blankness remained in his eyes.


Zhenren Lu stood still in the air, raised his dragon claw and pointed to the 361 dragon formations that were still continuous, and roared, "Move the immortal formation again."

At this time, the immortal formation was reorganized, and the real person Lun had already begun to give orders, and the jerky parts of the Wushang Yixuanyuan fairy formation quickly disappeared, and the nine-color dragon claw was forced to shrink by the real person.

But when the dragon formation had shrunk to the extreme, the nine-color Yinlong had disappeared, and none of the three hundred and sixty-one dragon formations had shattered.


Real Human Lu glanced over, and whispered in his heart, "Why is this dragon formation so strange, I can't defeat it with such a military..."


Thinking of this, Master Lu suddenly moved in his heart, laughed, and said, "I understand, this dragon formation is not a dragon weapon cloth, but the dragon weapon itself. Since I have already attacked here, I only need to find the dragon weapon weakness. , You can do it all in one blow."

With that said, it is not so easy to find the weakness of the dragon weapon. The real person Lun ordered the Yin dragon to attack for a long time, only to see the nine-color streamer flashing, and it was impossible to break the defense.

"It's a pity~"

Seeing that the offensive was fruitless, Master Lu secretly cried out, "If I can perceive the space, I only need to wave the Pangu axe, everything will be captured..."

Just thinking of hurriedly, the real person Lu suddenly brightened his eyes and laughed wildly again: "Haha, I understand, this is the destiny of cause and effect. You can't escape from the way of heaven no matter how you escape!"

With that said, Zhenren Lun rushed out again, and while ordering Yinlong to attack everywhere, he slowly approached a place. When the time was right, Mr. Lun first cultivated secretly, and when the dragon weapon was overwhelmed, he immediately went to the warehouse and rushed to one by himself. Before the Nine-Colored Dragon Formation, he sternly shouted: "I've already come, don't you come out quickly?"


Sucking with the low roar of Reality Lu, within the dragon formation, a sound of dragon roar sounded, but in the nine colors, Reality Lu's dragon roared and flew out, and above the dragon's horns, the dragon drew golden light.


On the head of the dragon, the Jiuqitong Tianmao also shot golden light, and the dragon raised the claws, and Wulong Zhaojue grabbed the golden light.


The two golden lights collided together, the dragon formation flashed, and the real dragon claws fell, just to break the nine colors of the dragon formation.


Immediately afterwards, the entire huge mountain range began to tremble, and nine-color phantoms appeared like rings.

"At this time, do you still want to leave?"

Within the Nine Colors Phantom, the real person Lun and the dragon screamed together, and the dragon claws of the real person Lun were caught at the place where they would enter.

Zhenren Lu's hand was somewhat similar to Xiao Hua's capture of the Gorefiend at Luhu, but at that time Xiao Hua's clone was active, and now the dragon face of Zhenren Lu was captured by the dragon weapon first.


Real person Lun grabbed the dragon weapon, gritted his teeth, dripped a drop of blood, and fell on it. Seeing the blood fall into the shape of a silky dragon, the heart of Real person Lun lowered his heart and urged the blood sacrifice method with all his strength. .


The dragon tool was still transforming under the dragon's claws, struggling again.


Five golden rays of light were shot from the incomplete Nine-Eyes Heaven Crown, which was firmly nailed to the dragon's weapon. Then, the real man ran out of eight drops of blood, which was enough to make the dragon's weapon stable.

"Yuanju Longyinghui Soul Bridge?"

When the nine colors were falling, a weird bridge-shaped dragon weapon appeared in front of Real Man Lu, a heavy light and shadow rushed into the spirit of Real Man Lu, and the strange man’s face grew strange, and he whispered, "What kind of dragon weapon is this?"

Zhenren Lun himself has not seen many dragon artifacts, but he has seen quite a few immortal artifacts with Xiao Hua, especially among the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm, there are so many immortal artifacts in the Ten Thousand Immortal Array, which one is bridge-shaped of? Even in the name of the bridge? ?

But the real person Dang De Lun let out a sense of long and carefully looked at the dragon weapon in his hand, and his unspeakable joy was overflowing on his face again.

But seeing this dragon and hui soul bridge looks like a nine rainbow bridge at first glance, the beginning of the overflow of nine colors is flashing blood, it looks like a sea of ​​blood, and the place where the overflow of nine colors converges, there is A phantom image of the Bone Mountain appeared; after a closer look, the nine colors were converged in the dragon tool, and one after another dragon pattern as a totem was revealed. These dragon patterns are no more than 361, each There is thunder surging within the dragon pattern, and the real person Lun feels deep, and is even more surprised to find that every totem contains a world, and there are countless creatures in every part of the world.

Even with the sacrifice of Zhenren Lu, more information fell into his soul like Haitao.

Zhenren Lun became more excited, and the dragon's tail shook, and said triumphantly: "A man who is tired and tired, a dragon is naturally trapping the dragon; a man who is a man is destroyed. The soul of a man is naturally destroying the soul; as for the bridge, Oh my god, it turns out that there is a reincarnation of life and death in the dragon body. If a certain family can control this thing, the dragon clan hit by this dragon weapon will be deprived of its life span and dragon power, and even directly enter the reincarnation, this bridge , Isn’t it what the Human Race calls the Naihe Bridge?"

"Awesome, my dragon weapon!"

Zhen Lun exclaimed excitedly, "Friend Xiao Dao, I finally have a dragon weapon better than you."

"This thing is definitely not an ordinary dragon weapon~"

As the real person yelled, the dragon flew out from the inside, and he said faintly, "Your blood can hardly be sacrificed, if it weren't for me to assist you in it, how could you surrender it so easily? And I have seen this. There are three hundred and sixty-one worlds in the thing, and there are some in it that I have never seen before..."

"What's the meaning?"

Zhenren Lu frowned, and asked, "Isn't Ao Sheng looking for this dragon weapon? You don't even know the origin of this dragon weapon?"

"It may be what it is looking for~"

Long Xiang's eyes were also confused, and he shook his head and said, "It may not be what it was looking for. My memory is shattered and I am not clear about it."

"What on earth is reincarnation?"

Zhenren Lu became more and more confused, and UU Reading asked, "Is it the soul or the blood?"

The dragon Xiang and the real person Lun raised their heads at the same time, the two dragons faced each other, and they said in unison: "Could there be a dragon bone?"

Long Xiang even added: "Bone produces marrow, and marrow produces blood, what do Taoists think?"


Zhenren Lun cursed in a low voice, raised his dragon's claws and patted him, "pop" knocked off the Nine-Eyed Heavenly Crown on his head, and said, "A certain family is a real Lun, not a reincarnation of Long Hao."

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