Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3870: Xuan?d source

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Chen smiled and looked at Ziluo, "Have you decided where to go?"

"There are about three or five places~"

Ziluo had nothing to hide and said, "I haven't decided which one to go to..."

Unfortunately, before Ziluo could finish speaking, Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "Luo, you don't have to be secretive between you and me, right?"

"I still don't know your temperament? You will never put the key things in the blue."

"After I left, you must go to the secret place and take your things, and these things must have the things you use in the place you are going."

Hao didn't speak. When it saw Chen Fei, it naturally thought of Xiao Hua, who was sacrificing in the power of its own source. It first explored and saw that everything was normal before smiling: "Hey, it's still Chen. I know you, snail, when you come to this time, if you have any plans, just say it directly, don't go around in circles."


Ziluo pretended to be mysterious in front of Hao, but was more straightforward when facing Chen. It replied, "I won't be verbose anymore. Of the three or five places, there are two I want to go to. I'll discuss it with you."

"Say it, say it~"

Huo's body was covered in flames, and he couldn't wait to urge him, while Chen smiled without saying a word. The water and light all over his body made 132,000 fine lines, whirling slightly.

"One is silence, that is, silence and mingling sand sky~"

Ziluo said, "It's similar to Yane, it's not the interface of the Dragon Domain, it's suitable for us to survive, and it's dangerous, two old people dare not go there..."


Hao didn't want to retort, "The two old people don't dare to go, how can we go? Isn't going to seek death? No, no~"

"The second is Yang, which is Changyang mainland~"

Ziluofen said, "The fire in the daytime and the rain of blood at night is the place where I want to live in peace."

"Okay, okay~"

Hearing that there was a fire in the sky, he laughed and said, "That's it."

Chen didn't express his position immediately, but thought for a moment, and said, "As far as I know, the reason why the two old people dare not go to Jiyu Mingshatian is because there is a mysterious source in Jiyu Mingshatian, two old people. Only the remnant soul remains, once it is stained by Xuan Yanyuan, there is no possibility of escaping from the Dragon Domain, and it may even perish..."

"Don't go~"

Hao still shook his head, "We're not much better than those two old people, and we're going to kill ourselves when we go."


Chen glanced at Ziluo and said with a smile, "I also heard that the source of Xuanzhao of Jiyu Mingshatian was suppressed by a treasure. Since Luo puts Jiyumingshatian first, it must be from What did the 'Blue' trial dragons get?"

Ziluo looked at Chen in surprise, and after hesitating for a moment, she said, "Chen, Chen, I have to say, I have to admire you, you are enough to surprise me, and what you think about me is enough. I was even more amazed that the insight was so clear."

"Laugh at me, laugh at me~"

Chen waved his hand and said, "It's just that I have gained a lot from the mortal world, the immortal world, and even the human race. I have gradually integrated his memory and I have grown a lot."


Ziluo nodded and said, "I know from the dragons who tried in the 'blue' that Xuanzhaoyuan was suppressed by a cauldron-like thing, and I even got the position of that cauldron..."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Hao immediately exclaimed, "With such a good thing, it is natural to go to the silent and melodious sand sky."

"It's not that simple~"

Ziluo shook his head and said, "First of all, those who can come to the 'blue' trial, but the eighth-level Yuanguang Weilong, their information is true or false, I don't particularly believe it myself; secondly, even if I know the location of the tripod-shaped thing , but there is still a mysterious source of fire in the sand day, although I am stronger than those two old things, but not too strong, we may also fall into the mysterious source of fire."


Chen smiled and said, "Don't forget, if we can get the cauldron-shaped thing and the Xuanyuan source, we may get hundreds of millions of soul sources, and these soul sources are stronger than what you got in 'Lan'. 10,000 times."


Ziluo sneered, "It's more than a million times. It's literally a million, a million times! I can only get the power of life in 'Blue', and the power of death does not dare to move. If I get Xuanzhaoyuan, I can control it myself. The power of life and death, are you still afraid of those two old things?"

"Even if we can't get Xuan Yanyuan~"

Chen went on to say, "If we can use the power of the cauldron to cultivate near Xuanzhaoyuan, wouldn't we also be able to purify our source power?"

"That's it~"

Thinking of nodding hard, Hao said, "It should be more useful to absorb the power of Xuanzhaoyuan than the power of water and fire, so let's go to Jiyin Mingshatian."


Chen raised his head to look outside the hall and said, "The children should be almost ready, let's go!"

"Big brother~"

Seeing Chen stand up, Xiao Bai hurriedly smiled and said, "Little brother also swears to follow big brother to the death!"


Chen smiled and said, "You can just do the same as before. This 'Qiong' is a part of me, and I will take you with me."


Xiao Bai exclaimed, "Qiang is actually part of My God, big brother, are you too powerful? I can't even imagine..."

"Haha, haha~"

Chen laughed and said, "Little brother, the Xiao Hua you knew before is only my current life, a part of me, the current me is the real me, you will gradually understand!"

Saying that, Chen patted Xiao Bai's head, and with a flick of his body, he flew out of the hall with Ziluo and Hao.

"Big... big brother~"

Xiao Bai opened his mouth, UU read www. wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them with interest. Then Xiao Bai looked at Chen Fei with some vigilance, thought for a while, and instead of leaving the hall, he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, almost I ruined my job, and I have to watch you for my eldest brother."

Unfortunately, Chen Fei didn't react at all, just sitting there cross-legged, the surrounding space was slightly distorted, and his figure began to blur under Xiao Bai's gaze.

"I'm going, do you want to escape?"

Xiao Bai raised his brows, scolded lowly, and the dragon tail swept over directly.


To Xiao Bai's surprise, when the dragon tail swept past, Chen Fei didn't seem to exist at all.

"Big brother, big brother~"

Xiao Bai shouted, "This fellow is going to run away~"


Following Xiao Bai's voice, slight whirlpools began to form around the hall, and flashing blue textures such as water light poured out in the air.


Chen Fei opened his eyes in surprise, looked at the water around him, and whispered, "These laws are actually so high-level?"

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