Revival of the Gods

Chapter 509: Strange rock

Xiaoyinguo lived up to expectations. Xiaojin was just looking back and looking for Xiaohua’s performance twice. It had already flown back. On the other hand, he jumped on Xiaohua’s shoulder. On the other hand, he talked with Xiao Hua, and he saw Xiaojin’s eyes. It’s awful, it doesn’t know when you can get Xiaohua’s love with Xiaoyin!

Xiaojin is extremely easy to satisfy. Looking at Xiao Huachong, he smiled slightly and immediately shook his head and flew to the mountain. "Xiaojin, Xiaojin..." Xiaoyin finished, hurriedly twisted the small tail, flew over and laughed. "I will go with you..."

"Nothing, nothing..." Xiaojin said quickly, "You stay with the lord..."

"I am going to..." Xiao Hua actually heard the thick and thick from the small gold tone, he couldn't help but confess, "Is it difficult for me to make a black bear?"

Taking advantage of Xiaojin and Xiaoyin, Xiaohua took the mountain rock that had been picked before. But see these mountains and rocks in the form of bronze, which is covered with large and small particles. These particles have some luster. Although the gloss is small, it is very embarrassing. It looks like some stars are scattered all over it. There are long and short wave marks between the particles, as well as some light and dark shadows. This light shadow is different from the gloss inside the grain, and there is a faint flash of the rune. Rune to Jane is Xiaohua’s unprecedented.

Hesitated for a moment, Xiao Hua will release the thoughts. The thoughts fell on the particles, and there was another feeling in the inside. There were hundreds of thousands of particles on the rock, and there seemed to be thousands of spaces.

Xiao Hua feels the magic of the fairyland, and secretly: "The fluctuation of the space law falls on it, or it is blocked or absorbed by the space. It is no wonder that this mountain can block the frenzy of space fluctuations!"

"Absorption?" Xiao Hua suddenly shocked, as if thinking of something, the thoughts fell toward one of the particles. However, the material of the mountain rock is very strange, not to mention that day and night are under the impact of the fluctuation of the space law, it seems to be tempered, Xiao Hua's thoughts can not penetrate.

However, this is hard to beat Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua heart and a roll, with the mountain rock into the space. That Yuhua Xiaohua squinted at the granules on the rock, and the face of the face was suddenly revealed.

But see this granule, although shaped like a water droplet, but inside it is a six-sided shape if the hive. The most bizarre thing is that there are six sides in the six-sided shape. This one has a six-sided honeycomb with three hundred and sixty-five! The innermost one is a bronze-colored six-sided crystal standing in the center!

This six-sided crystal is not static, but a slow rotation. There are six weak space laws between the rotations.

What does Yuhua want to say, but I don’t know what to say, but he can only feel the magic of creation!

The mind took out of the space, Xiao Hua took the stone in his hand and secretly thought about how to sacrifice the crystal. He had previously wanted to sacrifice the simple star array, and then sealed the space law wave into the starry array, but he lacked the sacrifice. The material, now with material, he naturally has to think about how to temper this rock.

It is natural to use the five-color fire to temper the mountain rock, but Xiao Hua does not dare to control the five-color fire in this scorpion. He only makes finger movements, and the tempering material of the fairy, the tempered heat, etc. are all passed through in the heart. This is reassuring.

Xiao Hua estimates that his star array can support the impact of more than a dozen space frenzy, but he still looked at his strength. As the crack on the crystal lattice increases, the star array will not look more, waiting for thirteen times. After passing the blue light of the wind, Xiao Hua did not dare to stay longer. He only sent the small silver, and he led himself out of the air.

Out of Xiaohua’s surprise, Xiaoyin flew in the original direction for a while, actually stopped, and was very careful in his heart: “Mother’s mother, this road is blocked! However, the baby swears, here before Can definitely go out..."

"Know it!" Xiao Hua stunned and urged, "Since this road is unreasonable, take the other roads, but let's hurry up."

"Yes, the mother-in-law's mother-in-law!" Xiaoyin heard Xiaohua's tone a little anxious, did not dare to say more, hurriedly promised the same side, the side is swaying around, while the side is rolling a small tail mammoth!

