Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3843: Exploring Dragon Force

Not to mention that Li Moyi and He Qiong are going to start, just talking about Ao Sheng, he naturally has to be concerned about his face, how could he agree immediately?


Ao Sheng also roared, raised his dragon claw and pointed at the Wanyu Dragon Seal, and the Wanyu Dragon Seal once again shone into the sky, trying to suppress the dragons and dragons. .

However, at this time, there were a lot more dragons around than before. Most of these dragons were close to the ninth-level purple light Luo dragon power. Could it be that Ao Sheng could easily suppress them?

Seeing the fear in Ao Sheng's eyes, he turned to look at himself, Xiao Hua's clone smiled bitterly, knowing that Ao Sheng was begging him to come forward, Xiao Hua's clone took a deep breath and was about to fly out.

The dragon spoke again, still fanning the flames and said: "Ao Sheng, you claim to be the reincarnation of the only dragon emperor in the dragon domain, but you should also know that the 'the only dragon emperor in the dragon domain' is a shame for the billions of dragons in my dragon domain. Chen Nian Long Hao trampled on my dragon domain as a clone of the human race Haotian Great Emperor's dragon race, and my billions of dragon races were insulted by him. If you were Long Hao's reincarnation, have you not insulted my dragon domain enough in this world? Could it be that you are here in this world, Do you want to destroy my Dragon Clan inheritance and destroy everything in my Dragon Domain??"


Ao Sheng snorted coldly, "I am the real dragon clan..."


Xuanlong also snorted coldly, "You said that you are the reincarnation of Long Hao, is Long Hao a dragon? When Long Hao invaded my Dragon Domain, Qihui Qi Yao appeared, you are 'mixing', and you are also motivated. Qihui Qi Yao..."

Seeing that Ao Sheng's face was ugly, Xiao Hua hurriedly flew out, his wings flapped the wind and thunder, and roared: "Young master, don't have to say anything to it, although the places where we tried are all annihilated, but those have nothing to do with the son, we are in our own hearts. Clear. And I can't possibly be some mysterious Dragon Ancestor, Young Master, I invite you to accept the torture instrument of the wet cockroach family to prove your innocence!"


Ao Sheng seemed to be moved to tears, but he still said, "This is a torture tool..."


Xiao Hua interrupted Ao Sheng's words, raised his head and shouted everywhere, "No matter how Bielong slanders, I know in my heart that these things have nothing to do with my son, and I, in order to prove my innocence, in front of the dragons. Please use the torture tool, and I also hope that the dragons will be a witness for me, this matter has nothing to do with my son's face, it is my own free will!"

"What a benevolent little dragon~"

Even the Dragon Lord of Huanglong praised it, but it still asked, "Do you know what kind of torture tool this Hongli is?"

"I don't know~"

Xiao Hua respectfully said, "But Xiaolong knows that no matter what the weapon is, it is not as important as the son's innocence."

"I'm going~"

Even the real person, looking at Xiao Hua's eyes, has changed a little, and secretly said in his heart, "Is this clown dragon too good at acting? Is it true or false?"


Lord Huanglong nodded and said, "Go ahead, I will testify for you about today's affairs."

"Thank you Dalong~"

Xiao Hua smiled. After thanking him, he flew directly to Xuanlong and said, "If you have any means, just take it out!"

"Don't worry~"

Huan Long smiled slightly and whispered, "I will ask for everything you have done to my son."

After finishing speaking, "Brush~" The swirling ice crystals flew straight into the sky, and the sound of "Keng~" was loud, and the ice crystals condensed into blood-colored sharp blades under the crimson sunlight.

"Please give up all resistance~"

Huanlongpi reminded with a smile.

"Don't worry~"

Xiao Hua had already sensed the chill that pierced through the soul above Hong Yu, and couldn't help shivering, but he still said lightly, "I have already agreed, how can I resist?


As the dragon's breath fell, Na Hongyu began to rotate, and 129,600 red dragon patterns appeared like sharp blades. The trajectories of these dragon patterns were very similar to the real "Pan". Dao Hanguang mixed with the ice dragon, while cutting the space, and falling towards Xiao Hualong's head.

All the dragons watched the cold light disappear into Xiao Hua's dragon head, and their eyes were full of excitement. They imagined that Xiao Hua's dragon head was slashed by a sharp blade, showing a **** dragon body.

"Kang Keng Keng ~"

However, what surprised all the dragons was that the cold light fell on Xiao Hua's dragon head, the sound of Jin Ming was loud, and the sparks splashed, but they couldn't penetrate at all.

"You dare to resist??"

Huan Long immediately sneered, "It seems that you are still guilty!"

"Whether I have motivated the dragon force can be identified by the dragon~"

Xiao Hua did not panic at all, and said lightly, "You don't need to speak."

There was also a strange look in the eyes of the Yellow Dragon Dragon Lord. After looking at it for a long time, he nodded and said, "It does not motivate the dragon power, it completely relies on the dragon body."


When Ao Sheng saw this, he burst out laughing, and said, "If you don't have the strength, don't use such a **** to appear as a dragon, even the dragon body of the next dragon guard can't be detected, and I want to find it. My troubles, I really don't know how high the sky is!"

Xuanlong's face was hot, and even if it tried to urge Hongyi again, the crystal light still couldn't penetrate Xiao Hua's dragon body.

"As expected of the first dragon guard~"

The Yellow Dragon Dragon Lord also nodded, "Just this dragon body is enough."

Ao Sheng was also a little surprised, but he thought about it for a while, as if he hadn't paid attention to Xiao Hua's dragon body since the trial, and always thought that Xiao Hua was just a mixed dragon beast. If the dragon body is so tough, it can be perfect. Explain why Xiao Hua fell into the "chaos" and didn't fall immediately.

"I think~"

The Dragon Lord of Huanglong glanced at the embarrassed Xuanlong and said, "It's better not to use the power of Hongyu's torture tool, just to detect its dragon power."

"Yes, yes~"

Huanlong nodded helplessly with a smile, and then a dragon breath spurted out, "Woo~" Hongli flew up and started to reverse.


First, a red crystal light appeared again, turning into a small "pan" to cover Xiao Hua, and then the crystal light fell directly to Xiao Hua's top door like a vortex.


Xiao Hua felt that his dragon body was icy cold, as if an extreme cold flowed in and peeled off his dragon body, Xiao Hua hurriedly looked down, and sure enough, Scarlet had frozen his dragon body, and after the freezing, the flesh and blood began to become transparent~www. a weird dragon~"

Xiao Hua was a little surprised.

But he didn't panic at all, he was a clone of Xiao Hua, but the strength of the eighth-level Yuanguang Weilong, even if he was skinned and cramped, it was still the same!


The Yellow Dragon Dragon Lord nodded and said, "The first-level knot dragon, judging from the flesh and blood of the dragon's body, is pure... a mixed dragon beast."

Thanks to the immortal friends represented by the following, for their strong support to Xiu Shen, I wish you all auspiciousness and good luck in the Year of the Tiger. They are: Vanilla Flavor, Lianshui Cultivator, Brick Handler, Loritin, Track Pursuit, Wang Chenglin, Jing Wei, A Smelly Mosquito, Return, Homecoming, Ruthless, Li Jian, Immortal Fist, Shield Yu, Bihai Advertising, Sesame Kai..., Wuhen, Busy Old Man, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Singing Bird, Starry Sky, Chen Fei, Feng, Ao Shenzhou, EmptyChen, etc.

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