Revival of the Gods

Chapter 559: Bloody Guanyin

"Oh..." The weird wind whistle, and even the thunder was born in the whole space, scaring the night spirits who swallowed the celestial bodies and shrinking their necks, and abandoned the delicious food, "嗖嗖嗖..." The clouds rolled up under your feet!

"Oh..." At the same time, in the darkness of the darkness, there is also a louder sound of the beast. Not to mention a little bit of brilliance, like a star, rushing out from everywhere, against the alien spirits of the night spirits, apparently some of the fairy tales in the experience of the gold.

The whole night spirit world is dark and surging, almost like the sky, where are these immortals can resist? If the boat is bumping and undulating in the wind and waves, it seems that the situation is critical.

"Booming and banging..." Suddenly, countless stars slid like pillars. The power of these stars tore the void and fall into the darkness of the night spirit.

The black is lit and the vitality is obvious!

Then, the light and the darkness began to fight, and a hurricane swayed like a hand of heaven and earth in the entire space. The big hands are passing, the night spirits are being beaten! The immortal people who are experienced are very pleasantly surprised. Because of the thunder of "Rumble, rumbling...", the fairy spirits of the fairy world are born like water, like the rain to moisten their fairy bodies. They are almost unthinking to promote the magical powers. The hurricane and the dark escape!

Night spirit world... What happened in the end? ? ?

And said that Zhuang Yu will pick up the Qingbei, a breath of light will cover Xiao Hua, this light wheel is divided into gold and red and the magic ban seen by Xiao Hua in Yuhongshan is almost the same, but the light wheel How strong is the breath on the top?

The light wheel rotates, and a brilliance of golden light and blood red is scattered on Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua is unable to struggle, and his body shape can not help but fall into the **** chain with the colorful light wheel!

Seeing a series of blood-colored chains suddenly rose, and if the mountains traversed, Xiao Hua knew that his body shape was rapidly shrinking, and under his body, the blood and gold had already condensed into a whirlpool, and the sound of heartbeat was beaten in Xiaohua’s heart. !

Xiao Hua saw the magic ban of Yuhongshan and knew that the magic ban was powerful. Seeing this, he didn't know where his body was, and the immortals who died in the rain and the mountains in Yuhongshan were to be deprived of biochemistry.

"Not good!" Xiao Hua soul flew out of the sky, and hurriedly urged Xianli to escape.

It is a pity that the space around Xiaohua was imprisoned. It is said that it is Xianli, that is, the soul force cannot be motivated.

"Damn!" Xiao Hua looked at the texture on the blood-colored chain and turned it into a huge pattern. The pattern can actually see the blood-colored Buddha statue. This blood-colored Buddha statue is similar to the magical power that was promoted before the death, and each of these Buddha statues The faces are all with a weird smile!

Xiao Hua had the South without the great compassion and the pessimistic Bodhisattva Buddha fruit. Seeing such a strange blood-colored Buddha statue, an inexplicable horror was born from his heart. Then he immediately thought of the **** monument of the Seven Spirits! The blood monument is normal. When it comes to Xiaohua Space, it also reveals the **** golden essays. Then the crazy Jin Yuwen followed the weird blood-colored Buddha statues that Xiao Hua had never seen.

Therefore, Xiao Hua’s a little bit of thought, rushing to the heart of a **** monument!

"Boom..." The **** monument reveals that the **** Buddha statues on the huge pattern suddenly opened their eyes. The appearance of the blood-colored Buddha statues is blurred, but as the eyes open, the blood color condenses and condenses, and a look that Xiaohua dreams unexpectedly reveals. come out!

There is no big compassion and pessimism in the south! ! !

This South has no big compassion and pessimism. The Bodhisattva is a female, with thousands of hands and thousands of eyes, and the treasure is solemn. However, what makes Xiao Hua’s heart horrified is that the Guanyin Bodhisattva opened its eyes, only blood red One piece, and Xiao Hua’s treacherous eyes are in the eyes of the Buddha statue. “Boom...” The image of the blood sea bones was born in his mind!

"This... how is this possible?" Xiao Hua was almost screaming.

Not waiting for the sound of Xiao Hua’s screaming, the blood of the “Boom” blood monument is superb, and the **** golden plaque that was previously revealed in the void is mad.

Those Jin Yuwen tumbling on the blood monument, "呜呜..." 掀 飓 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 碑 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南!

