Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3920: The fight between the human race and the dragon race

"I want to see~"

In the sun, Wu Danqing's son Dongfang walked out slowly, squinted his eyes to look at Long Zhuyong, and said solemnly, "Who is saying that my human race is full of lies."


Long Zhuyong looked at Dongfang's dazzling body, and was at a loss for a moment, and asked, "Who are you?"

"You just have to remember-"

Dongfang said word by word: "I am a human race!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty?"

Seeing Dongfang appear, Wen Qu smiled bitterly, "So you've been following behind Xiaosheng?"

"That's right~"

Dongfang said lightly, "I want to know whether Xiao Hua is in the Heavenly Court or the Dragon Region."

"Your Majesty now knows the answer?"

Wen Qu's heart moved, and he probed.


Dongfang snorted coldly, "I also want to ask you, what exactly is the owner of your Fortune Building?"

"Human Race!"

Wen Qu answered without hesitation.

"I know it's a human race~"

Dongfang regarded Long Zhuyong and its dragon phase as nothing, and asked with a smile, "I asked about Xiao Hua's relationship with Chen!"

"I don't know the specific niche~"

Wen Qu said with a wry smile, "Xiaosheng just got a message, and Daoyou Xiao was trapped in the secret place of Longyu for some reason. He only sent a message once and then disappeared. He didn't even know that his body was occupied by Chen."

"Don't deceive me~"

Dongfang frowned and said, "Xiao Hua is a Taoist immortal, and the Confucian immortal's slashing three flowers, how could he be occupied by someone without knowing it?"

"This little boy really doesn't know~"

Wen Qu shook his head, "So there is no way to answer Your Majesty."


Dongfang nodded and said, "It's not difficult for you, I will ask another question you know."

"Your Majesty, please speak~"

Wen Qu hurriedly laughed.


Long Zhuyong roared angrily and shouted, "Where did you come from? Nnd, there are too many people in this dragon domain who dare to call me."

It's a pity that Dongfang ignored it at all, staring at Wenqu, and asked, "Why don't you have a child?"

"No, no, no~"

Wen Qu's mouth is bitter, it's not that he doesn't want to cultivate the sub-body, the problem is that he is a clone of Xiao Hua, and he can't cultivate the sub-body.

"Why not?"

Dongfang asked, "Can't cultivate? Or do you want to cultivate??"

Wen Qu's heart moved, and he also looked at Dongfang, saying word by word: "Xiaosheng has always liked freedom, but disliked restraint, and the child is also a clone. Since it is a clone, it is inevitable that he will lose himself and be bound by the deity, and Xiaosheng is unwilling to control himself. It is applied to the child body, so there is no cultivation of the child body."


Dongfang was Zishen himself, and he felt the same way about Wenqu's words. He couldn't help but praised, "It's good to be free, and it's good to not impose your own control on Zishen. With just two sentences, I'll give you this text. friend."

One "Zhen" and one "I", when spoken in Dongfang's mouth, clearly represent different positions.

"Thank you Wenyou~"

Wen Qu also laughed, and said with a bow, "You Wenyou can help you with justice, and it is enough to impress Xiaosheng. You, your literary friend, Xiaosheng has also made a deal."


Dongfang laughed and said, "Since you are literary friends, you should fight side by side. Come, come, let you dragons see that my human literary friends are willing to cut gold!"

Saying that, Dongfang raised his hand and grabbed it, "Shu~" The light of thousands of miles was caught in his hand, and then his eyes widened like a morning star, he punched the Dragon Lord Yong, and roared in his mouth: " beat!"

Seeing the light from Dongfang's seven orifices, Long Zhuyong immediately felt a little dazzling in front of him. He didn't realize that there was something wrong in his heart. Following Dongfang's low roar, Long Zhuyong was shaken again, and the dragon's body trembled for several times. , At the end, Dongfang's punch was mixed with light and shot down, and the dragon master came to his senses. It roared, and the dragon swept across, trying to block Dongfang's fist.

Dongfang's fist not only clenched the light, but it was also fast as lightning. Long Zhuyong's dragon spear had just crossed over, his fist had already swept across the sky, and a "bang" hit the dragon's body on Long Zhuyong.


With just a crisp sound, the water light around Long Zhuyong's body was broken inch by inch.


The dragon master screamed in pain, and turned around and fled desperately. It always thought that the flame was its nemesis, but I didn't expect the light to be more than the flame!

"A broken dragon master dares to be arrogant~"

Dongfang's whole body shone with light, and he roared, "Wouldn't you be hitting me in the face if you leave now?"

Dongfang rushed to the front of Long Zhuyong with the light, raised his fist and slammed it down, Long Zhuyong quickly raised his dragon claws to resist, but unfortunately Dongfang's fist was invisible, and Long Zhuyong's dragon claws could not stop it at all.


Dongfang punched the dragon's body with a punch. After a few breaths, the dragon's body was heavily cracked, and the dragon's blood was flowing.

Don't look at Dongfang's pressure on Long Zhuyong, making him suspect Long Sheng, but in fact, Wenqu is more majestic than Dongfang!

Seeing Dongfangji's tacit attack on Long Zhuyong, Wen Qu was overjoyed. He knew that he was very tight. The Kunwu Sword in his hand was the innate nemesis of the dragon phase. Long Xiang, so Dongfang and Wen Qu were in the wrong place, Wen Qu also roared, and the Kunwu Sword then dropped, shouting: "Evil Dragon, that fate is coming!"

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Long Xiang watched the Kunwu Sword set off a wave of air, and the nearby dragons all surrendered. It also roared up to the sky, grabbed the dragon's claws, and the dragon vessel that was like a jade plate spun and flew out.

There are still heavy dragon patterns on the dragon ware, and the dragon pattern shone with water, madly absorbing the dragon from all around, and the dragon shapes roared and flew out of the dragon ware. As these dragon shapes rushed out, it looked chaotic. Orderly space blades condensed from the dragon-shaped scales.


The Kunwu Sword is still as imposing as it is, without any extra fancy. Where it falls, only the outline of the giant peak is looming in the golden light.


The Kunwu sword fell, and it hit the complete water-light dragon shape. A small sound of "Keng Keng Keng ~" sounded in the impact of the dragon shape. Those water lights like flying swords hit the mountain shape and were extremely shattered.


When Long Xiang saw this, he took a breath of cold air again. The water light, which can easily tear apart the dragon body and soul of the nine-level Zi Yaoluo dragon, is now hitting the shadow of the Kunwu Sword, just like an ant shaking a mountain. just makes it hard to believe his eyes.

However, in addition to being shocked, there was more greed in Long Xiang's eyes.

"This... is the real imperial weapon. What Wanyu Dragon Seal is just a symbol. With this Kunwu sword, I can split Ao Sheng!"

While the dragon was dreaming, the power of the Kunwu Sword's counterattack arrived. "Puff pu pu~" above the dragon weapon, the soaring dragons shattered and wailed and disappeared in Mi Xing.

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