Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3834: He Qiong's Hard-to-Eat (Lunar New Year's 7 Days of Music 11)

"His Royal Highness Dragon King~"

He Qiong frowned and said, "It seems that Liqing is still far away from the realm of Yuze. If Ao Sheng goes to Liqing, he may not be able to catch up with the trial of Xiaotianmen. Besides, Liqing should be the clan of the Shiquan family. Ao Sheng kills dragons on their territory, not to mention their clansmen, even their patriarch cannot let Ao Sheng go."


With a sigh, "We did all the calculations but ignored the certificate 'Lin' for participating in the trial."


He Qiong was confused and asked, "What's so special about this thing?"

"It's not my fault sir~"

With a wry smile, he said, "I didn't make it clear..."

Afterwards, he pretty much talked about the process of Ao Sheng attacking and killing Rin, and finally said: "I never imagined that Ao Sheng would actually use the feature of 'Lin' to rush to Liqing to kill Rin."


What I don't know is that Li Moyi and He Qiong's thoughts were not on Lin Huan at all. They were shocked and looked at each other.

Even Li Moyi never thought that the Immortal King would accept disciples.

But since Chen Fei dares to say that he is a disciple of the Immortal King, then there is probably nothing wrong. Who dares to pretend to be a disciple of the Immortal King!


Seeing that He Qiong was a little lost, he smiled and said, "I can't blame Mr., after all, Mr. is not a dragon, and I don't know the daily life of Longyu."


He Qiong smiled and said, "This Ao Sheng seems to be the most fond of swordsmanship. He thought he took advantage of Liqing, but he did not know that he suffered a big loss."


This time, it was quite puzzled. He clearly killed Rin and escaped safely from the clan's dragon's claws. How could he have suffered a big loss?

"That's it~"

He Qiongfen said, "From what His Highness said before about the situation in the Dragon Domain, it seems that the Eight Divisions of Heavenly Dragons, apart from the son and Ao Sheng, is this Rin, who has a little reputation, but this reputation is actually very weak, Rin Basically, I haven't been out of Yilihongxuetian very much."


Man nodded and said, "Rin has almost no sense of existence. I think it is a bit far-fetched for Rin to arrange Xiaolong by Ao Sheng's side."

"Your Highness, as Rin's opponent, thinks so~"

He Qiong said with a smile, "What does this mean? It means that Rin is just a disguise for Yili Hongxuetian. The patriarch of the wet cockroach clan has not made up his mind yet, he is watching!"

As soon as Man heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said anxiously, "That is to say, the clans of the first group of Shichi are actually watching the same as the clans of the first group of Gengchi, but in a different way. Lao treats Rin as a chess piece to test my attitude with Ao Sheng?"

"You can say so~"

He Qiong said with a smile, "As a result, His Royal Highness sat firmly, and Ao Sheng was fooled and directly killed the pieces of the wet cockroach, and completely cut off the possibility of joining with the wet cockroach!"

"That's right~"

Barbarian Dragon Claw patted it and said, "Even if the clan of the wet claws did not have this plan, Ao Sheng ruined his plan, and the wet claws would definitely not cooperate with Ao Sheng, this is my chance, Thank you sir for reminding me, I will rush to Liqing~”

Seeing that Man was about to fly, Li Moyi hurriedly winked at He Qiong and said a few words in a low voice.

He Qiong raised her brows, her eyes flashed with enlightenment immediately, she said with a smile: "His Royal Highness went to Liqing at this time, but fell into the inferior position."

"What's the meaning?"

Man stopped and asked, "Could it be that there is still superiority?"

"Let's not say good things first~"

He Qiong said with a smile, "Your Highness, don't be impatient, and listen to Xiaoke to tell you the best."

"You said, you said~"

Pretty face and ears to support himself.

"Let's not say anything else~"

He Qiong said, "His Royal Highness is rushing to Yili Hongxuetian now. He can't explain the source of the news. He can only reveal that His Highness has an inner response in Yilihongxuetian."

"Oh, no~"

He whispered, "I ignored this."


He Qiong said, "Now the patriarch of Yili Hongxuetian is angry that a small Taiyi dragon escaped safely from his command. Meeting with His Highness in the past is like adding fuel to the fire. Take action and save some face."


Man even whispered, "It's really possible!"

"The third~"

He Qiong finally said, "If Your Highness has the heart, why go to Yili Hongxuetian? Go directly to Yuze Realm and kill Ao Sheng, wouldn't the patriarch of Yilihongxuetian be happier?"

"How easy is it to kill Ao Sheng?"

Man smiled bitterly and said, "There is a tacit understanding among the great dragons, and it is not possible to use the dragon clan above the dragon master, and Ao Sheng's strength is far higher than me..."

He Qiong heard this, interrupted Man's words, and said confidently: "In Xiaoke's opinion, this is not difficult. In my human race's words, there are only two ways!"


Very overjoyed, he said quickly, "Sir, hurry up."

Who knows, He Qiong said at this time: "His Royal Highness just talked about assisting, but it is difficult for Xiaoke, let's not say Xiaoke is not a human race, if he assists His Highness, it will inevitably make other opponents in Longyu criticized, let's talk about the people behind His Highness. Dalong, you may not be at ease with Xiaoke."


Quite anxiously, "I really want to invite Mr...."


He Qiong nodded and said, "Xiao Ke just saw this, so he followed His Royal Highness over. He was thinking about this matter for a while, thinking about the best of both worlds."

"What way, sir, say it~"

He said fiercely, "As long as I can agree, I will agree."

"It's nothing special~"

He Qiong said with a smile, "It's a bit vulgar to even say it, but this method is real and won't make His Highness get infamy."

Very overjoyed, he urged: "Sir, hurry up~"

"Of course it's a deal~"

He Qiong said lightly, "This most vulgar method is the best choice for His Highness now."


Frowning quite a bit, he asked back, "What deal??"

"Xiao Ke hasn't thought about it yet~"

He Qiong shrugged and said After all, Xiaoke doesn't need anything, let alone any transaction. What I've talked to with His Highness now is just a way, a way to assist His Highness without letting His Highness and It's just the way the dragon is embarrassed. "

"That's it~"

Quite a bit of understanding, after thinking for a moment, nodded and said, "I understand, this is a good way, but if other Long Ruo asked about the content of the transaction?"

"The content of the transaction is naturally secret~"

He Qiong smiled and said, "His Royal Highness does not have to disclose it. If there is a dragon who insists on asking, His Highness might as well say that it is a promise!"

Thanks to the immortal friends represented by the following, for their strong support to Xiu Shen, I wish you all auspiciousness and good luck in the Year of the Tiger. They are: Vanilla Flavor, Lian Shui Xiu Yuan Ren, Brick Handler, Loritin, Track Pursuit, Wang Chenglin, Jing Mo, A Smelly Mosquito, Return, Homecoming, Ruthless, Li Jian, Immortal Fist, Shield Yu, Bihai Advertising, Sesame Kai..., Wuhen, Busy Old Man, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Singing Bird, Starry Sky, Chen Fei, Feng, Ao Shenzhou, EmptyChen, etc.

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