"Here... here..." Xiaoyin spent a short time on the side of a mountain, and hurriedly rejoiced, "Mother's mother, here..."

Xiao Huafei will come over, and sure enough, I will see some blue light shining there!

"Fast!" Xiao Hua heard the movement of the space law behind him has a movement, and here Qingguang has begun to accumulate, knowing that a new round of space is about to begin, he hurriedly urged the body to fall into the position of the Qingguang, but Seeing the blue light flashing like a fireworks in front of the eyes, I immediately felt that there was a wind and bones blowing in, and Xiao Hua was prepared. He raised his hand and once again raised the celestial mirror, and Xianli urged the room to clear the light. Hua hooded! However, this clear light can not block the wind blowing in, Xiao Hua is not busy, methodically and successively into the crystal of the star array into the clear light of the mirror!

"Oh..." As the crystal characters of the stars of the stars fall one by one, the mirrors of the sky are sobbing, and the clear light is also flashing rapidly, as if it is overwhelmed.

Xiao Hua bites his lips, carefully controls the crystal characters, and strives to accurately fall into the clear light. While waiting for thirty-six crystal characters to enter, with Xiaohua's big hand grabbing, "hey..." are all star-studded by Xiao Hua in the clear light of the mirror!

"Good!" Xiao Hua sighed and urged the celestial mirror to fly into the blue light with the starry array!

"Oh..." As the Stars array couldn't stop the law of the wind, the crystal lattice began to produce more cracks. Xiao Huabian released the case of thirty-six crystal characters, and the left hand was raised to prepare for the battle armor.

Xiao Hua caught his elbows, but the small silver in front of his head was full of ease. It was left and right, and there were some inexplicable silver lights that flashed from time to time. The blue light fell on it and it was shattered with silver.

"Hey..." In the middle of the flight, all the crystal characters of the star array are broken! There are flaws in the all-star array, and there is a glaucoma infiltrated immediately. This blue-lighted blade is smashed into Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua was shocked and raised his hand in a hurry. Before the wind blade, "brush..." a space law waved out, and when it collided with the wind blade, it turned into several layers of space.

The wind blade fell into the space debris, and the debris was annihilated at the same time as the debris shattered.

Still waiting for Xiao Hua to breathe a sigh of relief, "Hey..." Several glare turns infiltrated! Then, the two crystal characters of "啪啪" are broken at the same time!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua whispered quietly, this is the blessing of no match, not alone!

In Xiaohua's preparation for the war, when he resisted flying, Xiaoyin called: "Mother's mother, there is a shelter from the front, or let's go and avoid it for a while?"

"Good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and cried, "Get ahead!"

Said, Xiao Hua shot a beast, the "brush" battle armor illusion, "呜呜" similar to the sound of the wind and the sound of the beast swallowed from the left wrist, then a cluster of pale blue luster from the beast Swallowing bloom, the animal head is getting bigger and bigger in the blue light, "Hey..." The animal's head snorted, and the armor was smashed, and the huge runes spurted out from the mouth of the beast and fell to the armor. At the office.

At this point, the wind blade fell, and the armor blue light flashed to easily block the wind blade.

"I am going!" Xiao Hua woke up and cried, "The original beast swallows this effect!"

"Hey..." With Xiaohua's scream, the crystal characters of the stars are broken one after another, and the influx of blue light is getting more and more.

"Oh..." The animal head screamed again and again, the voice gradually weakened, and the blue light on the armor became more and more bleak!

Fortunately, before the annihilation of the glaucoma, Xiaoyin led Xiao Hua to a bulge with a eagle's mouth. Before the small silver was drilled in the bulge, it disappeared. Xiao Hua flew down to see a bronzed shaded hole.

Xiao Hua has no choice. He urges his body shape and rushes into the hole before the animal head retracts into the beast!

"I am lucky..." Xiao Hua was not able to explore the location of the body. The hand will only have a dozen or so crystals left. These crystal characters are in the moment of touching Xiao Hua’s big hand. The "噗噗" are broken, Xiao Hua sighs. It is.

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Temporary security, Xiao Hua is estimated to be a character...

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