Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3840: Ao Sheng's skills are 1 chip (14 of the 7 days of Chinese New Year)

Seeing that Chi Longyu was having a hard time riding a tiger, Ao Sheng could only point at the Dragon Seal of Ten Thousand Regions and roared: "I can tell you clearly, I can't charge 'blue' and break the trial inheritance of my Dragon Region!"


The Dragon Seal of Ten Thousand Domains roared, and countless phantoms of the seal seals poured out aggressively.


He laughed and said, "Who do you want to scare, who doesn't have an imperial weapon yet?"

"Boom boom~"

Moxuan Town Dragon Pillar sacrificed to seal the space around the Dragon Seal of Wanyu!

Ao Sheng's complexion changed drastically when he saw the savage attack. Although Mo Xuanzhen's Longzhu was not as powerful as the Wanyu Dragon Seal, it didn't need any power at this time. As long as there was a dragon weapon that could resist the Wanyu Dragon Seal, it would definitely be able to suppress Ao Sheng's momentum.

Sure enough, the dragons, who had just been terrified just now, were eager to try again.


Ao Sheng's thoughts turned sharply, and he immediately laughed out loud, the dragon body suddenly burst into golden light, the dragon claws grabbed out of thin air, and a seal fell into his hands, it shouted arrogantly, "It's good, I want to see, Is it your imperial weapon is powerful, or my imperial weapon is powerful, Zhulong, you have to open your eyes and see who is behind!"


Saying that, Sheng Ao rushed towards Man with the seal in hand, golden light shone wherever he passed, and the dragon seal was so powerful.


Man didn't expect that Ao Sheng would take action, and He Qiong also swore that Ao Sheng would not take action, so seeing the Wanyu Dragon Seal falling, the barbarian dragon's body hurriedly retreated, while urging the Moxuan Town Dragon Pillar, while shouting, " Why don't you get out now?"

Among the dragon clan, there are more people who bully the soft and fear the tough, and the Wanyu Dragon Seal specializes in restraining the dragon clan, so seeing the dragon clan’s incomparable power, the dragons in front of them have long shrunk their necks, and even the dragon’s body flew upside down. How could there be a dragon clan and a barbarian attacking together?


The ink cloud of a dragon pillar in Moxuan Town was shattered by Ao Sheng, and Man's face reappeared in shock, and he whispered, "Zi...Zi Yao Luolong?"

“Not bad~”

Ao Sheng said proudly, "I have already flown across the Dragon Gate, Man, you accept your fate..."

He was so frightened that his soul was scattered. When Ao Sheng was still Yuanguang Weilong, he was not his opponent, and now he is even more vulnerable!

So Man once again urged several Moxuan Town Dragon Pillars to block behind him, and he was ready to escape.


From a distance, He Qiong turned into a dragon and stared at his head, scolding inwardly, "This Ao Sheng is really powerful, he is staring at Longman all of a sudden, Longman is not his opponent, what about Liqing's dragon clan? Why? Not yet..."


He Qiong thought, how could Bai Longqiong be patient? It raised its head and roared, jumped out, and shouted, "Don't hurt my son."


Chi Longyu naturally did not dare to neglect, it also roared and flew out, shouting, "Your opponent is me!"


Who knows, Ao Sheng scolded sharply, "Stop it for me, this is a fight between me and Man, there is no reason for you to end up! I want to see, which dragon dares to take a big deal and hurt me! "


The Chilong Yulong body stopped, and a dragon whistling resounded through the nine days. It seemed quite unwilling, but the threat in the whistling was clear.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai Longqiong saved, and the dragon's tail swept across like electricity, shattering the phantom of Ao Sheng's Dragon Seal of Wanyu, but its own dragon body also rolled on top of the Dragon Seal of Wanyu, with surprise in his eyes.


Ao Sheng was naturally unable to resist Bai Longqiong, the dragon body flew upside down, and the golden light all over his body shattered, but he still calmly said, "The dragon master is nothing more than that, savage, your dragon guard should be replaced."


