Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3898: Serial 5 meter

Remember [New] for a second,! "Haha~"

Ao Sheng took the head of Long Yun and laughed, "Yeahye, I like to join forces with you more and more."

"Me too~"

Xiao Hua took a look at the Nine Dragons Moon Sword in his dragon claws and said, "This is also the sword."

"Your sword is really powerful~"

Ao Sheng took Long Yun's head and continued to follow Xiao Hua to fly forward, praising him, "With a single strike, even the Dragon Chancellor can't fly out. I don't know where Yuan got such a powerful dragon weapon, but it's cheap for you. ."

"It should be cheap, Your Majesty!"

Xiao Hua cloned and laughed.

"It's a pity that the dragon weapon you got in the 'fun'~"

Ao Sheng seemed to have thought of something and said, "That thing seems to be more powerful than this."

"It's nothing~"

Xiao Hua's avatar still smiled and said, "No matter how important the dragon weapon is, your Majesty is more important than any dragon weapon."

The two dragons just said that there was no match, and they easily flew out of the collapsed space.

After flying again, there was a "chain" in front of his head. Ao Sheng looked at Xiao Hua's avatar, the two dragons smiled at each other, and the whole body flashed. of a dragon family.

"Big dragon, big dragon~"

Without waiting for Xiao Hua's clone to fly close, the dragon clan had already greeted him and said loudly, "What's going on?"


Xiao Hua's clone roared sharply, "That evil dragon in Gu dared to set up an ambush, I have suffered a big loss, you immediately assemble all the dragon soldiers to vent your anger!"

"Yes, yes~"

Seeing that Xiao Hua's clone was angry, how could the rest of the dragon soldiers dare to neglect? One by one agreed, and hurriedly assembled the team.

There were not many dragons guarding around "Ling". After half a cup of tea, tens of thousands of dragon soldiers had already formed a team.

"Big... big dragon~"

The dragon general who led the troops said in a low voice, "Aren't you going to stay for a while?"

"Keep it for fart~"

Xiao Hua's clone scolded and said, "The dragon soldiers of the Xiu Si part are all in front. It is the right way to kill them all, hurry up~"


A group of dragon soldiers roared and rushed forward, Xiao Hua's clone said to Ao Sheng, "You stay here to guard."

"Yes, dragon~"

Ao Sheng was so happy that he didn't think it was that simple, so he nodded and stayed, and Xiao Hua's clone flew away with a group of dragon generals.

About half an hour later, Ao Sheng saw Xiao Hua's clone quietly returning, and he immediately laughed: "Dalong, why did you turn around?"

"Your Majesty~"

Xiao Hua's clone also laughed and said, "I'm just connecting the octopus with the Red Dragon Valley. They decide how to mix it up by themselves, hahaha~~"


Ao Sheng also laughed and rolled in the air. After he had a cup of tea, he stopped with excitement on his face, looked at the faint shouts of killing in front of his head, and shouted, "Ye, you said that we have four plans in a row, If you take down 'Ling' effortlessly, will it become famous in the Dragon Domain?"

"Your Majesty is resourceful and heroic, and every battle will be famous in the Dragon Domain~"

Xiao Hua cloned and said with a smile, "This is just the first step."

"In the words of the human race~"

Ao Sheng thought for a moment and said, "Our series of four strategies should be bluffing, killing chickens and scaring monkeys, leading the emperor into the urn, and adjusting the tiger to leave the mountain. , and will certainly be full of praise.”


Xiao Hua's clone looked at the sound of dragon whistling in the distance. It should be the defeated soldiers of the scorpion one who fled back. He thought for a moment and said, "There should be a fifth plan!"

"That's right~"

Ao Sheng laughed loudly, raised his dragon claws and sacrificed the Dragon Seal of Ten Thousand Domains, the dragon body slowly flew high, and he said word by word, "That's an empty city plan!"

In a short time, thousands of dragons fled back in panic, and before they could fly close, "Boom~" Ao Sheng's dragon body was revealed in mid-air, the Dragon Seal of Ten Thousand Domains shook, and golden rays shrouded the surrounding heaven and earth.


Ao Sheng's voice was like thunder, and he roared, "I am Ao Sheng, the only reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor in the Dragon Domain, the 'chain' has been occupied by me, and Yun has been killed by me, why don't you surrender?"

With that said, Ao Shenglong's claws waved, and Long Yun's head fell out of thin air.


Thousands of dragons were shocked. They looked at Ao Sheng in disbelief and looked at the head of Long Yun, panicking to the extreme.

"Hurry up and say goodbye~"

Xiao Hua's clone took the opportunity to say, "Otherwise, His Majesty will smash you to pieces!"

"We bow down, we bow down~"

Thousands of dragons did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly fell down, prostrate on the ground, and the dragons trembled.


Ao Sheng's eyes lit up, and he roared, "Worshipers will not be killed!!"

After thousands of dragon clans, there were naturally still some dragon clan who fled back, but they saw Ao Sheng's mighty power, and the dragon clan bowed down in front of them.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty??"

Chilonggu brought troops over, seeing such a scene, it was stunned, and it didn't know what words to use to express its admiration other than calling your majesty.


Ao Sheng received the Wanyu Dragon Seal, and said proudly, "I use a series of five strategies to destroy a group of hundreds of thousands of dragon soldiers, kill Yun, and seize the chain, so that you can defeat the strong with the weak. This battle is comparable to that of me. Ups and downs?"

"Your Majesty's Brave Dragon Domain Unparalleled~"

Before Chilonggu flew to the dragons, he also bowed down on the ground and said respectfully, "How can Man compare to your majesty? In the future, majesty will rule the world and rule the dragon domain! From now on, it will be the hero of the Dragon Domain!"


"Good Ao Sheng~"

In the center of Yuheng Yangtian's golden palace, the clan elders of Xiu Si looked at the dragon scale carving in the dragon's claws and couldn't help shouting loudly, "I didn't expect you to have no news for ten years, and as soon as there is news today, I will immediately Famous in the Dragon Domain, a series of five strategies one after another, not to mention a small dragon master, even if I saw it, I couldn't help but be fascinated, what kind of ability to control the battle situation, what kind of... Fighting power!"

Zuo was so excited that he finally said and didn't know what to say. Except for the flames all over his body, he had no words to express his feelings.

"Congratulations to the clan~"

Next to him, Long Zu laughed and said, "My department has failed too many times in the tenth year. Such a battle should be able to restore the reputation of our department, and no matter how many victories the Cricket Division has achieved, they will all be under the battle of Ao Sheng. inferior."

"Good, good~"

The clan laughed and said, "Go and call Xuan."

When the dragon clan went to send a message, the clan elder looked at Longzu next to him and said, "There is Ao Sheng's request in the message, and it wants more dragon soldiers and dragon generals..."

"No way~"

Long Zu didn't want to shake his head and said, "Clan, didn't you pay attention? Ao Sheng calls himself "I" in the 'chain', all the dragon clan call him His Majesty, and the defeated octopus even bows down under its seat, You give it more dragon soldiers and dragon generals, and it will be more difficult to control in the future."

Add more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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