Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3838: Shoot yourself in the foot

However, there are many dragons who believe this, but after flying for a meal, Zhenzhen Lu was a little panicked, because all the dragons' roars were ignited, and they were all looking for Ao Sheng. Xiao Hua appeared in front of these dragons without any excuse, and they would immediately be torn to pieces by those dragons.

It was so hard to die, at this time another red dragon flew over and shouted loudly: "Zhulongs, my son Ao Sheng found the trace of the demon dragon ancestor, and he invited the dragons to discuss how to jointly deal with the demon dragon ancestor..."

Lu Zhenren was shocked. This red dragon was exactly what he was familiar with. He was about to speak when several dragons gathered around and roared, "Where is Sheng Ao? Let's find him now."

How did Chilong know that Man had spread the news a long time ago. Seeing that there was a dragon inquiring, he was happy to finish the position of Ao Sheng.

It's a pity that Chilong's words just landed, "Pfft~" A dragon raised its dragon claws, directly digging out the Chilong's heart, and said coldly: "At this time, you still want to deceive us, you think we are squatting. Are the dragons all fools?"

After finishing speaking, Na Xuanlong shouted loudly: "Zhulongs, now that there is Ao Sheng's position, I will look for it. Even if it is protected by Longzu, it has to give us an explanation, why is it a good one? The Dragon Gate, it will belong to it?"

“Not bad~”

Not far away, another dragon encouraged, "Ao Sheng has a good idea. It wants to dominate the 'blue' and cut off our trial road. How can we wait to die?"

Even He Qiong could not have imagined that his own words would be emboldened to such an extent by the dragon clan. Unfortunately, Zhenren Lu had no time to hear this. He turned around and flew to Ao Sheng long before the Chilong was killed. the location of.

Lu Zhenren sighed as he flew, whether Ao Sheng or Man were full of bad water, both wanted to borrow the notoriety of the Demon Dragon Ancestor to make a living, but one wanted to gather all the dragons under his seat, and the other wanted to borrow The power of the dragons killed the opponent, but from the current point of view, he had the upper hand and seized the opportunity, and Ao Sheng was in danger.

Seeing the familiar dragon clan in front of him, Zhenren Lu quickly shouted: "Ao Sheng, run quickly, these dragons are going to kill you!"


Ao Sheng's eyeballs were about to fall, and he said in shock, "Kill me? Why kill me???"

"The savage dragon spreads news around 'Blue'~"

Lu Zhenren shouted out of breath, "Said Ye is the eagle dragon who took away 'Blue', and you are the commander behind the scenes..."

"how is this possible??"

Ao Sheng was furious, "Ye has always been by my side, how could it be possible to accept 'blue'?"


This avatar of Xiao Hua is naturally not the avatars in "Blue" who have no intelligence. He hurriedly shouted, "Let's escape first!"

Ao Sheng's mouth was bitter, and he didn't calculate anything after all the calculations, but Man actually arrived in the realm of Yanze, and Man's approach was similar to his approach, and even from the scope of news dissemination, Man even grabbed him. Front.

Ao Sheng was a little helpless. Since he could reverse black and white and slander the Dragon Ancestor, then Man can also frame it and let the dragons kill him.

"That's it~"

Chi Longyu also panicked, and hurriedly shouted, "Young Master, listen to Ye, let's run away!"

Ao Sheng naturally knew that those who know current affairs are Junjie, he thought for a while and immediately ordered: "Fly fast..."

Chi Longyu hurriedly flew up and was about to escape with Ao Sheng, but before it could take off, a sense of longing was swept in all directions.

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid it's too late~"

Chi Longyu gritted his teeth and said, "These stupid dragons surrounded us."

Qinglong also said in a low voice: "It must be... it must be those Long Wei who communicated and leaked our whereabouts~"

Xiao Hua pouted a little, where is the "leak", it was clearly Ao Sheng who asked them to communicate, but he was taken by the barbarian, and Ao Sheng moved a stone and smashed his foot.

"Arrangement, Arrangement~"

Xiao Hua thought for a while, and immediately ordered, "Protect the young master first."

Hearing the word "arrangement", Ying et al immediately urged the dragon body to surround Ao Sheng in groups, all arrogant.

"You wait and set up the formation immediately~"

Qinglong looked at the shadows of the dragon clan around him, and there was no space to escape at all, so he could only order the remaining dragon guards.


Not long after, the sound of dragon roars rang out in all directions, and different dragon might rushed over like a shock wave hitting the shore.


Chi Longyu snorted coldly, the whole body spurted out fire, the dragon body rolled straight into the sky, and the dragon master's dragon power and long sense were released.


The Dragon Lord's dragon power is naturally not covered. Everywhere that is swept, the aggressive dragon clan who rushed forward immediately began to howl, and even some dragon clan fell from the air.

"Hooho, why is there a dragon??"

Some dragons' surprised voices came.

"Ao Sheng is known as the only reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor in the Dragon Region. How can there be no Dragon Lord to protect him?"

The long-willed dragon clan sneered, "And don't forget, there is an eagle dragon dragon next to him!"

"Even if it's Longzu??"

A dragon sneered, "Who doesn't have a dragon ancestor yet? If this eagle dragon dragon ancestor doesn't explain clearly and dares to kill us with his tail, our dragon ancestor can also kill them!"


Another Geng Long smiled and said, "Don't worry, we have already sent a message to the clan, our Dragon Ancestor... will be here soon~"


When the dragons heard this, they immediately became bold and roared at Ao Sheng again.

Seeing the dragons coming from all directions, it would be a lie to say that Ao Sheng was not panicking, but he knew better in his heart, panic could only make it die faster, the only thing it had to do was to stabilize these emotionally out of control dragons first, Then he looked for an opportunity to escape. At this time, Ao Sheng no longer wanted to conquer or not. He was one move away, and he had no chance.


Ao Sheng immediately snorted coldly, UU reading spit the dragon's breath, "Boom~" Wanyu Dragon Seal shot straight into the sky, making Wanlong's breath of bowing immediately overflowed.


The dragons, who were originally menacing, were all frightened when they saw this. All of them roared and flew backwards, but none of them dared to rush over again.

Ao Sheng flew under the Dragon Seal of Wanyu, slowly turning the dragon's body, and the dragon's might around him extended inch by inch with the help of the breath of the Dragon Seal of Wanyu, forcing the dragons to bow their heads.

"What are you waiting for?"

Seeing the fear of the dragons, Ao Sheng shouted proudly, "I asked you to come here because I wanted to help you and help you recover what you lost. You'd better wait, but you want to besiege me!"

Ao Sheng's words were sonorous and powerful, because with the power of the Dragon Seal of Ten Thousand Domains, all the dragons were shocked when they heard it, and no dragon dared to say a word.

Add more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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