Revival of the Gods

Chapter 919: Dou Xian

"Yes, Master!" State Xiaoming stopped the flying boat and promised to fly out. Xiao Hua whispered, "If the old man is expected to be good, this fairy has a palm-like law, and the common fairy will Be restrained by the blue light, you take the nebula, the power of the moon and the moon should be able to withstand the blue light!"

The state’s Xiao Ming’s eyes are smashing, and the voice said: “The disciple understands!”

As he said, the state Xiao Ming shot his own door, "Boom..." and the nebula flew out. The nebula looks unremarkable, even if the state Xiaoming raises his hand, there is a starlight on the nebula and the state will protect the state Xiaoming, and the car's eyes can't help but show disappointment!

"Che Xianyou..." Xiao Xiangzi didn't think much about the car. He stared at the man-shaped fairy, and hurriedly shouted, "Since there is only one fairy, you and I join forces with the state fairy, and destroy this fairy. Let's talk about it! There are Xiao predecessors in the left and right, I am not afraid to be attacked by other immortals!"

"Where is it!" Chexiong nodded, and he took a look at the eyebrows, and the sound of "铿" was loud, and a golden light flew out. If the sword of the scimitar broke out, it hit the right arm of Xianyu!

The car was moving, and Xiang Xiangzi naturally did not dare to neglect. His figure was swaying, and a golden light and shadow appeared on the surface of the body. A fairy like a tiger-like lion flew out. This fairy was born with a fist-sized head. Flames, the flames swam around the shape of the Xiangxiangzi, and the fighting robes in a moment will protect the Xiangzi.

"Hit..." Xiao Xiangzi whispered, and the Xuanlong tooth flew out of the hand. This Xuanlong tooth was different before. The Xiangxiangzi Xianli urged the place, and the heavy dragons came out of the body, turning into a number of black dragons and fluttering toward the humanoid fairy eyebrows!

"Hey..." The human figure smirked, as if the two men were attacked, the right hand was raised, and the ten-year-old cyan light fell off the hand, and the glaucoma was densely striated, one by one. In the shape of the flashing, the blue light block in front of the car male golden flying sword, "噗..." a loud noise, that Jianguang has already worn the glaucoma hole!

However, Che Xiong’s face did not produce a happy color. Instead, he hurriedly changed his sword, and Jianguang suddenly retracted. Sure enough, Jianguang had just pierced the blue light, and the Qingguang immediately made a big and small bamboo-like shape. This bamboo-like blue light was out, and the golden sword light was not sharp at the time. It turned into a heavy epee-like virtual shadow and stagnated in the green. Within the light!

"Damn!" Chexiong knows that this is a human figure, and he has no way to do it. He can only send a sword to the sword. The sword is broken on the scimitar. Where. The scimitar passed, the shadow of the knife was like a wave, and there was a black and white texture between the knife and shadow. The unspeakable sound of the whistle also came out from the knife shadow!

At the same time, several black dragons of the Xiaoxiangzi Xuanlong tooth will also come over, and the humanoid fairy skull will be blocked around!

"Oh..." The face of the humanoid fairy smashed a black hole suddenly, and a sharp voice came out of the black hole. "Is this a trick? Do you think I have no brain? I have been cut off by you. How can it be done again?"

During the speech, "Booming..." The human skull and the chest suddenly burst between the skull and the chest. Two small human figures flew out from the inside. Both of these figures were surrounded by hands, and a book-like blue light was taken. Between the hands!

"Hey..." Chexiong's scimitar, the black dragon of Xiaoxiangzi fell into the book-like blue light at the same time, the blue light flashed, the black dragon turned into a dragon pattern scattered, and the scimitar disappeared in the air.

Miao Xiangzi and Chexiong had expected this result, and they rushed to pick up another magical power. However, at this time, the sudden change occurred, and the "bombing..." was two muffled sounds. The arm, the electric light and the flint hit the two eyes!

Xiaoxiangzi and Chexiong’s face changed greatly. When they were fighting with Xianxie, Xianyu had never had such a powerful means. How could this be awesome?

The two arms of the fairy scorpion seem to be different from the previous ones. The inner middle is very solid, and there is a sharp whistling sound in the gap. Xiaoxiangzi and Chexiong have no doubt, if their own eyebrows are covered by this arm. Hit, the fairy marks must be broken.

There was no hesitation at all. The shadows of Min Xiangzi and Che Xiong’s eyebrows were unconsciously opened, and two silver lights broke through and hit the two arms. If it is the ordinary fairy, the silver light will be broken and crushed, but the arm of the fairy is different. When the silver light is touched, the silver light is pierced by the arm, but the spiral is like a spiral. Snake-like entanglement, the speed of the two people spread within the fairy mark, the blue light every inch of the two-person fairy silver light will annihilate an inch!

"Ah!" Xiao Xiangzi and the car spirits screamed out of the sky, and the two really couldn’t think of this fairy singer entering the country so big! Just a few breaths, two people fall into danger!