"There is no big compassion and pessimism in the south..."

"There is no big compassion and pessimism in the south..."

A singer sang, the Buddha image on the pattern narrowed down, and then "brushed" a chain to break through and fell out onto the blood monument. "Boom..." In the **** roar, another ghost chain tumbling was born,"哗啦啦" The sound of the chain, the blood of the blood flying out of the "bang" sounds the golden light and blood color intertwined light wheel!

"Good!" Xiao Hua screamed, temporarily convulsed his heart and surprised, urging his body shape to fly out after the blood monument!

Light and shadow change, blood and golden light are picturesque, everything is as bright as fireworks, Xiaohua is dizzy! Xiao Hua hurriedly closed his eyes, but the light and shadow were still clearly printed in his mind, the golden bamboo, the **** ocean, the white bones of the mountains, the red dust like smoke, the illusion of a scene like Xiaoqian world hitting Xiao Hua’s mind!

Xiao Hua insisted on gnashing his teeth and urging the seven spirits to resist the impact.

Or in an instant, or a few hours, Xiao Hua feels that the whole body is light, all the illusions are turned into golden light and **** silk through the dark, "Boom..." a loud noise, everything is condensed into a broken blood lotus The lotus appeared in front of Xiao Hua!

"You??" Xiao Hua still can't wait to see everything in front of him. He heard a sudden and unusual voice from Changyang. "How can you get here?"

Xiao Hua heard it, there was no hesitation at all, and Yangsheng would sacrifice it to Sendai!

At the place where Xianli was urging, the huge Thunder light and flash of "Banglong" flashed, and there were countless leis from the left and the bottom of the sky. Xiaohua’s soul swept away, raising his hand and pointing out, 斩 Sendai crazy!

"Damn!" Changyang whispered, "呜呜" and then there was a sound of the whistling sound, Xiao Hua saw countless blood-colored chains emptied out to meet his own Sendai!

"Booming and banging..." Thunder fell like a tide, and the chains were flowing like a hundred gongs. The winds roared in the air, and Xiaohua’s body could not stand, as the waves swelled!

Until here, Xiao Hua only saw clearly that this is a **** space, and the edges of the space are all over the chain. This chain is similar to the law chain of Confucianism. There are unspeakable imprisonment and majesty in the slow swimming. Chains, such as the squad, not only close the space, but also isolate the spirits!

However, today's space is somewhat damaged. In one place in Changyang's space, a huge gap is torn! This gap seems to be pierced, and Changyang’s head and dozens of chains under the feet dance like silk.

The light wheel of the golden light and the **** color is coming out from here!

The light wheel has disappeared, and the body that Changyang can hardly form is dancing with his hands. The dozens of chains will be blocked by the blood when they rush into the air.

However, on the Xiantai stage, the Thunder, such as Xiao Hua, fell anger, not only will the blood on the chain be broken, but also the **** glory of the drive chain of Changyang!

Xiao Hua’s gaze glanced at Changyang, and immediately passed from him to the top of his head. A **** ball was slowly rotating. The chain that blocked the space flew out of the **** sphere. !

The **** spheroid is on the side of the notch, and the spheroidal rotation between Xiaohua can be clearly seen, and the traces of one passing through remain!

As for the blood monument that Xiao Hua sacrificed, I don’t know when it has fallen into the spheroidal sky, and there are more chains on the **** globular ball on it!

"Blood... **** lotus?" Xiao Hua looked at the **** ball, thoughtfully, "Is it... this is the **** lotus that I just saw?"

Changyang apparently did not notice the blood monument ~ ~ he is angered by the urge to block the chain against Sendai!

Xiao Hua naturally does not know the origin of Changyang, but he remembers that when he used Tengjiao to cut the chain, Changyang once said that he would also taste the feeling of being imprisoned, that is to say, this place is where Changyang was imprisoned. !

However, Xiao Hua does not intend to ask why Changyang was imprisoned, because this is too dangerous!

Therefore, after seeing the spheroidal shape of the blood, Xiao Hua immediately urged the mustard coagulation, and it was like a mountain to Changyang! "Ah..." Changyang screamed, and the body of blood and black condensate suddenly fell short. Obviously his **** was weak and could not resist Xiao Hua’s thoughts!

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Bloody Guanyin Bodhisattva, this... Why? What happened to the former Guanyin Bodhisattva?

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