Revival of the Gods

Chapter 708: Small Zhou Tianxing

And such a quirky rune in this leisurely break into Xiao Hua’s mind, isn’t it just the inexplicable symbol that has just been revealed on Wan Xian’s record?

Thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua’s mind immediately broke into the space and sacrificed Wan Xianlu!

Wan Xian recorded a faint cry crying and screaming again, and the rune that suppressed the Wan Xianlu with this voice also emerged!

"But it!" Yuhua Xiaohua smiled and said, "This is the sign!"

Immediately, Yuhua raised his hand a little, and the rune illusion floated up. In front of Yuxi Xiaohua’s eyes, it was rotated, and the side was dismantled...

Other immortals have been invaluable, but in the eyes of Yuxi Xiaohua, it is just a small path. So after dozens of yuan, Yuhua Xiaohua has written down the entire rune and took it out of the space. .

Although Master Xuan Lin saw that Xiao Hua had begun to try, he did not know that the realization of Xiao Hua in the dozens of dollars was far more than the experience of the 10th century.

"The method of rituals in this rune is complicated..." Xiao Hua’s hands spurred Xianli slightly, measuring the time spent on the entire rune ritual. Under this test, Xiao Hua was slightly disappointed. It takes hundreds of dollars to sacrifice, and this carries the material of this rune? I am afraid that I will use the bone column! Xiaomou has five colors of fire, but the bones of refining are three or fifty yuan. ... The selection is over and the sacrifice is not useful. What can we do?"

Xiao Hua was in a dilemma, and Master Xuan Lin also took a look, because more immortals sacrificed their charms and raised their hands.

Master Xuan Lin has just sealed seven symbols, and the immortals who sacrificed these seven symbols are also in front of the previous rankings. Therefore, Master Xuan Lin has commented a little, and the time has passed more than half a day. The inexplicable vibration suddenly came from a distant space, and Master Xuanlin had to look up and look at it.

But seeing the space where the three hundred and seventy-two are located, a star-shaped band rushes out of the sky, and it is extremely mysteriously intertwined, condensed, and fused in the air...

"This... is this?" Mo said that the master of Xuan Lin changed color, even if it was An Zhen, he suddenly remembered something and lost his voice. "Is this a stagnation?? My God, this... this leaking fairy actually Dare to sacrifice the stars to participate! He...he is too daring?"

"This child is very daring..." Master Xuan Lin took a deep breath. "You didn't see him using the ingot to sculpt. Didn't the danger of Lu Hao appear when the rune was condensed?"

"Master Xuanlin..." An Zhen shook his head slightly and said, "The younger generation thinks that this son is too deep. The younger generation is in the past few years of Liu Bize. He has never heard of his name. He could not hide it before. Suddenly appeared, obviously he has been planning for a long time, these younger generations are not happy..."

"Oh?" Master Xuan Lin didn't know about these things. He browed and looked at An Zhendao. "So you have an excellent impression of Lu Hao?"

"No..." An Zhen hurriedly waved his hand, but said two words, and laughed again. "Forget it, the younger generation is not concealing. The younger generation did have a good impression on Lu Hao. After he lost the previous time, there was no less to follow. League please ask!"

"Haha, this is right!" Master Xuan Lin said with a smile. "You and I are ordinary immortals. It is no strange that there are individual preferences. If the same conditions, choose the immortal you like to enter me." That is normal again. but!"

"Boom..." With the laughter of Master Xuan Lin, the small star in front of the state Xiaoming, the roar of the roaring sound into a hundred and eight pieces like a knotted into an oval crystal ball!

"Oh..." A few crisp sounds, a heavy star pattern on the crystal ball gushes like a cloud, then converges and condenses into a nebula symbol!

"Well..." Looking at the state Xiaoming's knees and sitting down to adjust the interest, An Zhen smiled. "It's okay to be a small Zhou Tianxing, otherwise the other immortals can't compare!"

"He is just a missed fairy, this is already very good!" Master Xuan Lin replied, "If he can really sacrifice the big Zhoutianxing, the old man can't believe it..."

Said, Master Xuan Lin couldn't help but look at Xiaohua. At this time, Xiao Hua has stopped the arms that fluttered indiscriminately, and looked at the virtual character, and took out the three characters of the paper, the jade piece and the crystal block. Use your finger to point it up.

An Zhen also looked at the eyes of Master Xuan Lin and wondered: "What is Ren Xiaoyao? How do you want to use Fu paper and jade pieces to honour my fairy tales?"

"Hey..." Xiao Hua pointed to the paper, and the paper was turned into a powder. Then he was pointing at the jade piece, and the jade piece was turned into a grain!

While Xiaohua had broken the crystal block, Xuan Lin master did not understand it.

"He is really picking the material of the sacrifice? What kind of runes he wants to sacrifice?"

When Xiao Hua took the jade piece in his hand, An Zhen frowned: "Master, what do you think he wants to use jade pieces to sacrifice?"

