Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3725: Guantian's Yanshi


Fairy Hanhua nodded and said, "For my adults, whether it is a barbarian or Ao Sheng, it is normal. As long as you can cooperate, since you see me first, I can naturally see Ao Sheng first, but I There is still one important thing to do when you come, and have to do something for me."


Xiao Hua was dumbfounded, and wondered, "I'm waiting to help...what can I do for the fairy?"

Afterwards, Xiao Hua suddenly woke up and hurriedly raised the dragon's claws and hammered in front of her chest, shouting: "Fairy don't worry, as long as the fairy is dispatched, even if it's a sword, the dragon will definitely go!"

"Don't worry~"

Fairy Hanhua said lightly, "I just want you to try it, don't care too much."

With that, Fairy Hanhua had already walked to a red water well, and the red water well immediately spewed out the glow, which condensed into a hexagram to block her figure.

Fairy Hanhua raised his hand lightly, and another pale yellow hexagram fell.


The red glow gushing out like a fountain, and Fairy Hanhua fell into it and disappeared.

Fairy Hanhua didn't say anything, but Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly flew down on it. The Xiaguang was a little cold, wrapped in Xiao Hua and fell, covering everything in the well.

When the rays of light disappeared, Xiao Hua found herself on a land that looked endless. The earth was naturally red, but the sky was nine colors. This nine colors is different from Menglan, but it is different from Zhenren Lu. The nine colors seen in the sky are similar, with dragon patterns and purple in them.


As soon as Xiao Hua murmured, he saw another weird scene.

A giant came slowly. Although this giant stood upright, he looked up at the sky, as if the nine colors of the sky had a fatal attraction, attracting all his attention.

Xiao Hua looked around. He did not find Fairy Hanhua. He didn't dare to show his dragon power too much, so he flew to the giant's head and said respectfully: "My lord, dare you ask where this is?"

The giant still looked up, not looking at Xiao Hua at all, and replied coldly: "I don't know~"


Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, and then tentatively asked, "What are you doing?"

He actually raised his head, disdain to look at Xiao Hua, his tone was still cold: "I don't know."

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua gave the giant a thumbs up in his heart, "You are so awesome~"

After all, the giant had already come to Xiao Hua, still running rampant, Xiao Hua helplessly, hurriedly evaded, and then the giant went arrogantly.

Xiao Hua thought for a while, and let out Long Gan to investigate, and found that there was a giant in the distance, so Xiao Hua hurriedly flew over to say hello.

No surprise, the giant also looked up at the sky, ignoring Xiao Hua at all.

One is like this, and both are like this. It must be a bit weird. Xiao Hua flew over the giant's head to have a look, but he was afraid of committing the taboo of Fairy Hanhua.

While hesitating, Fairy Hanhua's voice came from a distance: "You don't have to blame them, their task is to watch the sky, and you don't know anything else."


Xiao Hua flew towards Fairy Hanhua, and said, "They just look at it. I'm just saying hello. They should also respond and take a look at me."

"Come here~"

Fairy Hanhua said lightly, "Here is one who will greet you~~"

"Oh oh~"

Xiao Hua promised to fly there.

I saw Fairy Hanhua also following a giant, and that giant's speed was obviously much slower than the two giants Xiao Hua had seen.

Xiao Hua followed Fairy Hanhua and didn't dare to say anything. After waiting only half an hour, the giant's footsteps finally stopped. He lowered his head to look at the earth, and then around, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "So there is something more beautiful than the sky!"

After finishing speaking, "Boom~" The giant fell to the ground suddenly, his eyes closed tightly, and his breath disappeared.


Even if Xiao Hua wasn't surprised in his heart, he still had to be extremely surprised and whispered, " turns out that if they bow their heads, they are going to die!"

"No, you are wrong~"

Fairy Hanhua flew down, standing in front of the giant's head, and said lightly, "It should be, they have been looking up at the sky all their lives, and they can only bow their heads when they die!"


Xiao Hua blurted out and asked.

As soon as Fairy Hanhua raised his hand, a pale yellow hexagram appeared, and the hexagram fell on the giant, and replied, "Because this is their fate~"

"I didn't say this~"

Although Xiao Hua muttered to himself, he respectfully said, "My lord's words are too profound, Xiaolong doesn't understand."

The hexagram evolves and the giant is taken away. After a while, another giant flies out of the hexagram. This giant looks no different from the previous giant. When it flies down, his eyes are slowly opened, and both eyes are inside. It is a light yellow halo, still revealing the almost supreme law.


Xiao Hua looked at the giant's dull face and suddenly whispered, "I see, this...this is a dragon puppet, not a puppet!"

Fairy Hanhua ignored Xiao Hua, her eyes only fell on the giant.

But seeing the giant opened his eyes, UU read and looked at the nine colors in the sky, and after the figure fell on the ground, the huge head was already staring at the nine colors.

Fairy Hanhua looked around, raised his hand lightly again, and a ray of light yellow light fell on the giant. After turning around in the same place, he continued to move in the direction where the giant who had just died, strode away.

"This is the country of Yanshi~"

Fairy Hanying flew up and flew in the other direction, saying, "These giants are named Yanshi."


Xiao Hua laughed with him, "Can I release a sense of longness?"

"Of course~"

Fairy Han Huo replied, "Except for the Dragon Mantra and don't tell everything here, you can do everything you want here."

"I knew it~"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly in her heart, "This country of Yanshi must be a secret existence, otherwise it is impossible to let the special envoy of Tianzun Master to come over in person."

Xiao Hua immediately uttered the Long Mantra, and then cautiously let out a sense of Long.


Xiao Hua was surprised and whispered, "This is the country of Yanshi? There are only... only nine Yanshi?"

"One person can be the country~"

Fairy Hanhua said coldly, "Hundreds of millions of people can also be the country, otherwise who would support your son as the dragon king?"

"Yes, yes~"

Xiao Hua immediately laughed and said, "This little dragon doesn't understand."

Xiao Hua accompanied Fairy Han Jie for a while, and changed two Yanshi, which delayed a lot of time.

After coming out of the red well, Fairy Hanhua flew into the orange well again...

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