Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3802: ?Real feelings

Chi Longyu laughed. He didn't want to tell the origin of Huang Longyuan, but he knew that Lu Zhenren was not Longwei, and Dalong didn't specifically point out that Liqing should not be revealed, and when Ao Sheng and Xiao Hua came back, they would definitely tell Lu Zhenren, so Chi Longyu explained casually, how could he know that Lu Renren didn't understand at all, and dared to refute, how could such a stupid Long Liqing clan use it?

Lu Zhenren naturally knew what Chi Longyu was laughing at, but he was powerless to refute it. He simply shrank in the pool of water, secretly took out a Xinghua Yaoriguo and swallowed it in his belly, and began to practice.


Zhenzhen Lu thought to himself, "I dare to laugh at a certain family, and see how a certain family can trample you under their feet after the trial."

Thinking of this even more, Zhenren Lu suddenly had the dragon scales on his vest stand upright, and cold sweat dripped down his neck. He exclaimed in his heart, "Damn it, how could I forget something extremely important?"

"Pin Dao used the Wanyu Dragon Seal to knock Ye down into the abyss, and was torn to pieces by 'Zhuoming'. It was his fate that he didn't die, but he clearly saw Pindao's Wanyu Dragon Seal."

"Not to mention that within the 'Zhuoming', Pindao used the Wanyu Dragon Seal to fight with it. This... This is a big taboo of Ao Sheng. If Ye is the first loyal guard under Ao Sheng's seat, he will I will definitely tell Ao Sheng about the Wanyu Dragon Seal!"

Thinking of this, Zhenzhen Lu almost had the urge to hide his face and flee immediately.

"But since this time has arrived, neither Qinglong nor Chilongyu have any intention of capturing the poor~"

Lu Zhenren calmed down and rolled his eyes, "That means Ye didn't tell Ao Sheng."

"Previously Pindao thought Ye was sent by the Liqing clan, but now even Huang Longyuan wants to kill it, so naturally it is not, that is to say... Ye has nothing to do with the mysterious dragon who harmed Pindao, it is Pindao who has wronged him. it?"

"The problem is, it is the first dragon guard in Ao Sheng's eyes, and it looks like it is trying to help the poor. Could it be that it was sent by another gang??"

"Or does it have nothing to do with anyone??"

Lu Zhenren was in a state of confusion. Qinglong rode the dragon chariot directly to Desuo. Seeing the rope whiskers pass through the sky and sink into the void, Lu Zhenren couldn't help but shrink his neck. , but all kinds of thrills are still vivid.

It's just that there are too many dragons waiting to ride on the "suo", so the real people have to wait around, and the real people are naturally not in the mood to investigate. After half an hour, Qinglong sent a message, saying that before the change of "Hun", "suo" also There was a change, and the cable and whiskers near the "Hun" were shrouded in the void, and they couldn't walk at all. That is, after the Seven Wisdom Jingtian, the cable and whiskers were gradually revealed, which caused the "blocking dragon".

Although it took several Xu Yue to board the rope, the journey was safe, and Zhenren Lu followed the dragons and finally flew into the sky.

Breathing in the slightly sweet air of Yanze Realm, Zhenren Lu had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

As early as nearly ten thousand years ago, Zhenren Lu made an appointment with Xiao Hua to meet in Yanze Realm. How could he know that since Zhenren Lu received a communication from Xiao Hua in space and was ready to come to Yanze Realm, everything went beyond his own? Control, and what happened next left him in a dream.

From "Lin" to "抏e", although it is only ten thousand years, it is more exciting than all the years after the real person opened his eyes to the dragon domain. If there is no shadow of Xiao Hua next to him, the real person will almost want to make this scene. The trial is regarded as a trial with Xiao Hua.

Moreover, in the trials along the way, Lu Zhenren got too many opportunities. Compared with him now, Long Li looks similar to Wan Chen years ago, but in fact he has been reborn long ago.


Lu Zhenren couldn't help but raised his head and howled.


With the roar of the real person, there were many dragons roaring around. Although this roar was a kind of provocation, it was more exciting.

Zhenzhen Lu was startled and hurriedly looked around. Sure enough, countless dragons stuck their heads out from all over the place, all with excitement in their eyes.


Zhenzhen Lu shrank his neck and said secretly, "These are all from Yanze Realm to participate in Lan's trial. Do they have a ring? Ouch..."

Thinking of Lin Huan, Zhenren Lu himself was startled at first, not to mention other dragons, he doesn't have Lin Huan himself.

All the previous trials were arranged by Ao Sheng, including the token of the trial. Zhenren Lu never worried about it. Now that he has arrived in the realm of Yanze, he is about to participate in the trial. Only Zhenren Lu thought of Lin Huan, but there was no Lin Huan. Lu Zhenren participated in a dragon fart!

Thinking of this, Zhenren couldn't help but look at Qinglong and Chilongyu.

Unfortunately, the two dragons were flying slowly in front of their heads, and they didn't mean to speak at all.


Lu Zhenren scolded secretly, "Could it be that I have to ask the disciples of a certain family to look for it?"

Lu Zhenren really didn't have the face to ask any more questions. He simply found an opportunity to enter the space and prepared to ask the disciples of the Yishang Alliance to help find it.

Who knows, as soon as the real person enters the space, he will see Yu Yu Wenqu head-on.

"Ouch, fellow Daoist~"

Yu Yu was overjoyed, and said with a bow, "How come you can't see anyone again when you stabbed into the Dragon Domain?"

"Xiaosheng is afraid that he has fallen into the role of Xiao Daoyou~"

Yu Yu Wenqu gritted his teeth and said, "Where is the place in Longyu where you can step into Taiqing Tianxian's third-grade ninth-order rank, it's just a quagmire that kills my heavenly Confucian immortal."

"How to say?"

Yu Yulu suppressed the stealing joy in his heart and asked, "Didn't Fellow Daoist say what Fellow Daoist Xiao said before, 'I'm sincere and don't deceive me'?"

"'Friend Xiao's words' is what Xiao Daoyou gave Xiaosheng~"

Yuyu Wenqufen said, "It's not what Daoyou Xiao said, the understanding Xiaodaoyou gave Xiaosheng can't be wrong, but Xiaosheng has now reached a bottleneck in his cultivation, and this bottleneck seems to be unable to break through in Longyu, and Xiaosheng has just shown signs in Longyu, and there is an immediate concern about it. Dragon clan exploration of the strength of Qingtianxian..."


Hearing this, Yu Yulu seemed to have thought of something, and exclaimed, "You should be near the Purple Sea, right?"


Yu Yu Wenqu nodded and said, UU reading "Xiaosheng was intercepted by the dragon clan when he arrived in the Dragon Domain. After that, he was realized by fellow Daoist Xiao, and he immediately retreated for meditation. Xiaosheng thought that this period of time was enough to exhaust the patience of the dragon clan. Who knows that the dragon clan still won't give up."

"Pin Dao understands, Pin Dao understands~"

Yu Yulu laughed loudly and said, "They treat fellow Daoist as fellow Daoist Xiao."

"How to say?"

Yu Yuwen Qu Qi said, "I and Xiao Daoyou's strength is far behind."

"That's it~"

Yu Yu's eyebrows danced, "Ao Sheng said that there is a trace of Daoist Xiao near the Zidihai Sea, and Daoist Lei Ting went to the Zidihai to look for it with Wang Yusu, Su Zhe, and two Long Ji..."

Add more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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