Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3831: Ao Sheng is going to be a demon again

"It's nothing,"

Ao Sheng said lightly, "I just feel it, look at this 'blue', I don't know how many dragons have dreamed of a holy place for testing, but... Under the magical power of the demon dragon ancestor, he immediately disappeared from Mi Xing. , does not give other dragons any chance to try, the grand event of 'flying across the dragon gate' will never happen again in the future."

"The problem is~"

Xiao Hua frowned and said strangely, "This trial is not a trial at all, but a dream!"

"If there is no Enchanted Dragon Ancestor, 'Blue' will be destroyed~"

Ao Sheng asked back, "Who would know that this trial is a dream? And I didn't know how many dragons flew through the dragon gate in the 'blue' before, and became the ninth-level Purple Luo Dragon in one fell swoop! Such a trial that benefits all dragons The place is gone."

Xiao Hua already understood what Ao Sheng meant, and said with a smile: "What does the young master mean??"

"There are many dragons participating in the trial of 'blue' this time~"

Ao Sheng said in a low voice, "And there are more dragon races who are going to participate in the future trials. Entering the Demon Dragon Ancestor is a pervert and violated the taboo of all the dragons in my dragon domain. I must take this opportunity to gather the dragon's heart... "

Speaking, Ao Sheng took out the communication dragon and said, "Yu, where are you?"


Chi Longyu's voice came, and he said in surprise, "You came out? Where are you..."

After Ao Sheng said the location, Chi Longyu shouted: "Young master wait a moment, we are not far away, I will go over immediately."

Sure enough, it didn't take a stick of incense for Chi Longyu's long sense to sweep over. It was overjoyed when it saw Ao Sheng, and shouted: "Congratulations, Young Master, this trial has set foot on the ninth-level Zi Yao Luolong in one fell swoop."

"It's okay~"

Ao Sheng said calmly, "It's just a matter of course."


Chi Longyu even looked at Xiao Hua and praised rarely, "You're not bad either."

"I dare not compare with the son~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "If it wasn't for a change in the trial, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to fly across the Dragon Gate."

"That's right~"

Chi Longyu heard it and immediately asked Ao Shengdao, "What happened in Lanli? Why are so many dragons coming out..."


Ao Sheng smiled and said, "Have you tried in 'Lan'?"

"Of course~"

Chi Longyu nodded and said, "Although there are a lot of trials for the ninth-level Yaoluo Dragon, the 'Blue' Dragon Gate is the most famous. If you can fly across the Dragon Gate, you can basically jump over the Heaven Gate."


Ao Sheng smiled and said, "There is a dragon who said that the dragon gate you flew across was just a dream, what would you think?"

"Fuck the dragon~"

Chi Longyu immediately scolded, "I am really flying across the Dragon Gate, and the Heaven Gate is the same as the Dragon Gate. I also jumped over the Heaven Gate, is it all a dream?"

"Then what do you think~"

Ao Sheng still had a smile on his face, and asked, "Is Longmen very similar to Tianmen?"

"Of course they are similar~"

Chi Longyu nodded and said, "How can it be called Xiaotianmen?"


While talking, Qinglong, Ying and others also flew over, and Qinglong shouted, "Congratulations to the son~"

Ying waited for more than a dozen dragons to greet Ao Sheng, but their eyes kept looking at Ye with excitement on their faces.

"Go, go~"

Seeing this, Ao Sheng smiled and waved his dragon claws, saying, "Ye has made a great contribution this time, you should follow him carefully."

"Yes, son~"

Ying waited for the great joy, and after responding, hurriedly flew to Xiao Hua and respectfully said, "Congratulations to Dalong."

"Go away~"

Xiao Hua almost laughed and scolded, "You can just call Ye, you dare to call Dalong, do you still want me to live?"

"Haha, haha~"

Not to mention Chi Longyu and Qinglong, even Ao Sheng laughed.

Ying was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"If you look up to me~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "You can just call me Brother Long. No matter in front of the son or not, you don't need to call me Dalong."

"Yes Yes,"

Ying reacted and said with a smile, "Brother Long, Brother Yelong, we were wrong."

"Young Master just said something great~"

Xiao Hua went on to say, "That's all for my face, I just walked with the son, so we must follow the son's dragon head in the future."

"Yes, yes~"

Ying and others were still laughing with them, but they still surrounded Xiao Hua, which made Xiao Hua happy.

"Speaking of Xiaotianmen~"

Ao Sheng coughed twice, and asked Qinglong, "You didn't jump to the Tianmen, so what do you think the Tianmen will look like?"

"Of course it's similar to Dragon Gate~"

Qinglong replied without thinking, "I flew through the Dragon Gate, so I naturally know what the Heaven Gate looks like."

"Then I'll ask you again~"

Ao Sheng smiled and said, "The appearance of Longmen and Tianmen is what you heard from Bielong, right?"

"That's right~"

Qinglong said puzzled, "If you don't tell me, how could I know?"


Ao Sheng turned to look at Xiao Hua and asked, "Now do you know what's going on?"


Xiao Hua replied, "Even if there is no Dragon Gate, as long as all dragons feel that Dragon Gate is similar to Tianmen, then they will fabricate a Dragon Gate out of thin air in their minds, and the Dragon Gate in 'Blue' is formed like this."


Chi Longyu whispered, "Could it be that those silly dragons are telling the truth?"

"The problem is~"

Qinglong couldn't understand it. He looked at Ao Sheng, and then at Xiao Hua, and said, "Whether it's Young Master or Ye, their dragon power has indeed improved a lot, and they have all set foot on the ninth-level purple luminous Luolong!"

"What about that dead dragon?"

Xiao Hua seemed to have thought of something, looked around and asked, "Has he come out yet?"

"We didn't see the reel~"

Chi Longyu shook his head and said, "If there is no accident, he might have died inside."


Xiao Hua snorted coldly, "He deserves it."

"It's a pity~"

Ao Sheng smiled bitterly and said, "If it's a real trial, there must be a good chance that Lu will come out, but since it's fake, then it depends on the mood of 'Lan', Lu may really die."

"Master, son~"

Chi Longyu scratched his ears a little, and said anxiously, "What happened?"

"Don't rush~"

Ao Sheng smiled mysteriously, UU reading said to Qinglong, "You send me a message first."


Qinglong immediately said, "I'll send a message to Dalong immediately, saying that the young master flew across the Dragon Gate safely..."

"No, no~"

Ao Sheng shook his head and said, "It's for the dragon clan that just came out of the 'Lan', and even the dragon clan near the 'Lan' at present. They said that the demon dragon ancestor went backward and destroyed the 'Lan'. We can help them find the demon dragon ancestor. The dragon clan who have not yet flown across the Dragon Gate... seek justice."

Thanks to the immortal friends represented by the following, for their strong support to Xiu Shen, I wish you all auspiciousness and good luck in the Year of the Tiger. They are: Vanilla Flavor, Lian Shui Xiu Yuan Ren, Brick Handler, Loritin, Track Pursuit, Wang Chenglin, Jing Mo, A Smelly Mosquito, Return, Homecoming, Ruthless, Li Jian, Immortal Fist, Shield Yu, Bihai Advertising, Sesame Kai..., Wuhen, Busy Old Man, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Singing Bird, Starry Sky, Chen Fei, Feng, Ao Shenzhou, EmptyChen, etc.

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