"Booming and banging..." At this time, the sound of the heads of the two people, the roar of the roar, a nebula flashing electric light, the nebula falling is the arm of the humanoid fairy, the flash of the starlight flashes rapidly , still illusion of large and small bamboo festivals.

"Oh..." The nebula fell and fell, and many bamboo festivals were crushed. The blue light that hit the Xiangxiangzi and Chexiongxian marks disappeared. The nebula is not declining, and the "bang" is loud, once again hitting the two arms, and the life will break the arm!

"Good!" Chexiong couldn't help but scream, he couldn't close the fairy mark, his right hand slammed, his right arm morphed with a curved knife, and slammed the arm in front of him!

"Oh..." The power of the stars and moons of the nebula will suppress the palm of the hand on the arm of the fairy, and the scimitar of the car is easy to break the arm of the fairy.

Although the car sees the plane fast, the Xiangxiangzi does not let it lightly. When the mouth is between the mouth, a flame is ejected. The flame-like lion-like beast head condenses out, and the scream of "吼" rushes to another arm. This arm burned up when it was on the flame. The sound of "咔嚓嚓", the arm was broken like a glass in the flame, and the flame still morphed into the human figure, and it was fierce!

"Good!" Seeing this, Xiaoxiangzi couldn't help but laugh. The humanity of the fairy tales is the most taboo. As long as the state's nebula is able to withstand the blue light, they hope to kill the scorpion. increase!

The humanoid fairy scorpion's arms are broken, and the sound of "唧唧..." is immediately sounded, which sounds very bleak, as if it is painful!

"Kill..." State Xiaoming whispered, his right hand lifted, and the nebula stunned and slanted toward the human form.

"Hey..." The human figure is in a hurry, and there is a big mouth in the scream. "Boom..." Countless blood-colored gravel condenses into a blocky fall!

"Oh..." The falling of the gravel does not stop the nebula from halving, but the rustling spots left behind by the rubble will erode the starlight of the nebula!

"Damn!" State Xiaoming just sang the nebula, seeing the starlight being corroded, and naturally distressed. He whispered and slammed the fairy to recover the nebula. Suddenly he discovered that the auburn spot not only corroded the starlight, but even himself. The connection with the nebula has been isolated a little.

"This... What is this fairy?" The state Xiaoming was really shocked and hurriedly shouted, "Two fairy friends come to help me..."

"Well!" Chexiong responded with a sigh of relief. He was swept back by the sword of the sword, which was previously banned by the blue light. The wave of the scorpion was once again turned to the human figure, and the other part of the scorpion was turned into a streamer. Behind the humanoid fairy, the flames around him will be the head of the beast, with the mysterious tooth fluttering to the fairy...

Xiao Hua did not shoot, he stood in the air with his eyes open, while watching the state Xiaoming, Xiaoxiangzi, Chexiong fight with this humanoid fairy, while secretly releasing the thoughts, guarding the other Xianyu sneak attack by Xiangzi.

However, after a bag of cigarettes, I saw three people fighting with the fairy stunned, and the fairy cockroaches fell below, there is still no fairy flying, Xiao Hua is not surprised.

He thought for a moment, raised his hand and took a light shot, breaking the sly eyes and opening a slit, waiting for him to look at the fairy, not just stunned!

"This... this fairy... How is it so strange??"

However, within the eyes of the smashing method, the sacred scorpion is not one, but hundreds of thousands of glistening condensed human figures. In this human form, there are two slightly smaller human figures between the chest, abdomen and the right leg. This human form is condensing. What makes Xiaohua surprised is that under the light red ground, a glimmer of blue light flows like a wave of water, and it continues to flow into the humanoid body. It seems to be repairing the humanoid fairy.

Xiao Hua’s practice in the realm of cultivating ~ ~ is also very proficient, but after the immortal world, there is no hunch, especially when he sees the fairy in a few times, using the fairy god, it is very Disgusted, so he did not have the desire to cultivate the immortality of the immortal world, nor did he know what kind of existence of Xianyu!

Now that I see this fairy is so powerful, I have resisted the three missing fairy, and the special repairing technique of Xian Yu, Xiao Hua is somewhat awkward: "Is it not the grassy fairy that is the essence of Xianyu? This humanoid fairy Is it that these grass-like centipedes are condensed, fused, or swallowed? The fairy scorpion that Xiaoxiangzi saw before was actually the two hidden in this genus?"

"The grass-like fairy scorpion should be similar to the grass-like shape of the Yuanzi sacred ritual, and the power of attack is more than enough, but the wit is not enough. It can be seen, and the wisdom is better than the fairy tales of the gods. It’s not too much, that is to say, is this grassy fairy a few smart?”

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua’s big hand caught it at low altitude, “brushing” a few lines of blue light flying out of the sweat and sweat, isn’t it just a few grassy fairy?

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Strange, this is what immortality, it seems that the fairy tales are much more powerful than the fairy tales. Is it the means that Wei Wei left behind?


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