Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3748: Li Moyi and Man want to cooperate

"What... what do you mean?"

Jiang Yuanfeng was stunned, looked left and right and said, "Where are the fish?"

He Qiong pursed her lips and said with a smile, "It was Long'er who took the bait."

"Oh, what you said is pretty~"

The corner of Jiang Yuanfeng's mouth sneered, "A reincarnation of the Dragon Sovereign also wants to make waves? Dream about it."

Li Moyi was displeased and looked at Jiang Yuanfeng's back and didn't speak.


After Jiang Yuanfeng finished speaking, he suddenly realized something, and hurriedly smiled, "Brother, I... I'm not talking about you, you mustn't care."

How could Li Moyi not care?

He was concerned about it, but he smiled and said, "Yuanfeng, I know that you are a true temperament, how could I think so much? It is precisely because this is the reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor that I understand it, and I know it will be in a while. Turn around, think about it again, what is it looking for the special envoy of Tianzun? Isn't it just to use the power of Tianzun?"

"Good, good~"

Jiang Yuanfeng hurriedly flattered, "Isn't eldest brother himself a Tianzun?"

"This is secondary~"

He Qiong pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Since this savage wants to unify the Dragon Domain, it is necessary to fight, and when it comes to fighting the Quartet, which Heavenly Venerate, which Dragon Ancestor, can be compared with our adults?"

"Big Brother!!"

Jiang Yuanfeng looked at Li Moyi, his eyes flashed incredulous, and exclaimed, "Oh my god, you just saw that dragon, you just said a few words, and you think so much??"

"It's nothing~"

Li Moyi said calmly, "But just think about it, by the way, Yuanfeng, we are leaving now, do you know what is hard-to-get?"

"I don't know~"

Jiang Yuanfeng smiled and replied very naturally, "But I know what to listen to eldest brother."

With that said, Jiang Yuanfeng immediately took Li Moyi and the others to escape, but the flight speed was much slower this time.

However, seeing that it had been flying for half an hour, and no dragon was chasing after him, Jiang Yuanfeng half-believed and said: "Brother, you can't guess wrong, right?"

"It doesn't matter~"

Li Moyi shrugged and said, "If the fish doesn't take the bait, we will go to other places, and the left and right are also delivered. I am lucky, but I lose my life!"

"Big brother~"

Jiang Yuanfeng fell to the ground in admiration, and said, "I really convinced you, or you are Tianzun, I can only be Hunyuan..."

Just when I said this, "Swipe~" a long sense swept over from a distance, isn't it Bai Longqiong?

"The fish is hooked!"

Li Moyi and He Qiong looked at each other and smiled, neither of them said a word. They knew that Man must not have found the so-called Tianzun messenger, and he and others were a hundred times stronger than the Tianzun messenger that Man was looking for, and there were forces behind him. If you are not stupid, you will definitely cooperate with yourself.

Xiao Hua never expected that Li Moyi would meet Man.

Of course, not only the accidents of Longyu, but also what happened in Dao Xianjie, he didn't know.

Besides Wuxingtian, Qingfeng is asking the Immortal King's disciple Chen Fei in a soft voice: "I heard that the Bingshu Palace of the Butian team is in the depths of Wuxuehengtian, and it is not in Jiechong, can you go?"

"Don't worry~"

Chen Fei still looked like a modest gentleman, and smiled lightly, "As long as you can go, I can go?"

"That's weird~"

Qingfeng looked up and down at Chen Fei, and said oddly, "What kind of strength do you have?"

"Shallow strength~"

Chen Fei replied, "If you say it, you will lose Master's face, so it's better not to say it."

"Oh, I understand~"

Qingfeng was stunned and said, "I'm afraid that you are born with a different temperament, and you are only accepted by the adults. It's just that your strength depends on the accumulation of time, and you still have a long way to go!"

"Yes, yes~"

Chen Fei nodded and said, "Master also often says that, I deeply think it is."

"Okay, let's go~"

Qingfeng stretched and said, "Let's go find Kong Ben Wang Zifei."


Chen Fei was still as refined and elegant, with his sleeves rolled up, he fell straight into the heavens with the breeze.


Seeing the changing laws around him, Qingfeng couldn't help but scolded, "Pin Dao goes to the next realm, and was humiliated by that old boy, Immortal Venerable Po Yu, Chen Fei, the disciple of the Immortal King, didn't go to the Sejijie Palace, destroying the old man's decision. The rules, this is knowing the law and breaking the law..."

Of course, Qingfeng only dared to say this in his heart, but he never dared to say it. It was not until there was a space where a bronze cloud column condensed, and he asked tentatively: "Chen Fei, this is..."

"That's what you said,"

Chen Fei smiled and said, "If there is no accident, it should be some kind of military palace."

"Oh oh~"

Qingfeng nodded, and stepped on the clouds to fly out. After all, he had never been to the Bingshu Palace, but he had just heard from Yongxu and others.

But seeing the edge of the bronze-colored cloud pillar, a group of immortal soldiers dressed in battle armor patrolled, and immortal boats shuttled to and fro, Qingfeng had a clue, this must be the Bingshu Palace of the Butian team.

"Chen Fei, come with me~"

Qing Feng smiled and said, "I'll let King Kong Ben come out to greet him."

Saying that, Qingfeng raised his hand and took out a dagger, and flew to the bronze cloud pillar.

At this time, around the bronze cloud pillar, the heavy bronze luster pierced into the void like a sword, countless runes rolled in the luster, and the number of immortal soldiers on patrol was several times higher than usual, but all the soldiers and boats that came and went would be stopped for inspection. , seeing the breeze flying, a team of immortal soldiers flew out long ago, blocking the breeze, scolding: "The people who come to stop!"

"Do you know who I am?"

Qingfeng still looks like he is aloof, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said coldly, "You dare to stop me?"


The immortal soldiers who are usually on duty are naturally clever. Seeing the breeze like this, they immediately smiled and said, "I am clumsy, I don't know which team your lord belonged to, and which King of Shooting was ordered to put them back..."

"Sound King?"

Qingfeng sneered, and without waiting for the immortal soldier to finish speaking, he raised his voice and took out the short sword, "This is Prince Kong Benfei's token, go and call him out to me!"


All the immortal soldiers were shocked. The Twelve Kongben King was the supreme figure in the Bingshu Palace. How could they have seen their token immortal soldiers?

Besides, Qingfeng entered the Bingshu Palace with a token of King Kong Ben in his hand, and entered the palace as soon as he entered, and asked these immortal soldiers to call King Kong Ben out, how dare these immortal soldiers dare?

"My lord, my lord~"

The immortal soldier looked at the short arrow in Qingfeng's hand, and the imprint of the Bingshu Palace on it was correct. He hurriedly smiled and said, "Excuse me, please go in by yourself. Now the twelve kings of Kongben are all on duty at the Bingshu..."


Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, and said strangely, "Both Yongxu and Xuanhong are back?"

"What's the meaning?"

Immortal Bing was more worried than Qingfeng, and asked curiously, "Haven't the two Kong Ben Kings returned?"

"Isn't this nonsense~"

Qingfeng was quite showy, "The two of them were captured by others, how could they come back? It's good to be alive now!"

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