Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3893: Step 1 of the 1st Dragon Guard

Remember [New] for a second,! "Haha, yeah~"

Ao Sheng laughed, stretched his waist and said, "It's good to be alive, it's really nothing to remember the past."


Ao Sheng's words hadn't landed yet, and Xiao Hua's avatar's flattery hadn't even opened his mouth. There was a low roar in the distance, and a faint scream of killing sounded immediately.


Ao Sheng raised his brows, and said in surprise and joy, "Could it be that there is a war?"

"Then we..."

Xiao Hua's avatar rolled his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Escape or go?"

"Look where this is~"

Ao Sheng shook his head and said, "Then make a decision."

"Yes, yes~"

Xiao Hua avatar nodded and said, "Young master is still experienced. If you don't know where this is, you don't know the situation, and you don't know who the enemy is on both sides."

"Ha ha,"

Ao Sheng laughed and said, "The most important thing is that we don't know if war has been declared."

Xiao Hua's clone followed Ao Sheng and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to declare war, or do you not want to declare war?"


Ao Sheng smiled mysteriously, "What do you think?"

After speaking, Ao Sheng seemed to think of something, turned his head and asked, "By the way, you give me the five-pointed pearl first, and I will put the..."


Before Ao Sheng could finish speaking, Xiao Hua's clone immediately shook his head and said, "If there is no five-pointed beads, the son is afraid that he will not be able to find me in the collapse of the space. I don't want to be separated from the son."

"You've thought about it~"

Ao Sheng said meaningfully, "This thing is a double-edged sword. Although I can easily find you, I know your every move."

"Don't worry, son~"

Xiao Hua cloned and smiled, "I have nothing to hide from you."


Ao Sheng raised his tail, patted Xiao Hua's avatar a few times on the back, and said, "Ye, don't worry, you will definitely be famous in the Dragon Region."


Xiao Hua laughed and said, "I knew it when I met Young Master."


Ao Sheng also said excitedly, "With your words, even if Longyu does not start a war, we will find a way to make it start a war!"

After finishing speaking, Ao Sheng took Xiao Hua's clone to quietly fly to the source of the voice, and took out the map to take a closer look while flying.

Xiao Hua's clone was different from Ao Sheng. He looked around while flying, and released Longgan to investigate the details of the surrounding space.

"That's great~"

After a long while, Ao Sheng cheered, "This is the 'chain', it's the one with Xiu Si..."

As soon as he said this, Ao Sheng suddenly thought of something. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiao Hua's avatar. Xiao Hua's avatar also opened his eyes, and the faces of the two dragons were shocked.


Xiao Hua cloned in a low voice, "Although I don't know where this 'chain' is in the Dragon Domain, I believe that 'Lan' is in Yee, and definitely not near Xiu Si."


Ao Sheng nodded and said, "It's not just not close, it's just far away. Even if you use a cable, you won't be able to reach it without a year or two."

Gu </span>"But we..."

Xiao Hua cloned and said, "Disappearing from 'Blue', the three dragon beasts showed great power and then fled. Although the memory in the middle has disappeared, but I don't think I need one... Xu Yue?"

"Don't think about it too much~"

Ao Sheng waved his dragon claws and said, "Dragon Domain is so magical, who knows what we encountered during our escape?"


Xiao Hua avatar smiled and said, "Since this place is related to the Xiusi one, the previous fight should be related to the Xiusi one dragon clan."


Ao Sheng nodded, took the map, and said, "No matter what you say, you have to be careful."

Afterwards, Xiao Hua followed Ao Sheng forward carefully, and the sound of the fighting was so loud that they stopped immediately and did not move forward.

Looking at the glow of the sky in the distance, listening to the screams one after another, and the chaos of the dragons within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, Xiao Hua did not know where the clones were, this was the two teams of dragon soldiers fighting.

However, Xiao Hua's clone could not be sure whether there was a Xiu Si in those dragon soldiers.

However, Xiao Hua's clone understands that these are what Ao Sheng has to do. What he has to do is how to make suggestions for Ao Sheng and take the first step of the first dragon guard in the Dragon Region!

Xiao Hua's avatar is certainly not the deity of Xiao Hua, but the imprint of the primordial spirit has Xiao Hua's memory and will. For Xiao Hua's avatar, dispatching troops and deploying troops is nothing at all. Scheduled.

But Xiao Hua's avatar is still very worried. After all, he has no divine soul and no dragon phase. The dragon phase is easy to handle. I only have the primordial spirit imprint of the deity, not to mention the clan of Xiu Si, even Ao Sheng can detect it.

However, just as Xiao Hua's clone was thinking, Zhang Qingxiao's voice suddenly appeared in his mind: "Why did you only come out now?"

"Second Senior Brother?"

Xiao Hua's clone said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Your boss is worried about you~"

Zhang Qingxiao smiled and said, "Just tell my boss, and my boss will let me come."


Xiao Hua was so excited that he said, "Then I'm not afraid. The two bosses will deal with the three bosses, and the two of us will fight in the Dragon Region."


Zhang Qingxiao's clone also smiled and said, "It's still fun to fight, I like it, of course, if you have anything you want to ask your boss, you can ask me, I'll tell my boss and let him ask your boss!"


Xiao Hua's avatar's confidence greatly increased.

"It should be the dragon clan of the Xiusi one~"

How could Ao Sheng know this? He squinted his eyes slightly, watching the flames rising into the sky in the glow, and whispered, "The Xiu Si group is mostly Zhenglong and Chilong..."

"Then, son~"

Xiao Hua took a look at his avatar, and also said, "Zhenglong may be defeated here~"


Ao Sheng was shocked, UU reading looked at Xiao Hua's clone with some joy and asked, "Can you tell?"


Xiao Hua smiled and replied, "Looks like I'm showing off a bit."


After hearing this, Ao Sheng looked at Xiao Hua's clone seriously and said word by word, "I'll tell you one more time, it's the last time, you don't have to hide anything in front of me, just say what you need to say, Dragon Domain Dragon Clan Billion Hundreds of millions, I don't want to have another Long Guard who is submissive, I need a Dragon Guard who can speak bluntly and don't have to be afraid of what I think in my heart..."

As he said that, Ao Sheng pointed his finger into the distance and said, "Especially at this time, I need a Dragon Guard who can help me analyze the battle situation, help me sort out my thoughts, and help me win every battle."

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