Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3888: Tao and ??a?

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"Dragon...Dragon God Son??"

Xiao Hua's clone almost didn't exclaim, he never imagined that the Dragon God Son of the Mortal Realm was the one who killed Long Hao!

"This... how is this possible??"

Lu Zhenren was quite direct. He rushed up into the sky, looked straight into Xiaguang, and shouted loudly, "How could it be God Son Long? That kid doesn't get along with Long Hao at all..."

However, when Lu Zhenren's dragon body was submerged in the glow of the cauldron, and he could see everything in front of him, he swallowed the words behind him.

"Who is the Dragon God?"

Ao Sheng was naturally surprised as well. He didn't expect that Zhenren Lu actually knew the person who killed Long Hao.

However, when Ao Sheng rushed into the sky behind Zhenren Lu, he stopped talking.


Xiao Hua was the last to fly, thinking to himself, "What did they see? All of them became dumb."

Although Xiao Hua was well prepared, his dragon body fell into the glow, and his dragon body trembled, shocked by the situation in front of him.

In front of Xiao Hua's eyes is a huge tripod-shaped outline. Although this outline is abnormally broken, the remaining part is still filled with nine-color rays of light, which burns the sky and the earth so hot that even the light and shadow in the glow are a little distorted.

Right in the center of the glow, one person and one dragon exudes almost supreme power, even if they are now incomplete halo, the power is like a mountain on the dragon body and soul of Xiao Hua and other dragons, an unspeakable kind of unspeakable. The shock and adoration of the real person came from the bottom of the heart of the real person.

Needless to say, that dragon is Long Hao, and that person is naturally the Dragon God Son.

However, Xiao Hua's avatar's gaze swept across them and fell directly into the surrounding nine-colored glow. I saw that within the glow, the shadows were divided into dozens of layers of space, and there were countless human races and dragon races in each layer. These human races and The dragons are either fighting, or worshipping, and some even muttering words, the humans are singing inexplicable songs, and the dragons are dancing frantically.

It's just that Xiaguang was broken long ago, and the voices of these human races could not be heard at all, but the dancing of the dragon race allowed Xiao Hua to see the shadow of Xiaobai and Wu Daoren cultivating soul cultivation in the soul.

And Xiao Hua even saw murderous aura in the rays of light everywhere. This murderous aura seemed to fill the world with clouds, not only making the entire tripod-shaped space turbulent, but also impacting the void in all directions, causing countless strange beings to reveal terrifying outlines.

Layers of heaven and earth, heavy rays of light, and murderous aura all at once made Xiao Huafen feel great terror in his body and mind, and he vaguely sensed the aura of destruction.


Lu Zhenren was beside him, his eyes flashed incredulous, and he whispered, "This is definitely not the Dragon God Son."

Xiao Hua's clone naturally knew about the Dragon God, so when he turned his eyes from the sentient beings in the glow to the Dragon God, he was stunned.

The Dragon God is clearly the Dragon God. Whether it is his appearance, voice, or even his demeanor, he has the domineering arrogance of the leader of the Heavenly Alliance. Although this Dragon God is not big, in the eyes of Xiao Hua's clone, his stature is about the same height. Hundreds of millions of feet, almost like a god.

However, the breath of this Dragon God child fell into the eyes of Xiao Hua's avatar, a strange feeling, and even the feeling of being different from each other immediately came out of Xiao Hua's avatar, and Xiao Hua's avatar also whispered in his heart: "No, this is definitely not the case. Dragon God Son."

"No, no~"

At this time, Ao Sheng also shouted out from his throat in a hysterical voice, "This... this is really Long Hao, this is really the 'cauldron' where he fell!"

Xiao Hua's clone hurriedly looked at Long Hao again.

Sure enough, Long Hao's appearance is exactly the same as Ao Sheng's, but Long Hao's dragon body also looks hundreds of millions of feet taller, but the power on his body is a thousand times stronger than that of Ao Sheng!

As for Long Hao's arrogance, even if Ao Sheng was reincarnated 100 million times, it would be difficult to match.

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua's clone exclaimed in surprise, "This is an ancient nightmare, this...these two are only some light marks now, how come so many years have passed, and they still have such momentum, then...then the fight in those years. What a spectacle!"

How spectacular, Xiao Hua's clone at this time can't imagine, but he vaguely feels that this fight is probably beyond the limit of Longyu.


In the light and shadow, Long Shenzi's voice was suddenly blurred, Xiao Hua's clone tried his best but couldn't hear it clearly, he could only vaguely recognize, "...The battle is this time...the means of both sides...this Tianding...Dao Heyi fa... up and down..."

"Who is the Dragon God?"

Although Ao Sheng was curious, he already knew the result, and he wanted to know who the Dragon God Son was, so he turned his head and asked Zhenren Lu.

"The Yilin Continent of the Four Continents, do you know?"

Zhenzhen Lu thought for a while and asked.

"I know~"

Ao Sheng nodded and said, "Master Xiao Long broke the innate prohibition, and Yilin Continent and Xiaoyu Continent returned to the territory of the four continents, of course I know."

"Yilin Continent has Heaven Alliance and Dao Alliance, you know that too?"

"Not very clear~"

Ao Sheng shook his head and said, "Because the spiritual energy of the world has changed, the human monks from the Yilin Continent and Xiaoyu Continent go to the Ten Thousand Demon Realm more, and I have a lot of affairs in Long Island, and I don't know much about it."

"Dragon God Son is the leader of the Tianmeng alliance that Xiao Daoyou met when he passed by Yilin Continent..."

Afterwards, Zhenren Lu explained the story of the Dragon God in detail, and finally said, "...Later, the Dragon God was sent to the Demon Realm by Fellow Daoist Xiao, and he disappeared after that."

"That Dragon God is definitely not this Dragon God~"

Ao Sheng came to his senses, staring at the shape of Long Shenzi that began to be blurred and twisted, and said, "If it is not because of his special looks, then this Long Shenzi and Long Hao perished together, and the soul of Long Shenzi fell into the Reincarnation…"

"The problem is~"

Lu Zhenren frowned, "Dragon God Son has the blood of a demon dragon, but my dragon domain rarely has a demon dragon!"


Xiao Hua moved his mind and body and reminded, "Could the Mysterious III be the Demon Dragon?"


Lu Zhenren and Ao Sheng glanced at each other, and said in unison, "If there is a magic dragon, the only one that disappears may be the magic dragon."

"It's possible~"

Ao Sheng was slightly startled, and said, "The disappearing dragon group disappeared after the Tianding Tribulation, and you said that the Dragon God Son has the blood of a demon dragon, that's really possible..."


Before Ao Sheng could finish speaking, hurricanes began to appear in the tripod-shaped world, and the power of unfamiliar laws began to collide violently with Long Ji in the Dragon Domain. As for the shape of the Dragon God Son and the dragon body of Long Hao, which were still blurred just now, they have now completely disappeared. Disappearing, it seems that the unfamiliar law and the dragon of Longyu are the confrontation between the two.

Such an auspicious chapter should be added to "the fattest cow dung"~

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