Bai Longqiong roared in anger. Its purpose was to protect the barbarians. Naturally, it would not attack Ao Sheng with all his strength. Ao Sheng's words were obviously slandering his own strength, and Bai Longqiong was about to pounce on Ao Sheng.

"Kill it!"

Man originally wanted to use the power of the dragons to kill Ao Sheng. Seeing that he had failed many times, he simply hesitated and did not stop Bai Longqiong. He said in his heart, "Since you are here, you will be punished by the dragon, so kill it. ."


Ao Sheng's method is obviously higher than Man's. He watched Bai Longqiong fly aggressively, and said calmly, "Is this going to bully the small? It doesn't matter, there are hundreds of thousands of dragons present, and they can all testify for me, causing the dragon It's not me, it's you, Bai Longqiong!"

If it is other dragon clan, it doesn't matter what the dragon domain fights, it's just one kill.

But Bai Longqiong was different. It was ordered to protect the barbarians, and naturally knew that it was secret. After listening to Ao Sheng's words, it immediately became stunned and provoked the dragon war? It couldn't afford this crime, so it naturally stopped and looked at Man quite hesitantly.

When Ao Sheng saw this, he waved the dragon's tail and said coldly: "Since you know that you don't have the dragon power, why don't you retire quickly?"

Now, the only one who can stand up to Ao Sheng is Man, but Man can't be tough with Ao Sheng. He is afraid that Ao Sheng will challenge him again, so Man is a little hesitant.

"Let Bai Longqiong take action~"

He Qiong was furious and hurriedly urged, "Don't worry about Ao Sheng's threat, history is always written by the victors, and it will be famous in the future... Dragon!"


At the same time, after the dragons, some dragons who had been ordered by He Qiong also began to cry, "What are you talking about, kill this dragon, and return my dragon gate!!"

It's a pity that Ao Sheng didn't pay attention to this at all, turned his head to look at the dragon, and said with a smile: "Su, I've been waiting for you to speak. Are you talking about it or not?"

"You~ you know me??"

The dragon named Su was surprised and looked at Ao Sheng in disbelief.


Ao Sheng said with a smile, "As long as there are dragons with names and origins in the Dragon Domain, I know that you can stand up to criticize me, which shows that you are different from ordinary dragons, and I am all ears."

"Okay, okay~"

Sulfur was quite proud of Ao Sheng, and he raised his voice, "Then let me ask you, Ao Sheng, where did the mysterious Dragon Ancestor first appear?"

"Does it even need to be said?"

Ao Sheng smiled and said slowly, "Of course it's really 'Lin', I heard that all the dragons who went to the 'Lin' trial have benefited, UU reading Su, do you think so? ?"


Su was a little hesitant, and its intuition told itself that it couldn't say "yes", but the fact that all dragons knew, it felt that it was too embarrassing to say "no", just as it hesitated, a dragon after the dragons said impatiently, " 'Yes' means 'yes', 'no' means 'no', is it that complicated?"

Ao Sheng laughed as soon as he heard it. He knew that Su had a purpose and would never give a straightforward answer. With so many dragon clans in front of him, there must be a dragon with a different stance from Su, and he was waiting for this kind of dragon.

Thanks to the immortal friends represented by the following, for their strong support to Xiu Shen, I wish you all auspiciousness and good luck in the Year of the Tiger. They are: Vanilla Flavor, Lian Shui Xiu Yuan Ren, Brick Handler, Loritin, Track Pursuit, Wang Chenglin, Jing Mo, A Smelly Mosquito, Return, Homecoming, Ruthless, Li Jian, Immortal Fist, Shield Yu, Bihai Advertising, Sesame Kai..., Wuhen, Busy Old Man, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Singing Bird, Starry Sky, Chen Fei, Feng, Ao Shenzhou, EmptyChen, etc.

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