"The symbol of the jade ritual often appears in the world..." Master Xuan swayed. "According to the old man's knowledge, the fairy tales can carry very few runes, and it is even less likely to be with Lu Yi, Zhuang Yi and Xiao Ming. Their companions are comparable! However, this jade is a short time to sacrifice, but it can catch up with the last time limit..."

"It's so!" Ann is stunned. "How can Ren Xiaoyao honour a symbol of about three hundred and twenty, or he can't enter the League!"

Master Xuan Lin will have to look again. In the distant state, Xiao Ming raised his hand and gestured: "Master, the Fu of the younger generation has already sacrificed!"

Master Xuan Lin asked with a smile: "Well, your symbol is excellent, the quality should be more than three hundred and thirty, and you have to sacrifice the third symbol?"

"The younger generation is no longer!" Xiaoxiao smiled and his face was full of generosity.

"You are rested..." Xuan Lin masters seal the state's Xiao Ming's Fu Yan, and said that he will add another three hundred after the third 372 on the list!

"It’s really a dragon and a tiger!" On the list, the numbers behind the 107, 372, and 1 are all three hundred. The emotions of the celestial beings are inexplicably ignited, pointing one by one. I screamed, "I think Lu Hao definitely won the red brocade. You see, his soil is the same as that of the state Xiaoming. The last one is that he uses gold foil, and the state Xiao Ming uses crystal. Block, obviously a high-order symbol..."

"Not necessarily embarrassed..." Another fairy said, "I think Zhuang is too powerful! You just didn't see it? He was the first to succeed, and the rituals of the rituals are very good. I almost lost my hand like Lu Hao?"

"You are all wrong!" quite a sharp voice shouted, "We are the first name of the dragon people's state Xiaoming, do you know what is called a big sound? The state Xiaoming sacrifices the fairy, although using the crystal, but he The technique is outstanding. Didn't you see that the crystal lattice finally turned into a star? How powerful?"

"The technique is outstanding? The fairy brother said this, as if he is the master of Xuan Lin..."

Listening to the noise of the crowd, Li Moi and Bai Xiaotu looked at each other. No one spoke. Xiaohua’s "Twenty-seven" was already drowned in the bottom, and almost no one looked at it.

On the contrary, it should be the most excited court. At this time, quietly standing under the light curtain, squinting, do not know what to think.

"The old man moved..." Zhao Ting suddenly awakened the voice.

Li Moi's eyelid jumped and hurriedly looked at it. Sure enough, Xiao Hua’s mouth spewed five colors of fire and began to sacrifice jade.

"What does Master do?" Li Moi couldn't figure out what Xiao Hua was doing. He knew more than Bai Xiaotu. "This jade piece is used by the real world. How can it carry the fairyland?"

Look at Xiao Hua again, but it is a jade piece that has been honoured for a foot and has stopped. Then he closes his eyes slightly, and Ren Yu liquid floats in the air. After about half a column of incense, Xiao Hua began to try to hand in the fairy 诀 诀 into the jade liquid!

The sound of "Peng", Xianyu just fell into the jade liquid, and the jade liquid has already exploded!

The sound is not big, except for Li Moi, Bai Xiaotu, Zhao Ting, but also the eyes of Xuan Lin’s master.

Xiao Hua looked like this. It seems that this was within his expectation. He kept his hands and took some jade pieces to start condensing, but this time he condensed the jade pieces less...

On the next tenth day, the immortals who had finished the rituals appeared together, and the masters of Xuanlin gave a little comment one by one, and sealed the plaques. After waiting for a while, four immortals chose to sacrifice the third symbol, so On Xiaohua, the six immortals began to sacrifice the third symbol.

After more than 20 yuan, the last selected fairy will also finish the second Fuxi. After a simple review by Xuanlin, look at Xiaohua and other ten immortals who started the third round of rituals. Shen Shen said: "Zhu Xian, Fudao League's second round of selection has ended. Three hundred and fifty one immortals have completed the Fuxi, except for the ten immortals who continue to sacrifice the third symbol. The other three hundred and forty-one immortals choose to give up. According to the order of the completion of the symbol, simply commented on At this time, the old man began to judge the quality of the final symbol..."

The sound of Master Xuan Lin sounded, whether on or off the court, all the immortals were holding their breath and waiting for the final result.

In the silent light and shadow, Master Xuan Lin went on to say: "But before the judgement, the old man first closed the ten immortal spaces that were still cultivating the third symbol, saving the sacrifices that affected them!"

"Master..." Zhuang Wei has stood up and raised his voice. "It doesn't matter if the closure is not closed. They are no threat to them..."

"Ha ha..." Some immortals knew that Zhuang Yi would open their mouths. No one would have thought that Zhuang Yi’s opening would hurt people!

"Oh..." With the sound of Zhuang Wei landing, a crystal block that is being quenched burst! Obviously it was the immortal who heard Zhuang’s words!

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The state Xiaoming is amazing, Xiao Zhou Tianxing participates in the sign, what is the origin, how is the Qixia Shuojinfu?

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